I agree. It’s the fact that Mark Bagley drew 110 issues of Ultimate Spider-Man, 59 issues of Amazing Spider-Man, and almost all promotional artwork featuring Spider-Man that makes him the definitive Spider-Man artist.
The definitive Spider-Man artist right now? Maybe. Of all time? Hell no. His stuff is too gaudy and dense for my tastes, but that goes for a lot of the current guys. He pretty much fits the modern mainstream visual aesthetic.
Of course, a lot of that is the fault of colorists getting carried away with computer coloring as well.
Two episodes of the new Spider-Man cartoon on March 8 ah yeah! :lovin:
Terry Moore talks about Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane! :tup:
Okay, yeah sure…he drew Spider-Man a lot. But there are plenty of other artists that draw Spidey infinitely better. If you wanna go by quantity then I guess Bagley wins at life.
Bagley’s gonna draw 12 pages a week for DC’s third weekly comic, Trinity. That’s 12 pages for 52 issues every freaking week for a year. Bagley’s a freaking machine. :wow:
lol at American comics going all Japanese schedule on us.
Watch, in like 2 years all mainstream American comics are going to be written by one guy and drawn by three guys every month.
Then trades will start coming out like CRAZY.
I dig Menace. His design is a little bland, but so far he’s proved calculating and quite deadly. I’m curious what his agenda regarding the attack on the mayoral debate might be? Depite the incessant chuckling that lines each panel he’s in, this guy is obviously on a mission.
So I browsed through an issue of OMD and threw up in my mouth…
I want somebody to undo this retcon. I liked how things were before, but I wouldn’t mind going back to old stuff if they wern’t so retarded about it.
Besides if they undo the retcon, they would have an excuse to do a Spider-Man/Ghost Rider team up, simply because Mephisto is involved.
One more thing: That mysterious creature that appeared toward the end of “The Other”, is that shit ever going to get resolved? For that matter, have they even made real use of Spidey’s new powers? I actually liked his new powers, except for the stingers. (if you haven’t figured it out, I’m out of the loop).
The Other storyline has been (and thank god it was shit-terrible) retconned out.
No new powers anymore. (which were never used much if at all except for the stingers)
No organic webshooters. (which sucks)
I’ve read the first five issues of BND at my comic shop. I’m glad I decided to drop ASM. The art is nice and the writing is nice too but I’m just not feeling this “new direction” at all. Oh and Jackpot is the worst idea out of Marvel since the Spider-Lizard. Harry should have stayed 6 feet under. Meh.
I’m getting my Spidey fix in Ultimate Spider-Man, Spider-Man Family and Marvel Adventures Spider-Man.
Jackpot is fucking terrible, but BND is just what ASM needed. It’s breathed new life into the title by bringing it back to the basics of what made the book so popular in the first place; the crazy villians, the doting aunt, cigar chomping J.J.J, and of course the struggle of every day life. The web-shooters are back, for godsake.
This is why I have a problem. After a while you’ll get tired of the same old tired ass story of him stuggling to make ends meet. It been over 40+ years of this story and it is getting old.
That holds true to almost any other super-hero comic. Besides, that’s what makes Peter Parker who he is. Say he did become highly successful and was indefinitely financially secure for the rest of his existence, ie : Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark. How can we as readers, relate to that? By putting Peter in those “tired-ass” stories, Marvel creates flaws within his character, making him one of the most human super-heroes to date.
My problems with BND aren’t just with MJ and Peter no longer being married. They brought back Harry, which IMO was a huge mistake. We’ve got Flash for a good buddy for Pete to bond with but they’ve just gotta have Harry. Oh and of course he hates Spider-Man. :rolleyes: Yeah, let’s play around with the same freaking crap that was done years ago. Really original, guys.
I’m all for new villains and all but did they really have to kill a marriage and 20 years of continuity just to get there? I think not.
I could go on about this debacle. Heck, I wrote a rant about it a month ago so I’ll shut up about it.
On more positive notes…
I did read the first issue of Spider-Man: With Great Power. Good stuff. Basically this is gonna be Amazing Fantasy #15 spanning 5 issues. Only thing I’m not digging is 50s style Uncle Ben. He just looks freaking hideous.
You guys should pick up Spider-Man Family. SMF #5 had a dope story teaming Spidey with Dr. Strange. Plus there’s Morbius in there! Morbius! I found it interesting that with Dr. Strange in the story, they do talk about magic and the writer talks about it logically. Yes, folks there are rules to magic, something Joe Q does not wish to acknowledge. But I digress. SMF #6 was also good we got a retelling of Thor being turned into a Frog by Loki. Hilarious stuff. The second story with Kazar and Zabu was also pretty sweet. Pick up SMF, guys.
That’s the downside of having a character who’s been in steady publication for decades. Make any drastic long-term shakeups to the franchise and you run the risk of losing what was special about it and alienating fans in the process. Constantly maintain the status quo and you’re going to get stale.
It would have made sense artistically to have ended Spider-Man, Batman, and all the other major superhero franchises long ago. But mainstream ongoing titles aren’t about making sense artistically. They’re about finding more and more shit to mine from the characters for as long as possible, and once that’s done, make some kind of minor change (the addition of a sidekick, a major villain dies, or whatever) and then mine some more.
I can’t wait for With Great Power to come out in TRADE, BABY. I only wonder how Tony Harris has time do draw that and Ex MAAAAAAAAAACHINA!!!11. Looks amazing, regardless.
If you guys can, you really need to pick up Mythos Spider-Man. This was a one-shot tale written by Paul Jenkins and painted by Paolo Rivera. This book is a retelling, slightly updated version of Spidey’s origin. The book sticks very closely to Stan and Steve’s original tale. Rivera’s Spidey is a nice blend of Ditko and Romita Sr. Screw Alex Ross, Rivera is the freaking master painter!
Yeah I have Spider-Man Mythos and it is excellent. Liz was hot in that comic.
Sounds cool. Looking it up…
I’m into this. It doesn’t look like it’s in print, but I’ll definitely keep an eye out for it.
I keep forgetting Peter had a crush on Liz in the early days. Then Betty came along and Peter forgot all about Liz. Then Liz was all hot for Peter when became less timid. Man, Peter’s love live is crazy.
I got the last copy of mine at my comic shop last week and the book was there for months. It came out in late '07. I was hesitant to buy it but I decided to pick it up since I’m not feeling Marvel’s ahem, “new status quo” at all on Spidey. And Jenkins was on it. The book is now one of my fav Spidey books. Just check your comic shop. You may have to check the boxes for it.
I’m late to the party but the vids on YouTube regarding OMD and BND are freaking hilarious. Just go there and type in “Spider-Man One More Day”. DCompose vid’s in particular are win.