I have an old Marvel Team up issue I believe where Galactus came to Earth and Aunt May became his new Silver Surfer-ish herald, ‘Golden Oldie’ I think she was called… The only thing that could satisfy his hunger was a bootleg version of Hostess Cupcakes! She found a planet that looked like a Twinkie to satisfy Galactus’ hunger. Towards the end of the issue, it turned out to be Peter Parker’s dream, but then it turned out to be the writer’s dream! But yeah they were making fun of those old Hostess ads lol!
So is Peter promoting date rape now? I mean, he left Haley with some dude while she was wasted.
I’m still amazed my tivo missed it…:wonder:
spectacular… spectacular…
The Amazing Obama Man and the Spectacular Spider-Man Episode 14
[details=Spoiler]Everyone in Waid’s story was a douche bag. Aunt May and Robertson dissing Betty Brant? They may have their issues but I can’t see either of them doing something like that. Harry can go either way, remember during Lee / Romita Sr. when he was mad at his roomie Peter Parker just because he was never around ROFL! And why didn’t Peter Parker at least try to take the blame for messing up the party (which is what Peter Parker would typically do, he puts others before himself) instead of fessing up to ‘NO ONE LIKES YOU’ on the spot? And this was written by Mark Waid? It’s things like this along with Jackpot’s reveal that make me scratch my head sometimes.
I did enjoy the two issues before this one where Slott explained how Harry came to life along with the Molten Man. The book is at its best IMHO when Slott deals with older characters. All and all Dan Slott knows Spider-Man a hell of a lot better than everyone else in the brain trust.
And wow what a cameo Stan Lee got in the first episode of this season’s Spectacular! :clapdos:[/details]
Part 1 of a 3 part podcast with Sal Buscema, Tom Defalco, Ron Frenz and others. Stan Lee stops by during this one and is asked about the comic strip. Basically he says that he was having fun with what Quesada did in the comic and that his flashback story with Spider-Man being single will only be for a little while. GO STAN! :clapdos:
Here’s the second part. I can’t recall if it was said in the first part or the second but Defalco said the first entry of Spider-Girl in Spider-Man Family will be 22 pages, beyond that he doesn’t know if it will remain at 22 pages.
Above podcast
Ron Frenz also talks about the Clone Saga, which Sal Buscema worked on in Spectacular. He says that what people didn’t understand is that it went on so long because it sold really well, that’s why it kept going for years. And he also says they got a lot of hate, but compared to the hate Marvel is getting for BND the Clone saga hate was like a picnic.
OH SNAP! That spoiler is one the best things I’ve ever read! And I can’t believe someone in Marvel actually said it!!
So how many years before those Obama variants are worth jack because Marvel printed too freaking many? I hear they are doing 2nd AND 3rd printings.
Yeah Obama will be appearing in Youngblood next. In other news Liefeld is drawing it so no one cares. :lol:
What I want to know is, Obama said he was a fan of Spider-Man and Conan comics. When is he appearing in Conan The Barbarian’s comic book? MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Can’t wait for the Larsen vs Liefeld webfeud.
Joe Casey’s been writing this new iteration of Youngblood. It’s actually really good. I think the Obama story might be a back-up story written and drawn by Liefeld himself, though.
LMAO, Spider-Man/Obama issue is going for over 80 bucks on ebay!
Spider-Man Extra #2 was pretty cool. Bachalo did great work with Anti-Venom, good story too.
Extra #2
Anti-Venom already knows that Mr. Negative is Mr. Li, hey I guess he’s smarter than BND Spidey HA HA!
The second story with Wells involving Wolverine and Spidey was surprisingly very good too. It’s about Spider-Man and Wolverine going into a bar and Spidey can’t unmask himself, so at first you think to yourself “A man this would be a lot better if Wolverine still knew Spider-Man’s identity.” But this fact actually helps the story along and it works itself out. A really cool buddy story between Wolverine, Spider-Man and their friendship. Wasn’t crazy about the art but it wasn’t dreadful or anything.
Oh yeah forgot to mention earlier but the third part of the Buscema / DeFalco / Frenz podcast is up! :clapdos:
That’s why you sell your 1st printing now, so morons pay way too much for something that isn’t that big of a deal in the first place.
So Menace was revealed in ASM #585. Who called it? I mean, besides everyone? :rolleyes:
Well there were only 2 real suspects anyway. :looney:
A Golbin mystery, LOL! I grew up reading the “Who is the Hobgoblin?” storyline. Got to read another Goblin mystery when I re-read Lee/Ditko on the ASM DVD-Rom. Hell I got a Goblin mystery FOR FREE while watching Spectacular Spider-Man on TV last year. No way I was buying this series.
Don’t really like the way Gugg writes Spider-Man anyway. Love JRjr’s pencils but I got my fill during New Ways To Die.
According to spoilers on Newsarama since I didn’t read the issue it was Lily. Wow, what a shock…
Anyway, in Comic Shop News this week they revealed that Marvel will release a Spider-Man 2099 TPB that collects the first 10 issues! A bunch of holes in my collection since I was super broke around the time it came out so I’m pretty happy to read some PAD Spidey again! Fun Fact: PAD created Organic Web Shooters, Spider-Man 2099 was the first to have them ever. GO PAD! :lovin:
The last page of the 1st spider man 2099 looks awesome (for a vampire :bluu:) i think Pad started that premature webulation w/i the 1st 5 too.
So, Bendis has been droppin’ hints that MAYBE Peter will not be Spidey in USM after Ultimatum. Usually, this sort of shit leaves me wary, but this is Bendis’ baby, so I’ll trust him for now. However, I think if anyone should take up the Spidey mantel, it should be:
Seriously. She IS Peter for all intents and purposes. She just, y’know, has boobs. Just tape 'em down in costume, and nobody’s the wiser. It would make a great story. I’ve always thought her concept was a great one, and having her step in would be too much fun. How would she deal with her feelings for MJ? How would Aunt May deal with suddenly having a niece? This is gold. I dunno if it’s his plan or not, but damn it would be fun for a little while anyway, until he could figure out how to get Peter back in costume.
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends action figures, about freaking time! Here’s hoping the series will FINALLY get a proper DVD release soon… Yeah whenever I read Spider-Man comics I always hear Dan Gilvezan’s voice (also Bumblebee on G1 Transformers, sounds exactly the same) in my head since that’s the Spidey I grew up on. SPIDEY FRIENDS, GO FOR IT! :lovin:
Spider-Girl #29 was amazing once again! Norman Osborn! Eddie Brock! Symbiotes! Not to mention the greatest version of a Goblin you’ve ever seen! This series is really going out with a bang. Issue #30 is gonna be epic! :lovin:
Mary Jane is back in the comic strip hooray! :tup: And she still hardly ever shows up in BND. :bluu: