I like Bendis’ House of M. I think all of the tie-ins and crossovers were horrible and unreadable, though. Remember that Iron Man mini with the shitty Pat Lee? Or how about that Daniel Way Wolverine arc?
LOL I just think the entire event was horrible. You can’t give every Marvel character their deepest desires and make them live in the same world because not only do some of them want the same things, it’s just going to come off as either Marvel saying -
A. We know these characters better than you do.
Or -
B. We don’t know these characters better than you do.
Which is why I think the entire event was a mistake and should of lasted maybe 2 issues or so. The problem is if they do what we expect, it’s boring. If they try to surprise us, we’ll say they are wrong. What they were aiming for with House of M was very tricky. Could they have pulled it off? Possibly. But to me they didn’t. At least IMHO. Again, it’s a tricky thing to execute.
Seriously, there sure was a lot of WTF going on for a world where people got their deepest desires. Wolverine wants to be with Mystique, not with Jean Grey or Mariko, with Mystique? Doctor Doom wants to be a Magneto employee? Thing doesn’t really want to become human? Luke Cage really wants to live in the sewer?
I think House of M needed a score card to lay out exactly who got their wishes granted and who didn’t.
Age of Apocalypse flowed really easy, everything was very easy to grasp that the world would be this way if Professor X died. Ditto, for, oh, I dunno, EVERY SINGLE WHAT IF COMIC EVER WRITTEN. House of M just made me scratch my head… a lot… :wasted:
Eh prolly just repeating stuff I’ve said a bunch of times. Spider-Man… something…
Well I did enjoy Waid’s Superman: Birthright and Kingdom Come. As for his Spidey work? Didn’t read House of M but his story he worked on with other writers in Spider-Man Family #7 was pretty sweet. But it seems like every writer Marvel gets for the book is sipping the “Spider-Man is young again/How how is Spidey’s life if he gets to come home to MJ/Spidey reads so true after all these years.” Kool-aid.
I believe the 6 issue JRJR arc is going to be written by Dan Slott. As much as I love JRJR’s art, if Slott portrays Peter way he did in his first arc, I doubt I’ll enjoy it. But then, I’ve been Byrne-Stealing BND Spidey since day one and I really can’t afford this X3 a month stuff. Wells arc IMO, was the only thing good to come out of BND.
But see, I think those complaints are reliant on the fact that you care so much about the continuity. You can’t take the House of M reality as exactly what every character wanted. If you did that, everyone should complain about every single comic ever created! (Actually, that’s probably the definition of a comic book fanboy.) Even in the actual series, the characters question the granting of their own desires (for examples, Wolverine and Emma). I think the world was more “this is the world the way it would be if Magneto had his way” or something to that effect.
The House of M reality wasn’t really about what each character truly (or canonically) wanted. It was just one interpretation of what they could want - and not necessarily Bendis’ personal fantasies, but the Scarlet Witch’s interpretation. It was just a fantasy world so fans could see characters in different situations, which isn’t much different from the typical What If comic. And you’re a What If fan, dude - you oughtta know that a ton of the What Ifs, especially in the '90s, were really stretching things. Like What If Tony Stark Were Sorcerer Supreme? What If Rogue Possessed the Power of Thor? What If Punisher Became Captain America?
I don’t really see how different those What Ifs are compared to House of M. Except House of M was coherently written and well-illustrated. And that’s something I can’t say Age of Apocalypse was, either.
Yeah, I’m a hater of '90s Marvels. Well, except for the Ben Reilly stuff in the Spidey books. Those kicked ass and I’m still pissed that we’ve had a fake Peter Parker running around the Spider-Man titles for the past 10 years or so. I hope Brand New Day fails so that Marvel will bring back the one true Spider-Man, Ben Reilly.
Lol different strokes different folks I guess. Not for nothing but House of M hate is pretty common. As for What Ifs, the concepts are always stretches. That’s the point. The stories themselves tend to be well thought out and use continuity as a base. Of course they kind of have to to sell it. Marvel at times seems to not care about these things. Aunt May’s house is back because don’t worry about it, we’ll explain it later. Only Marvel explains things sometimes and will just leave it to poor Brevoort to sort out in a Marvel Universe book, but even he can’t sort out some things.
Marvel’s own words on HOM were just that. People getting their greatest desires, along those lines. Even if what you say is true, there were too many nonsensical and random things going on for my tastes.
