Spider-Man, The Amazing Thread

Check out the site with the Spidey costumes: http://reggieblogged.blogspot.com/2008/07/suit-up.html


:tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup:

Couldn’t of happened to a nicer Spidey fan! :woot:

Good issue all around. Another daughter of an MVC2 character shows up. :lovin: You know, between this and American Dream I’m starting to think that the M2 universe is like “What If Demitri was in Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Midnight Blissed Everybody?” :rofl: The Brand New May stuff is pretty interesting. Can’t wait to see what happens next. :party:

Ha ha, Sano beat me to it. :rofl: I was so freaking delighted when I saw my letter in there! It really helped make a great day even better.

And I concur, ASG #22 was good. Loved everything going on. The cliff hanger at the end was tight. I was like “Oh snap!”

I hope Mayday drops Gene like a brick. Dude is an S-class a-hole. Wes needs to get with Mayday.

For all you spidey fans


Yeah I watched that when I was a kid. He never ever ever EVER fought a super villain, just like the Hulk TV show lol! Ah, memories. :rofl:

The best was Electric Company Spider-Man. He NEVER talked. And there was that theme song for that show, “SPIDER-MAN, NOBODY KNOWS WHO YOU AAAAARE!” See, all he needed was a song to confirm no one knew who he was, deals with satan not required. :lovin:

Mr. and Mrs. Spider-Man Preview: http://reggieblogged.blogspot.com/2008/07/mr-and-mrs-spider-man-preview.html

Gameplay videos of Spider-man web of shadows @ E3

Yeah I saw that in the E3 thread. I haven’t felt a need to buy a Spider-Man game since the first Activision one with Carnage + Doc Ock, which I liked but just didn’t inspire me to buy another one. I’m not interested really in games based on movies or the Ultimate-verse since I’ll always be mainly a 616 guy but this game looks hella dope. I reserved my copy already. Looking forward to it.

Oh yeah, got the second TPB of BND. I didn’t like Gale’s arc too much even though there were a few funny bits but the Wells arc was pretty good.

I dunno, in all honestly the more I read BND, it just doesn’t feel like Spidey to me. There’s an air of it coming off as being very relaxed, but I think a lot of that is due to Marvel not tying the book to the rest of what the Marvel Universe is doing and writers thinking the marriage is the problem, where I can get the same relaxed air in Spider-Girl, Spidey’s strip or that fan who is writing the anti-BND comic online where Pete and MJ stayed married. All you need is people who can write marriages (JMS, PAD, Defalco, etc) and not bogging the book down with heavy continuity and everything will be fine.

Things like Jackpot not being MJ (maybe not?) and her sleeping with another guy… Um, yeah stuff like that I really don’t want to see. The two new women in the book are really just MJ (Norman’s girlfriend) and Gwen (the forensic specialist), like who are they fooling?

The best thing they have going for them is the Goblin mystery. Though yeah, I’ve read that before too. :rolleyes:

I don’t have too many problems with the DB and the paparazzo arc, both of those seem like temporary things that will not stick. His web shooters jamming / not working is hella annoying. We get it, he lost his organic webs so he’s out of luck, move on please. Well maybe they have since I’m a few months back…

So yeah I think I’m going to stick to my original plan and only pick up the issues where Eddie Brock shows up.

But who knows… Spider-Man with withdrawal is… HARD for me… Which is what got me to buy the BND TPBs in the first place. I love/hate you Marvel, I truly do. :rofl:

Looks like you see BND the same way I do. The web-shooters bit was highly annoying and I cannot believe the editor didn’t take a look at that crap sooner. 4 arcs in a row, all web-shooter problems. Ugh.

Best part about BND, IMO was Wells arc and I think a good reason why I liked it so much is because most of it was done away from the DB and we didn’t have to put up with aunt May.

And the parapparazo arc was retarded to me mostly but it had its moments like MJ clearly remembering the previous continuity. However, her banging another dude? If she knows of the past, why the eff is she screwing a sleaze bag?

Yeah, Carly and Lily are basically MJ and Gwen. Marvel is trying their hardest to recapture the old days but it feels so horribly forced and as a result, feels hollow, at least to me anyway. Marvel is supposed to continue to build the Spider-Man legacy, not tell weaker versions of the same old, same old.

Check out the letter’s page from last issue: http://reggieblogged.blogspot.com/2008/07/marvel-wants-to-hear-from-you.html

The way BND is selling in my comic shop, I wouldn’t be surprised if all those issues end up in the dollar bin.

Why people think its a good idea for Sue Storm and Peter Parker dating? :confused:


Reggie - Recently in one event or another, or on JQ’s blog, I don’t remember the source but Marvel said that they haven’t actually revealed that MJ knows the past, AKA they are just screwing with us. I dunno, prolly figures into the whole Jackpot / whisper into Mephisto’s ear ordeal.

