Spider-Man, The Amazing Thread

Try checking a library to see if they’ve got the TRADES, BABY. Or do what I do, and just go to Borders or Barnes & Noble and just read their copies all afternoon. If you have to pay for it, I guess you can go to a comic book store or online retailer. Maybe you can con a friend into buying them and just read his copies.

600 came out a few weeks ago but prior to that pretty much everything esle is available in TPBs.

Black Cat’s returning to ASM today. About freaking time. I hope they don’t drop the ball on this one. Joe Kelly’s dialog is always entertaining at least.

And it looks like the Kirby kids want a piece of the Spider-Man pie too thanks to Jack Kirby’s little involvement with the creation of the character. Ludicrous IMHO…

I like the Black Cat story so far. Glad to see her back in ASM. :lovin:

The first 7 pages of 606 we’re brilliant! Amazing has been sooooo good lately. I hope the new monthly will be good too…

I’m not a Spider Man fan, but I did pick up the Pittsburgh Comicon exclusive cover version of Ultimate Comics Spider Man #1, at the con, simply because I dig Con Exclusive comics.

and it was already worth twenty bucks on ebay, the day I bought it.

i thought 606 was a good issue. good to see the black cat back. loved the opening

Can’t wait until the new ASM Clone Saga comic comes out this week! Wow, those are words I’d never thought I’d say… :rofl: Gonna be great seeing Peter and MJ married again in a non Spider-Girl Marvel comic! Hey maybe Baby May will be born in the series too! :lovin: And Aunt May will croak for good just like she did in ASM 400 so ha ha GOOD RIDDENS! :badboy: No marrying JJJ’s father who came out of NOWHERE in this series! :arazz:

On a positive note, I have been enjoying ASM after issue 600 though. I wasn’t crazy about the Chameleon story (I do get that they revamped Chameleon to be a different kind of villain so I’m all for that aspect) but Joe Kelly’s Black Cat issue made up for it. I hope the next arc that follows the Black Cat story is strong. Overall the book has improved a lot in my eyes.

Very informative Macchio interview regarding the original Clone Saga along with the new comic. Can’t wait to get my hands on the new series in a few hours!

Been re-reading JMS’s run. Its mostly really damn awesome.

Yeah I enjoyed most of his run. It had it’s problems, sure. But it was still better than ASM was before he signed on. He really did save Spider-Man’s comic from damn near oblivion. I don’t think JMS was the only person who could’ve done this, but the fact remains that he did.

Have to say I wound up like PAD’s run on Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man a lot more, but JMS did pave the way for a bunch of things that happened in Friendly, or PAD fed on a few things that happened in ASM and developed them further. You really should give FNSM a read.

The newest issue of ASM was alright. Not perfect but okay. Guggenheim is writing the next arc and I just don’t like his take on Spider-Man (love his Wolverine though). This will actually be his last ASM arc. Chances are I’ll pass on it even though it will have some more Ben Reilly craziness… :looney:

Speaking of, the new Clone Saga. WOW! I liked it so much I read it twice! Seems like it’s just Mackie’s plot and DeFalco’s words so THANK GOODNESS! Nuack’s pencils seem a little akward in regards to Spider-Man’s anatomy at some points. I can’t tell if he’s slipping or purposely trying to copy bad 90s anatomy ROFL! It’s minimal though, most of the images look gorgeous! Love the spaghettie webbing and MJ’s big hair HAR HAR! Well her hair’s not quite as big as it was in the old days lol! I wish more Spider-Man comics today had this mix of action, comedy, nostalgia, great art and developing drama. :lovin:

Hella great review for the first issue of the Clone Saga. Howard Mackie posts too LOL! -

JMS and JRjr did a lot to rescue Spider-Man, but I think the unsung heroes of the era are Paul Jenkins and Bucky. The stuff they were did in Peter Parker: Spider-Man wasn’t as high profile for some reason, but it was top quality. It hasn’t been collected as completely as JMS’ run, either.

I thought Howard Mackie was dead?

Nah he’s not dead lol! He was in a podcast a while back with DeFalco on Crawlspace a little while ago. I don’t hate him as much as I used to. Turns out a lot of things I hated for where really editorial’s fault. Go fig.

Well… he’s dead to me.

Ditto on the Scarlet Spider, his Flashdance hoodie, and those ambiguous ankle pouches.

Finally got around to listen to this recent podcast with Weisman and Keaton. Didn’t realize that there was that big of a possibility of the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon not being picked up for a third season. Weisman urges for those who want to see the series to continue to pick up the DVDs and any Spectacular Spider-Man merchandise you can, if possible. He talks about the second season airing in Canada first, Sony giving up the cartoon rights for Spider-Man and the Disney merger. Very interesting.

Part 2 of the above interview is up but I haven’t gotten around to listening to that yet.

Wow wasn’t aware of this until I heard about it in the second Weisman podcast. Seems like he wrote a Radio Play where his Gargoyles meet the Spectacular Spider-Man and at cons some of the actors from both of the shows appear to voice their parts! Cool! Note the characters don’t officially / canonically meet according to Weisman, it’s just for fun. :smile:

Opening- http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=843
Act 1- http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=844
Act 2- http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=845
Final - http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=846

Web of Spider-Man ruled! DeMatteis’ Kane story was tight. Spider-Girl was great as always! Really nice to see McKeever writing for Spider-Man again, but c’mon Marvel he left before because he couldn’t get on the main Spider-Man book. Please hook him up this time or at least put him back on Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, something… Buscema’s daughter’s pencils are cute. :lovin:

We get a preview of the Clone Saga issue 3 but I haven’t even seen issue 2 yet! Ah, just artwork this time. Loving this mini. :lovin:

Oh and speaking of McKeever lol! He’ll write a Spidey ‘What If House of M’ story in December. Not a House of M fan but I might give it a shot because of McKeever. :smile:

hey sano , is Dematteis a regular writer or is this a special/guest shot thing?

And i thought there is only amazing spidey being published 3x month right?