Spy Headquarters : C. Viper General Discussion

HK only tested.
Makoto: (Unblockable)
Ryu, Ken, Bison, E.Ryu, Yun, Yang: (reverse-blockable)

Corner F+throw unblockable (whiff sweep, sj.hk), From original post.
Akuma: (Unblockable)
Ryu, Ken, Makoto, Dan, Yun, Abel, Bison, Cody, Hakan, Yang, E.Ryu, Guile(whiffs if blocked non-crossup): (reverse-blockable)

Works on everyone but you have to adjust the spacing and height of the bk for it to work on some characters like Sagat for example. Other setups that result in that cross-up bk are from her bnb’s, cr.lp, st.lk, cr.mp, sjc bk and st.mp, cr.mp, sjc bk.

I was originally going to make a new thread to post all her unblockables in so it would be organized in one place but then I got lazy and talked myself out of it lol

The mid-screen f+throw unblockable is to inconsistent I honestly cant recreate it at all, every time I block cross-up I’m able to walk out and make it whiff where as before I wasn’t able to move. Also originally when I first tested it HK was also an unblockable on Fei and Honda but when I went to retest it they were both able to walk out and make it whiff and only sakura remained consistent and now I cant even get it to work on her either. I don’t know how I got it to work the first time and I’m pretty sure I’m SJ’ing on the first possible frame cause I’m buffering the SJ during the grab animation.

Since I gave out crap information I’ll share this that was shown to me by **KeFFi, **Apologize KeFFi if you didn’t want me to share this for some reason.

I know what you mean I have a bunch of documents on my computer with random Viper info dating back to Vanilla but I have no idea which documents are for which version of the game since I stopped keeping track of it and now its all in one folder labeled "Viper Stuff’ lol, the document that has my unblockables in it is labeled “fdhsdf” which I totally forgot about until recently when I was looking through my “Viper Stuff” folder saw this document and was like wtf is that lol.

I wouldn’t mind the updates if each version had a longer life span but Vanilla is still my favorite version, we should all go back and just play vanilla…I miss championship mode and that gdlk announcer :frowning:

As gay as that song was you have to admit it was extremely catchy, I used to catch myself humming or just straight up singing it on countless occasions lol.

Your test is without delaying the bk at all? Cause I’m pretty sure you can get it to work on everyone if you delay the bk. The cl.st.lk setup I got to work on alot more characters when I was testing it for uguisudani for the vid he posted of kyabetsu doing it but I had to change the timing of the bk to get it to work on some like sagat which I had to delay it quite a bit.
The only concern I have with that dash up method is that the opponent could whiff a grab which could mess up the setup depending on their animation.
Good stuff though, I’m tempted to test myself.
lmao at the vid title you bastard.

lol that makes no sense whatsoever.

Yeah I noticed that and it actually helped cause the cross-up bk since he leans forward for the whiff animation otherwise the bk wouldn’t have crossed up unless he remained crouching.

You’re just messing up the timing or not charging long enough as you’re just getting a normal hk ground burn kick.

‘Porkloafking’ aka: ‘Wolfkrone’ just disconnected on me in ranked during a match (we had 1 round each) right after he whiffed an Ultra with a bit of health left and therefore was gonna lose…

I didn’t know an actual tourny player let alone “player of the year” cared about losing online PP points so much but meh.

Losing invincibilty of Ex-GroundPound sucks eh, broham? Sucka.

You lose more PP when you disconnect than when you just lose so i’m guessing he’d rather lose 200pp then let you gain any for whatever reason.

Wouldn’t that depend on how much PP the other person has? If they have a really low amount and you have 5000+PP wouldn’t disconnecting cause you to lose less?

XBL points rant below
max PP you can lose in any case is 128, if you quit, you lose max bp (depends on ranked) and max pp possible (128) while they get nothing because you DCd/ragequit.

1-128PP gap gained/lossed is always the same for both players unless you draw game.

how much PP you win/lose depends on the difference between the two players PP (i.e. 1,200 vs. 2,200 is the same as 5200 vs. 6,200).

1pp is lost if you have ~2120pp difference below opponent, but if you won you’d gain 128.
2pp for ~2100 below opponent, 127 if you win.
say 33pp for ~1k, 95 if you win.
and like 64pp if you’re even in pp.

so you can see what you stand to gain vs. what you stand to lose equals 128.

and yes i know i’ve played too much ranked but theres a quick run down on PP

tl;dr if you’re a about to lose where you would’ve lost max bp and pp anyway. ragequitting saves time and you can probably expect some nice hate mail if they cared enough about their points.

Wolfkrone disconnected.

Well I guess this means he’s free, he’s not a respectable player, any of us can body him for free in a tournament and we should all boo him for being a real person instead of a nice, humble respectable guy all the damn time.

The dream is dead.

Nice rant very informative. I used to think you could lose a ridiculous amount of PP against lower ranked players which I’m not gonna lie had me paranoid, I was so scared of running into a guy with 0PP and literally taking all my points lol shit was my worst nightmare.

:rofl: good stuff

porkloafking did the same thing today to me i was whooping his cviper and had just stunned him then connected with my ken ultra 1 for the 2nd win, and his ass went out like a bitch, straight disconnected. what a bitch

No-one ever seems to record these matches where Krone is getting his ass whooped which is odd.

Well the replay doesn’t get saved if someone disconnects mid match so unless you happen to be recording when you run into him no one is ever gonna have proof, he’s considered by many as the best in the US so I don’t see why he would care so much about his xbl ranking when he has a bunch of tournament achievements but who knows maybe he just really enjoys having a lot of points

Sorry if I’m derailing anyone, but I just have a question for those who’ve been playing Viper for awhile. I’ve always had an interest in her (mainly because she’s the only female I find more attractive than Juri) but I watched some replays with her, and Latif do well with her at EVO and I thought ‘Alright, I’m gonna look into this’. And was immediately overwhelmed with her massive execution barrier, and floored by just how many buttons high ranked players were hitting in any given moment. I was primarily a Sagat/Balrog player so the idea of hitting THAT many buttons when I could make do with, like, 3, was certainly a mountainous challenge… So I let her be and now my interest is coming back.

My question is: Once you get a good handle on Viper, is she actually FUN to play? And if so, why?

[quote="Tye@l, post: 6454813, (mainly because she’s the only female I find more attractive than Juri)

Firstly, lol’d

yes, from burning kick trolling to advanced combos, the satisfaction for your execution alone which makes it worth it.

potential enjoyment may also come from:

  • any recieved hatemail/viper whining
  • ridiculous damage off of 1 read
  • successful zoning with seismos is also pretty satisfying

but I’d say if you’re only gunna half ass it don’t bother, there’s a certain learning curve for viper to make it worth it. If you’re willing to get that far, great. and welcome. but if not, don’t fool yourself or waste time on a charatcer who looks flashy and is great to watch but you have no fun playing as them, what’s the point?

and remember, every player likes different styles

Yes she is extremely satisfying to play, Her difficulty and the fact that I get to press so many buttons makes her fun and way more satisfying then other characters since your generally trying harder and putting in more work. I find pretty much all other characters boring cause they’re so simple to play or just straight forward, With Viper you can do whatever you want she’s like a freestyle character with so many options its ridiculous.

The best part about her though is the matches were you get that one hit in and you feel all that momentum rush through you and right there you know the match is over, that for the rest of the round he’s going to be your bitch and your gonna do whatever ever you want. My favorite though is when this happens with seismo zoning where you opponent can’t even touch you or even get near you at that and that feeling is just exhilarating, I get quit a big grin on my face just knowing they’re doing everything they can to accomplish the simple task of touching me once while I hammer away at their health.

Does pretty much everything in the viper guide to everything still apply to 2012?

Yes,She’s pretty much identical from ssf4

She’s pretty much the same, She only got damage nerfs, Ex.Seismo lost grab invulnerability, and HP.TK gained grab invulnerability so the guide is still applies to 2012 Viper