Ah, looking forward to reading that letter’s page when I get a free minute. :lol:

Cody - Ha ha Peter had a thing for Sue Storm a loooong time ago, during the Ditko days. But when asked about it in ASM letter pages, Marvel replied that she is about 20 years older than Spidey, so she was about 35-36 give or take. So it really wouldn’t work. Of course, she’s still the same exact age… :rofl: Well given retroactive continuity, I’d imagine she was only about 5 years or so older than Spidey at that time really… That’s probably the age difference right now, somewhere between 5 and 10, with Spidey being 25-30 depending on who you ask. She most likely isn’t older than 40 though.

JQ said there was a 1 1/2 year gap between OMD and BND in his blog. So lol he’s not 25 by Marvel, he’s 26 1/2. LOL just say he’s 30 like most cotinuity minded people believe, what’s the difference? :lol: Hmm actually he’d be 31 1/2 and still think he’s too young to get married now… He’s gonna be an old man running after his teenaged kids… :sweat:

So I read Kraven’s Last Hunt and man that had to be the best Spidey story I’ve read it yet; so mature and the relationship with MJ. Damn Marvel out did itself with this story. Oh and Spidey didn’t say much jokes.

Wow really didn’t know that thanks sano.:china:

First look of the spider-man lineup in October

I heard Soul of the Hunter was pretty good to. How come it hardly ever gets any love?

^It doesn’t? I read it and it felt pretty good
Soul of the Hunter


it dealt with how Peter overcame the death of Kraven and how he made peace with him and with himself

Oh and MJ was excellent in this book, damn the bloody retcon!

Check out this pimp Spider-Man art that came in the mail for me on Friday: http://reggieblogged.blogspot.com/2008/07/spidey-was-in-my-mail-box.html

I read the BND vol 1 TPB. Here we go. Some of my complaints is how they were constantly saying in that he was “too old” It was consistantly bringing that up while being slick in bashing JMS and Superman. They admitted that Harry was brought back to life. They want him to be a immature 25 year old guy that lives with his auntie. The one thing I didnt like what they stated is that “being spiderman isnt a job” Um actually it is, now you have him webswinging (where in many cases he ran out) to save day while trying to take pictures to make money to pay his rent. He needs to be spiderman to take pics of himself to get paid. So it is still a job. I think he worded it wrong.

Now the actually story.
The first arc I actually liked with this Mr Negative guy. i like the little twist in the end of the arc. Spidey had his funny moments. But the thing that bothered me was the spidershooters thing. For now on there will be a constant focus of him running out of it. I liked the new boss he has that has taken control of the bugle. Well at least he gets paid more. Slott i like his stuff in A:TI. I love how this new boss will constantly say his name wrong.

The second arc. I didnt like so much (this was written by guggenheim too one of my favs) Spidey being a stalkerish at the end bothered me a bit, the fact this “registered” hero or jacket or sara has no idea what she is doing. The death of the concilwoman is sad yes. It is almost as is spidey is a selfish moron. I mean some of the decisions he was making just wasnt a good idea at all. To be honest this one was a borefest.

What makes marvel thinks a black woman with long blonde hair attractive? You have to be kidding me. Or let me guess she must be mixed:rolleyes:

I gave it a fair shake and i liked the first arc but the second arc not so much. I dont like the focus too much on him not having webbing and each time something horrible happens and then he blames himself for it. I think that will get very stale.

Nice! :tup:

did anyone pick up the spidey one-shot? the stories in it are pretty cool, and it seems like they’re all leading into their own story arcs (at least the first and last ones). the hammerhead story gets two thumbs up from me. is it just me or does anyone else think bachalo’s art for spiderman too f’n good?

oh and USM this week was pretty cool too. dunno where it’s leading to though since it seemed like there were two different stories going on at once.

i really like what they’re doing with the BND stuff, although OMD was kinda wierd for me. i really thought they were going to get rid of aunt may. i mean seriously isn’t it about her time yet? whatever though. BND is still pretty good imo. i like the new villains they’re adding into the mix, makes it feel new and fresh again. but that’s just me.

Old Man Logan issue 2, 616’s Spider-Man current future


So yeah he died in the great holocaust when all of the heroes died, but his third daughter shows up named Tonya, and she’s Black! :wow: Tonya also hooked up with Future Hawkeye and had a Spider Daughter lol! So, what does this mean, is Spidey gonna wind up with Lily Hollister? I mean, it is his third child so he could still wind up with MJ to have May (or, Mary like the last issue of Sensational Spider-Man called her in a possible future pre OMD) and Ben (Ben is in both that Sensational issue and Spider-Girl) and MJ might bite it Earth X style so he can have another kid with someone else. Or he could just have 3 kids with Lily, heck maybe even another African American! Um, yeah way to further twist that screwdriver in the gut of us Spidey/MJ fans Marvel lol! Can’t wait to see what happens next in Old Man Logan, HE’S OOOOOOOOOLD! :looney: