Spider-Man, The Amazing Thread

Went to my comic shop today and got these:

Spider-Man/Human Torch #2, 4, 5
Spectacular Spider-Man #250

SSM #250 is a giant sized Green Goblin story by DeMatties. Awwwww, yeah!!! And I got it for $1. :woot:

With the issues of SM/HT, I have the entire mini series. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to find every issue but I did and save myself from getting the trade.

I need to pick up the Amazing Spider-Man Collection DVD-ROM. I wanted to get it at Best Buy a few weeks back but the store didn’t have it. Looks like I’ll have to get that baby from amazon.com.

You guys NEED to be reading Marvel Adventures Spider-Man and Spider-Man Family. MASM #36 is a great read. A Green Goblins story that explores a part of the the Harry/Norman relationship that’s never been seen before in any continuity.
As for SMF, well, you’re getting a new story and some nice reprints. SMF #7 reprints issue #1 of Spider-Man: Death & Destiny, which is supposed to be a really good mini series, retelling the death of Captain Stacy.

Speaking of good mini-series, I hear Spider-Man/Daredevil: Unusual Suspects is supposed to be the hotness. It’s written by Paul Jenkins.

Oh, I forgotten to mention I picked up those COOKE issues of Spider-Man’s Tangled Web. I especially enjoyed SMTW #11. Peter forgot he made two dates at 8 PM and he gets a thrashing from the Vulture so… just pick up SMTW #11. It’s a really good read. :lovin: Zeph, thanks for recommending the COOKE SMTW books. I think Rucka did an issue or two as well. I saw a SMTW Rucka issue in the $1 bin. A few to be exact.

I think I “have” Unusual Suspects but I have not read it yet. If I have some time (and if I remember, and am not too lazy), maybe I might try to read it this weekend.

I just read my first issue of Spider-Man Family today. (Issue 2.) Thought it was pretty great. Got it for 33 cents, so that probably boosted my impression of it. But I think it is exactly the kind anthology series of which we need more.

You should get a couple of those Tangled Web Rucka issues. One to read and keep forever, and some to give out to your friends. One buck is a great value for such a good read.

Yeah I don’t mess with Spider-Man Family after McKeever left Marvel. For me, that was his book and should of just stopped when he left.

In his first Spider-Man Family issue, I think this one doesn’t have a number officially, it was before they started numbering the book - His Amazing Spider-Man story where he not only brought the Amazing Friends into 616 and even Videoman was one of the best things ever. He even stated exactly what Spider-Man issues the story fell between and it all happened while Spider-Man was married! I really don’t expect anyone to live up to that.

Marvel should have put McKeever on a mainstream book, then he would of never left. Man what a waist for such a big Spider-Man fanboy who was really familiar with his continuity.

Loving McKeever’s Teen Titans though.

Ah well, I know Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane is in good hands. I’ll pick that up at least. :smile:

I just finished reading the Spider-Man/Human Torch mini series. Wow, that was freaking great. I :rofl: so many times. Things I absolutely loved:

Spidey LOLing at Paste Pot Pete. If a super villain told me that was their name, I wouldn’t take them seriously either. :rofl:

Spidey & Torch in the Spider-Mobile. Issue 3 was comedy GOLD!! Spidey used Fruit Pies to distract the enemy, FRUIT PIES!! :rofl::woot: Oh and Spidey doing donuts in the Spider-Mobile on the Daily Bugle building was unfounded levels of funny.

The retro-style artwork. Issue 1 hard art that reminded me of the Ditko days. Issues 2-3 reminded me of Romita Sr.'s art.

I loved the whole series but issue 5 was really great. Peter told Johnny he was Spidey. The revelation that Spidey was a guy he had envy for was just unbelievable. And Peter’s family hanging with the Fantastic Fours was really nice. Too bad OMD pissed all that way. :mad:

Yeah, that’s one of my favorite Spidey comics. I think it might be my favorite Dan Slott story. Either that, or the first twelve issues of She-Hulk.

I may actually go back and collect Slott’s run on She-Hulk. I was that impressed with his work on Spider-Man/Human Torch. Heck, it’s my fav mini series now.

So if your last name is Stacy and you live in the Spiderverse, are you pretty much expendable? I mean look what happened to Captain Stacy and Gwen. I think there was another story in the late '90s where Spidey was trying to protect a Stacy member from Shocker, but that was a Mackie story so odds are it sucked.

Sano, even without McKeever on the book, Spider-Man Family is good. In SMF #6, Spidey is baby sitting Kazar’s animal pal Zabu (no, I’m not making this up) and they are in a museum. A security guard comes by and Spidey tells Zabu to do a “Calvin and Hobbes”! And he understands him!!! :rofl: Besides, now that you’re saving $9 a month on your car insurance by switching to Geico, er, not buying Amazing Spider-Man, you can afford the SMF. :woot:

One thing that irks me the way some artists draw Spidey is when they go out of their way to make his ears “visible” underneath his mask. Ditko, John and so many other Spidey artists draw Spidey’s mask like a completely bald head Mickey Mouse head without the ears. Why can’t the others get with the program? I guess I’m like goodM0urning. He believes Supe’s cap works best when it stops right as his bum and I like Spidey without his freaking hears sticking out on the side of his head.