True, I’m a continuity guy. But I feel my HOM critique is still warranted. Because it was in fact a multi-issue crossover. The selling point for crossovers is what’s going on in every other book and the world. Continuity is a selling point for crossovers, love it or hate it, that’s what it is. Without continuity it would only be mentioned in New Avengers or be some Kingdom Come type of thing. In both scenarios my critcisms would be less harsh. There are stories Bendis has done that I don’t like, like whatever he added to Xorn mythos. But because that wasn’t a multi-crossover it’s not viewed as harshly by me. He’s still a great writer and has done more good than bad, I feel.
The worst thing about HOM is there’s hardly any fall out, storyline-wise anyway. Oh sure, there are like 200 Mutants or so but you don’t have to read any of House Of M to understand that. Spider-Man was married to Gwen in HOM. Oh snap, another on topic post by yours truly. :looney: Instead of dealing with it in his own books, he just says “OH NOOOS IT CAN’T BE TRUE!” and it never comes up again. What a dropped ball on Marvel’s end. Seriously, all you have to know for HOM is Wolverine got his memory back and Scarlet Witch said “No more Mutants” and made it so. See, you can do that in 2 issues, okay maybe just 4 issues and save us a lot of money.
Dude, it’s not my fault you’re addicted to spending money on single issues! Go wait for the TRADE, BABY.
You mean I’m not the only one who liked Ben Reily? Shame Marvel had to kill the guy and now the have this attitude that “If we don’t mention it, it didn’t happen” about him. Freaking lame.
Speaking of continuity, I still don’t buy the “everything happened except the marriage” line. Joe Q must have had to squat for hours to pull that one out of his fat anus. Actually, pulling crap out of his butt comes pretty natural for Joey Q. The heck was I thinking?
Honestly, sometimes I get the feeling many writers and comic creators think we don’t know the characters as well as they do because we’re fans. And what were they before they started penciling these characters they know so well? :rolleyes:
I’m reading the other. Now that is one story joe q can’t claim that it still happened
Don’t know about The Other yet, but JQ does say that Sins Past still happened. On his blog he said that Norman and Gwen’s kids still exist. LOL that was the one story that JMS wanted retconned out of existence with BND and JQ just said it still happened.
Not sure how the Clone Saga even works without a marriage and Baby May no longer being born / possibly kidnapped by Norman after OMD which made it so she no longer exists - :looney: - but the ‘Scarlet Spiders’ in Avengers Initiative are the last remaining nods to it. There have been quite a few nods to the clone saga in recent years actually. Peter Parker’s civilian identity during Civil War was Ben Rielly in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. In Sensational at one point, there were several Spider-Man imitators locked up and one of them was wearing Ben’s old outfit. Stuff like that was pretty cool.
funny thing is, peter has a line at the beginning of the story where he says that he can’t believe how good he has it and that he didn’t deserve being married to mj and that one day god would say that it’s over and he’d lose everything. Only it wasn’t god. It was joephisto.
You’re right. I completely forgot about that stuff in FNSM. And Joe Q has a blog? Hmmmmm…
Man, did he lose it all. Joe Q worrying about Spidey being around in the future is like DC worrying about Superman’s origin staying relevant. Supes has been around for 70 freaking years. Spidey has been around for 45 freaking years. I don’t think either company should worry about their flagship character’s not being popular for future generations. Although I think Joe Q is just talking out of his anus about keeping Spidey fresh for future generations. I think he really just wanted his Spidery back.
I was referring to JQ’s weekly Cup of Joe Myspace column, where he announces a bunch of stuff and answers fan’s questions.
LOL at Flash and Liz doing the robot at the Midtown High dance on the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon.
“Catalysts” was another sweet episode of SSM. “The Invisible Hand” is still my number one fav, but this was still amazing stuff. MJ was done magnificently and Green Goblin was a force!! :amazed:
Who shows up next week? I’ll give you a hint: he has four extra arms.
Oh, sweet, dude. You mean Peter Parker’s gonna undergo his legendary “spider-mutation” and grow those extra arms before he transforms into a giant spider?
Anti-Venom? John Romita Jr. pencils? Eddie Brock is in the story? Crap I will have to lift my BND ban for this arc. I hate you Marvel, I really do.
Yeah I would lift my Clone Saga / Mackie reboot ban whenever Eddie Brock showed up…
More info on the JRJR arc. Seems like MJ is back, plot holes pre OMD to BND are filled up, Eddie Brock might be Anti-Venom or Venom again and Osborn might still know Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Curse you Marvel, finding a way to get me to buy some BND books. I’m a total sellout now darnit. Darn Eddie Brock man crush…
Pretty interesting stuff Peter better not be written as the moron he was in Slott’s first arc.
he looks like a mix between spawn and malbogia(w/e the demons name in spawn was)
and no…not even jrjr’s art is gonna get me to lift my ban.
until spider-man is revealed to be a skrull i will not sell out…unlike my mexican brother.