Spider-Man, The Amazing Thread

Just thought I’d show you guys that someone’s selling the Spider-man First 40 Years for $6


6 bucks isn’t bad, but it’s better to get the ASM Complete collection since everything is only on one DVD-Rom and not 11. 6 bucks is a steal though. :smile:

Yeah if I wasn’t saving every penny I’d get it myself

Very nice score, Grog!

I bought these today: Spider-Man’s Tangled Web #5-6 (Flowers for Rhino parts 1-2) and Peter Parker, Spider-Man #50 vol. 2. :wgrin: I’m sure Zeph is very proud! :rofl: They were all $1.50 each.

Those comics kick ass.

Good stuff!! :tup:

I absolutely love Tangled Web, have you read the one with Crusher Hogan?

They have one with Crusher Hogan? I have to get that.

I picked up Spectacular Spider-Man #260-261. These issues have both Norman Osborn Goblin and Roderick Kingsley Hobgoblin. Both issues feature covers by Romita Sr. :rock:

Just get them all, man. Two thumbs up, five stars, it’s all good, baby. (Other than the Daniel Way two-parter.) Azzarello wrote the Crusher Hogan issue, too - more proof that jerks who say he can’t write superheroes are wrong.

Black Cat! Chameleon! Mysterio sans costume! Spidey has the black outfit! Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon rules! :pray:

I read Flowers for Rhino in Tangled Web #5-6. Zeph was right. Story was really good. I don’t think that side of the Rhino has ever been touched upon, him wanting more out of life. Good stuff.

I just finished reading Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #8. This story involved the Gwen Stacy Clone, the High Evolutionary and some peons called the Young Gods. Who the heck are the Young Gods? After reading the story, I STILL don’t know and I don’t really care. There’s a second story with the YGs in it, but I had a hard enough time reading about them in the main story. Ugh. The Spidey/Peter/Gwen Clone and Peter/MJ bits were good but overall, this was a disappointing annual.

Young Gods info, because anything involving the Celestials is too confusing for me to explain. :rofl: Copy and paste the link -


Thanks, Sano. Oh snap! You eve know about Celestials! I know that word because it popped up in the freaking story! :rofl: I kept thinking of the New Gods when I was reading the book. Maybe they are a ripoff of those guys. I dunno. When I wasn’t thinking “Who the eff are these guys?” I was preoccupied with how uninteresting they were. Really, they were just filler for this annual.

Ahem: [media=youtube]lDR8VazBQ84[/media]

And for those that went to vent some frustration:

Just finished reading Sensational Spider-Man Annual '96. Wow. Just wow. Book is made of win. The book is a retelling of Kraven’s First Hunt from ASM #15. This was was written by JM DeMatties, the man who I think has written Kraven best. There’s some excellent incite into what makes Kraven and Chameleon tick and despite the fact that they hate each other, they still need in other in a twisted way. This one is highly recommended, guys.

Sano, you’ve read the issues where Spidey fights Firelord, right? I was at another board and some guy said Spidey beating Firelord was retarded. I mean, I know Firelord has cosmic powers but he isn’t impervious to pain, right?

Yes! ASM 269! I keep saying that 269 was my first ASM issue, but my first issue was 267, just confusing the numbers lol! 269 was my third ASM comic. :slight_smile:

Hmm maybe it was 270? Memory’s fuzzy… Will still early on for me…

Yeah I don’t know what’s the hang up. Anyone can defeat anyone in comics under the right circumstances, or with good or bad writing - EVERYTHING is at the whim of writers and editorial. Spidey was pissed off at Firelord and wasn’t holding back. Black suit Spidey too(don’t recall if he had the symbiote or not). Is the person you’re talking too not aware of Silver Surfer getting his ass handed to him all of the time? Squirrel Girl beating up Doom and Thanos? Sometimes I think people take the whole ‘vs.’ thing too seriously…

Firelord has cosmic powers, in reality Spidey beating him up might be stretching things. But so what, that cover is awesome. And I read it when I was like 12 or younger so it gets the nostalgia bias from me. :tup:

He’s not impervious to pain though no. If Spidey could actually hurt him is probably another thing entirely.

I could have picked up ASM #270 years ago but I didn’t and now it isn’t at my comic shop. :bluu:

Tom DeFalco was the guy who wrote the Firelord battle so I think he’d make it believable that Spidey could beat him. From what I read of the review at Spiderfan.org, it isn’t like Firelord was a pushover.

Just read about this in Comic Shop News. Spider-Man’s original origin pages from Amazing Fantasy #15 are up at the Library of Congress! You can see Steve Ditko’s white outs and everything! Scroll down to the April 30 update. GO SPIDEY GO! :woot:


I meant to blog about that before it became weeks old. I suck. Speaking of blogging: http://reggieblogged.blogspot.com/

ASM #561


Was anybody else reminded of Sunday’s Venture Bros. and Phantom Limb’s shitlist when Bennett started freaking out on Spidey?

Hey Sano, mind answering a question?

Have the following issues/story arcs been published as trades or put on the dvd collection?

  1. The arc when Robbie Robertson was jailed by a judge on the Kingpin’s payroll for keeping silent about witnessing a murder by Tombstone, and was imprisoned with him. This arc was my first introduction to Tombstone as a kid, and I’m wondering if Tombstone’s ‘fight’ with Bruiser was as brutal as I remembered.

  2. Death in The Family: I read about it on Madgoblin’s site, and it sounded like a great Goblin/Spider fight. I can get over the art long enough to check it out. It was also the arc that Flash got put in a coma I think.

  3. The one where Pete’s sick as hell and barely can walk, and MJ is constantly trying to get him to rest. Parts I remember are Pete sneezing/puking in his mask, and MJ webbing up the windows so he can’t sneak out. It’s a recent one, pre Back in Black if that helps.

  4. I doubt many people remember this duo, but the arc that introduced Knight and Fog, a hitman duo from Britian. Knight was a big guy in a powered suit with retractable swords, and Fog was an annoying fucker that turned into fog. I remember they were hired to kill The Arranger, Kingpin’s former right hand man, and the poor bastard was calling everyone from Hammerhead to Chameleon to save his ass, Spiderman the last one to speak with him before his neck was broken. I never saw how the arc ended back then, Pete actually chasing the guys to britian and losing his memory after the first battle.
