Just finished Maximum Carnage and enjoyed it quite a bit, poor Spidey never gets a chance to heal his ribs haha.
i liked the other. no joke
Jenkins’ needs to come back to Spider-Man. I loved his work on Peter Parker and Spectacular. Lee Weeks also needs to come back to Spidey. Finished reading Mysterio Manifesto and his artwork is AWESOME!!
Oh yeah and the Green Goblin for next week’s Spectacular Spider-Man new ep will be voiced by none other than Steven Blum.
dont get this man started on OMD. :lol:
what? he loved OMD
You liked the other what? I think you forgot to finish your sentence.
the spiderman story. the one that was named the other. you know the one where he got the much better organic web shooters that never jammed when he needed them most.
Hurm. The other Spider-Man story. Was it Pre- or Post-Crisis?
I do not not know what this other story is.
it was pre crisis.
Pre-Crisis? This other story wouldn’t have anything to do with Pat Lee, would it?
i don’t think so. but it never happened cause it got retconned out of existence by reggie’s favorite story of all time. OMD
OMD needs to burn in comic book hell for all eternity.
Reggie - I missed Spectacular Spider-Man this past Saturday because I was at the NY Comic Con. Spoil away please.
well how about a spidey with a giant zord
Sano, no worries, both eps were repeats of the Lizard and Sandman. Next week is a new ep at 10 AM. Green Goblin appears!! :woot:
Ah, thank goodness! :woot:
So what are you guys thoughts for Waid doing an arc for Amazing Spider-Man?
I can’t say I’ve read enough of Waid’s stuff to form an opinion on him, and I’ve never read any of his Marvel stuff, if he’s done any? Waid’s kind of annoying with his commentaries on the Super Powers DVD LOL! :lol: I met him at a con in '99 and he’s really cool in person, walks around buying old comics just like the rest of us. I haven’t read anything Waid did that pissed me off though, I’m rather indifferent about the Flash Speedforce thing lol!
I’m more excited about John Romita Jr. doing a six issue run. Still not sure if I will get that arc, it’s going to depend on the writer (I think it will be one writer…), the villain and the plot. Actually, Waid and John Romita Jr. is gimmicky enough at least to make me raise an eyebrow, not sure if they will be paired up though. We’ll see.
I think Waid is a pretty good writer and once in while he writes something completely amazing, like when he did Fantastic Four. (Sano, go read it.) His style kind of reminds me of Kurt Busiek, so I’ve always thought of them being in the same tier. I remember his run on Captain America was a fun romp - nothing that compares to the almighty Bru, but nice in its own way. Never read his entire Flash run, but The Return of Barry Allen is one of my all-time favorite DC stories and one of the first books that actually got me into DC.
Empire is one of the creator-owned works Waid did that I can remember, and that’s pretty awesome too. It’s basically a riff on a Dr. Doom analogue finally conquering all of his foes and dominating the planet.
The last time he wrote Spidey, it wasn’t too good. Spider-Man: House of M? That was Waid. It sucked pretty hard. I’m sure he’ll do much better next time.
Ah, I did read House of M Spider-Man. Everything that had anything to do with House of M I didn’t care for and have tried my best to put it out of my mind. :arazz: Though I blame Bendis for most of it anyway. IMHO House of M was just a bad idea for a crossover. At least Secret Invasion is a lot better so far.