Lol sounds fun I’ll check it out thanks! :tup:

Picked these up two days ago:

Spider-Man’s Tangled Web #4, Rucka issue with Kingpin
Untold Tales of Spider-Man #12, 14
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man #36-37

MASM has a new writer as of issue 37. Haven’t read it yet so I don’t know if he’s as good as Peter David or Van Lente. Guy’s last name is Sumerak.

New Spider-Man cartoon was pretty cool! LOL at JJJ dropping Foswell’s name as one of his reporters! As the ‘Big Man’ he was the original leader of the Enforcers in the comics, the cartoon swapped him out for Hammerhead. Course after the Enforcers and his jail sentence in the comics, he became a reporter for JJJ, a stool pigeon also if you will. That was also a nice switch, Norman Osborn stealing inventions from Vulture instead of Strom! MAAAN they are really doing their Lee/Ditko/Romita Sr. homework! :woot:

Interview with Weisman. - GO SPIDEY GO! :cool:


Sano, I was wondering if you’d seen Spectacular Spider-Man or not but it looks like you did. I loved the show (as you can no doubt tell by my new avatar.)

Love how they are introducing characters in the series. Enforcers were pimp! I LOLed when Spidey webbed up Ox and he just torn out of it. “Oh. That’s not good.” :rofl: Josh Keaton is Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man!!

Screw '90s Norman Osborn. Spec Osborn has balls.

Toomes: You stole my stuff!
Osborn: LOLZ
Toomes: Apologize and pay me!
Osborn: Um, no that ain’t happen.
Toomes: I’m what you called me! I’m the Vulture!!
Osborn: Fool, I called you a buzzard.


This series actually has my fav version of Gwen. I liked that they made her a nerd. Gonna be even more interesting when MJ shows up.

Sano, did you catch all the easter eggs in the first two eps? There were many. I need to get some Spec Spidey gifs. Loved the Spidey 2 homage.

I don’t know if I caught all of the Easter Eggs lol Saturday morning it’s hard for me to pay such close attention. The male cop was named “Stan” and later JJJ called a reporter “Lee” so I got that part, ha ha ha! :rofl:

Robert Englund AKA Freddy Krueger as Volture, I mean seriously, DAMN! BRILLIANT! :pray:

My jaw dropped when I found out Robert Englund was playint the Vulture! Vulture even has a bit of Freddy Krueger in his face to boot! Oh and the Stan wasn’t The Man but Stan Carter. He was with Jean DeWolf when Spidey dropped Norman off at the fuzz station.

Seeing as how Greg Weisman killed of the Graysons in The Batman, it’s very possible Gwen might get killed in this series.

Oh that was Jean Dewolf? Cool. :cool:

I liked Liz calling Peter Parker “Petey” just like the old Lee/Ditko days. :tup:

The action scenes were some of the best I’ve ever seen in a Spider-Man cartoon! I guess he still can’t punch people in the face but they are being much more creative than just having him web everybody up lol! :rofl:

Weisman interview part 2. Man, how come it’s still not Saturday yet lol! :rofl:


Yeah, I think Liz calling Peter “Petey” is an excellent homage to the Lee/Ditko days.

Action scenes were superb. Anyone who says the '90s Spidey series is the best needs to take off the nostalgia glasses. I liked it but it was flawed. Fighting left much to be desired.

Sweet! Man, Saturday can’t get here soon enough! We gotta get the Lizard in here!!

what’d you think of tangled web? i thought that a lot of the stories in that series were amazing (pun intended), though a coupe were duds haha. I loved the Crusher Hogan one they did!

I’ve only read about 4 issues but the four I read I liked. TW #4 was really good. The story really didn’t even involve Spidey. Was a crook who messed up and knew he was gonna die. So he accepts it. Rucka wrote Kingpin extremely well.

yeah i’ve read them all, try to pick up the trades if you can

I’ve been a proponent of Spider-Man’s Tangled Web for a long time now - keep on rockin’, Groggy. You know the score. Every time someone mentions Tangled Web, I gotta say the same thing I always say: every issue is amazing, spectacular, sensational, and, dare I say it, WEB OF!!! Except for those two Daniel Way issues about Tombstone. Those sucked ass. I don’t know why, but as much as I can never get tired of hyping up Tangled Web, I can’t get tired of making fun of those Way issues.

I finally saw those first two episodes of Spectacular on YouTube. That was pretty fun stuff. I definitely agree that, just judging from those two episodes, this show is way better than the '90s Spider-Man (which is ONLY good when watched through nostalgia glasses). Liz Allen’s voice wasn’t that great but most of the other voices are. Keith David does not fool around.

If I have any criticism about the show, it’s just that I wish the art in general could be a little more detailed. It’s easier to animate stuff that isn’t too complicated. Visually, though, I don’t think Spectacular has found the balance between detail and smoothness that the Dini/Timm shows had, or that Gargoyles had. Some of the people in Spectacular look kind of realistic while some look outlandishly cartoony (Ox and the Vulture stood out). I’m sure that’s their intent but I guess I like consistency, which is what Gargoyles and Timm’s DC cartoons had.

Or maybe I’m just an asshole. Either way, I will still watch and probably enjoy this show.

I laughed at the Broadway cameo in the 1st ep. And damn, I did not expect the Enforcers. Weisman gets props for that.

The designs are hit or miss sometimes-parker looks more like Harry should and vice versa-but I’m loving it so far. Gonna check out the rest of the Electro ep on youtube later.

That theme has to go though…