Spider-Man, The Amazing Thread

Preview for Dark Reign The List ASM. Looking pretty good!

ASM #612 was funny as hell, <3 Deadpool. Can’t wait for The Gauntlet to start next week. :rock:

You mean ASM 611. 612 is next week. And yeah hella funny issue, go DP acting like Obama’s calling him. :rofl:

Sorry if I asked this before, but I once saw a page from what I assume is a Spidey comic.
In it Spidey got hold of the Ultimate Nulifier or whatever it was that the F4 used to stop Galactus from consuming Earth, and tells Galactus to GTFO or the Nulifier is activated. Galactus tell Spidey that he does not have the courage or something to use it, but Spidey pushes the button anyway :rofl:
What series/issue is this?

Slott talks about Dark Reign The List Spider-Man -

Guy in Spider-Man outfit gets arrested! :rofl:


I love the comment though. “Should have stayed in New York.”

Pretty cool cover of Spider-Man webbing up the X-Men ha ha! :lovin:


Happy Thanksgiving all! Looking forward to seeing the new Spider-Man balloon in the NY Macy’s Thanksgiving parade! If I can wake up that early lol! Of course after it shows up on TV I’m going back to sleep. Still it’s good to have the Spidey balloon back in the parade. :party:

Didn’t care for the Electro story in Web too much but both Spider-Girl and the Mayor JJJ story made up for it. The third issue of the New Clone Saga was amazing! Nuack drew sooo many Peter Parker clones, by the hundreds! :wow:

Blarg at NBC Parade coverage. The Spider-Man balloon was on for about 40 seconds or less! The Pikachu balloon got mad time. I’m just saying… :rofl: Ah well Happy Turkey Day Web-Heads! :tup:

Anyone read this Spidey CW TPB? I didn’t know this one was published-

I may consider getting it along with Reign and OMD hardcover.
Speaking of which could someone also give me their impression on Spiderman: Reign (non-spoiler of course)?

I read that TPB in single issues. Nothing special. If you’ve read Civil War in ASM and the actual Civil War you can skip it.

I didn’t read Reign. Heard good things about it.

Don’t read OMD… Good dialog but a super editorially mandated outcome and you have to believe things like no one in the Marvel Universe can save Aunt May from A BULLET WOUND… Read only if you’re curious what the hate is about.

Haha, I actually read OMD before, but was unable to purchase the TPB at that time, but I did like the dialog in it. I agree that the inability to cure Aunt May is retarded, but non the less I feel tempted to get it mainly because I liked JMS’ writing.
I’ll consider Reign though.

Finished reading Back in Black TPB yesteryday and it is fantastic; the JMS issues were the main highlight, sadly they got retconned =/. The Peter David issues were 50-50 to me; for one Spidey’ making jokes when he shouldn’t be. Non the less I enjoyed it for the most part :3
I guess I have a tendency to prefer ‘serious’ Spidey over usual joking Spidey :sweat: Kingpin get bitchslapped by Peter was too epic.

JQ hints at MJ… having a baby? :confused:

***Kiel Phegley: Since “Brand New Day” kicked off, there have been a few stated goals for the thrice-monthly “Amazing Spider-Man.” First, it was to reestablish single Peter and inject some new life into the property. Lately, you guys have been exploring a “phase two” with the return of several classic villains through this new “Gauntlet” storyline. Is there a “phase three” for “Brand New Day” on the way, and what would that look like?

JQ: Well, I think it’s pretty obvious that MJ is going to be back, so that’s going to open a whole new can of worms with respect to relationships the characters will have or won’t have. Should I even say the word “baby”? Should I use that word? I’ll just put that out there: Baby. Mary Jane. Baby. Mary Jane with a? yes, baby. I’ll stop there.***

Who will be the father? JJJ’s grandfather? BE AFRAID… BE VERY AFRAID… :sleep:

Source -

EDIT: Oh and Tobey Maguire gets asked about possible Spider-Man 4 villains. We don’t learn anything about Spider-Man 4 but ohs well. :smile:

EDIT #2: Oh and here’s the Spider-Man balloon at the Thanksgiving Day Parade. :tup:

Tobey talks a bit more about Spider-Man on the Tonight Show and a little bit about young Spider-Man fans. :smile:

That Spider-Man and Secret Wars mini starts next week. I hope it doesn’t suck… More Web of Spider-Man though! :tup:

Tobey? Is he, like, your buddy now or something? Huh?

Tell me if he says something about Robotech, though!

Until they get someone better to play Spidey (like anybody) well yeah. :rofl:

I recently started reading Straczynski’s run on ASM and have been enjoying it quite a bit, definitely going to pick up the rest of his AMS run all the way up to OMD.

Started reading Kraven’s Last Hunt and I’m about halfway through it but I’m really losing interest in it the further I go on. Don’t know if I will finish it to be honest. :sweat:

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars mini was alright.

I was kind of thrown by the artwork. The artist seemed to be chanelling the 90s… Instead of the '80s? There were some odditites like She-Hulk was not wearing the blue outfit she had on during Secret Wars but her purple and white one. And Rogue’s Secret Wars outfit did have a hood, but she never pulled it over her head! And her white streak went down the center of her head, not that X-Men movie based white bang they like to draw now. Heck it looked like Bachalo’s Rogue what the… :confused:

Spider-Man had big eyes too (McFarlane, '90s) and Hulk did have a flat top during Secret Wars, okay. But his flat top here made him look like '90s Hulk. Is the artist a MVC2 player because these two characters are ready to go. :wonder:

Maybe the artist believes that Marvel’s sliding time scale puts Secret Wars a lot closer to all of the other costume changes and designs, I dunno… :looney:

I wish it was more like X-Men and Spider-Man where the artist did look at the styles of the characters during the 4 time periods and based it on those. I have no idea what the Spidey / Secret Wars artist was trying to do honestly. Unless, it’s comic book’s usual mentality that “No one read Secret Wars, it’s older than 4 years! We can do whatever we want…”

AAALL that said I did enjoy the story. Doesn’t change much other than updates some of the dialog so it fits with a more modern language of comics. There are bits added here and there where scenes can get inserted.

Much like I felt during the '90s cartoon, I still have no idea why Secret Wars should be told through Spider-Man. But this story is fun and doesn’t look like it will get anyone to change their Wikipedia or Marvel.com entries anytime soon since it doesn’t alter much. As usual I’ll just take it as a fun Spidey tale at best.

Despite my artwork complaints I’ll be back for the next issue. The artwork itself is pretty good, in fact the covers for 1 & 2 are really misleading because the interiors are so much better. I just wish it looked more like a '80s comic instead of '90s one.

The Spider-Girl story in Web of Spider-Man was dope! BTW May without Web-Shooters >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Early BND Spidey without Web-Shooters! :rock:

The rest of the issue wasn’t bad. I was a little grossed out at DeMatteis’ Aunt May and JJJ SR story, mostly because it involved their Honeymoon (ugh, they were getting it on…) and Aunt May was in a bikini. MY EYES! :rofl: Wasn’t a bad story though. :smile:

Sometimes I don’t read ASM very closely, I just don’t find it as enjoyable as USM, and I miss things. So, why does Electro have an impression of his mask on his face? Either way, I’m glad he lost that goofy mask.