Spider-Man, The Amazing Thread

I’d take your advice…but I want tips on playing VF5 now.

But yeah, Slott/McNiven on BND>Ultimate Spider-Man…

Immonen can only go so far!

actually i’m going to have to agree with trix on this one, i really do enjoy ultimate spider-man (that and ultimate FF are the only ultimate books i actually enjoy while reading too haha)

When Stuart Immomen replaced Mark Bagley who penciled the first 110 issues of Ultimate Spider-Man I had my concerns about the art quality falling. 8 issues in those doubts have been quelled a great deal. So far so good. I hope Stuart keeps up the good work.

Ultimate Spider-Man is one of the few comics that leaves me wanting more every single month. I can’t wait to read the next issue. The continuity in the story is top-notch and that’s mainly due to the continuity of the creative team. I don’t care for Bendis most of the time but this comic is perfect for him and he’s obviously shown that he’s committed. The art team as previously mentioned is top-notch and among the most talented and most consistent in the industry.

Also since the comic takes place in the Ultimate Universe the comic can do certain things
that would never be allowed in the mainstream Marvel. There are a lot of twists and turns in Ultimate Spider-Man but they never seem forced or just put out there for shock value or to hype some crossover.

Ultimate Spider-Man is just a great comic. If you’re fed up with how Spider-Man has been portrayed in mainstream Marvel and are looking for great Spider-Man stories that’ll keep you wanting more each month then this is the comic for you. There was a time when I thought I’d never say it but Ultimate Spider-Man is easily one of if not my favorite comic.

who got “with great power” last wednesday? that ish was fly. was nice to read a fun spidey ish not connected to all that drama.

that mask was funny.

Why? Immonen is the man.

Then you must not read much.

He’s a good artist but he wasn’t Mark Bagley who is the definitive Spider-Man artist so I was skeptical but that’s no longer the case. I feel much better now that I know Ultimate Spider-Man’s artwork is in very good hands.

If anywhere from 40 to 60 titles per month doesn’t amount to much then I suppose you’re correct. Nevertheless I still think that Ultimate Spider-Man is a great comic.

Regardless, his Nextwave stuff was too good to no translate to a Spider-Man series well.

I’m just saying, in Marvel alone, Avengers: The Initiative, Immortal Iron Fist, Cable and Deadpool (::sniff::), Captain America, Punisher Max, keep everyone coming for more, so if you’re only looking forward to a few comics frequently, then you’re either barely literate and just like to look at them purty pichurs or you’re just being contrary.

You misspelled John Romita Jr.

The fuck are you even talking about? If you’re trying to build a case that this guy is full of shit, then more power to you, but claiming he’s illiterate or just being contrary because he only really looks forward to one title per month is weak.

While this is true, he’s also stating that everything else is somehow bad. Which is simply not the case.

Noice avatar, though.

:shake: When he draws 110 consecutive issues of any Spider-Man comic then maybe he can be considered.

Nope. They’re fine but just not as good as Ultimate Spider-Man. :smile:

I can not stand this dudes art, everything lookking so blocky he should be an artist for Legos.

Pfff, his stuff is great!

yea I realise I’m in the minority but his stuff isn’t for me.

How many issues of Amazing did Romita Sr. do consecutively? Just curious.

“THE” Spider-man artist? Steve Ditko

…Romita Sr. just had to ruin his legacy by drawing good looking Peter Parker that we know now.

59 issues. He penciled Amazing Spider-Man issues 37-95. Afterwards he drew the covers only until issue 176 and then from time to time he contributed a cover here or there.

Mark Bagley penciled Amazing Spider-Man issues 351-358, 361-365, 368-375, 378-404, and 407-415. 57 issues. And of course that’s not counting the longest consecutive run ever on a Marvel Comic with 110 issues of Ultimate Spider-Man.

Bagley certainly didn’t create Spider-Man but with all the work he’s put into the character I have no problem considering him the definitive Spider-Man artist.

This is a good point. Ditko wanted Pete to be an unattractive nerd who never got girls and was essentially damned to spend his life alone. Not necessarily for sadistic reasons, but to illustrate the full extent of the burden of his responsibilities. It’s notable that when Ditko left, Pete got more handsome, got more girls, got more of a social life in general, and became an all-around (marginally) more successful human being.

I realize he couldn’t have stayed Puny Parker forever, but comparing Ditko Pete to post-Ditko Pete is like night and day.

Just because Bagley did 110 issues of USM doesn’t make him the definitive Spider-Man artist. I think his style fit the youthful nature of USM, but other than that I wasn’t a huge fan of his work on ASM in the 90s. The big eyes he draws on the mask piss me off.