Spider-Man, The Amazing Thread

1st issue would’ve been perfect if Greg Land wasn’t in it.

Him or his photo dropped trucks. :rolleyes:

Brubaker opinion -

**I’ve said this to a bunch of fans at this point, so I’ll repeat it again… I don’t care how they get there, the Brand New Day Spiderman is something that’s been needed for a long long time. Marrying Peter and MJ was a huge mistake and not even the people who wrote the books back then thought it was a good idea, they were just forced to do it by Shooter.

And every single creative team since then has wished it never happened, but just sort of rolled with it, because getting rid of it was not easy. They didn’t all try to get rid of the marriage, but you would be hard-pressed to find anyone who wrote Spiderman that wouldn’t have rather written the pre-marriage version of the character. And regardless of what Erik Larsen is apparently saying on newsarama, I have spoken to all the Spiderman writers of BND, and they are all completely thrilled about what they have to work with now.

The thing is, after years and years of the marriage, changing it is just a HUGE DEAL, and was never going to be a popular thing even if in the end we get a more “Spiderman” book out of it. Because it had years of continuity now, and getting rid of that in any way is going to anger fans.

Look at the Clone storyline, that was all started to get rid of the marriage somehow, but it was terrible, and it didn’t stick.

It’s not that a story about a married couple can’t be interesting, it’s that Peter Parker shouldn’t be that guy. It takes him too far from the basic idea of what being Spiderman is about.

A true Spiderman story, to me, is Peter and MJ about to get married, and him having to leave her at the alter because of some Spiderman thing, and it being a huge tragedy that being Spidey cost him his chance at a happy married life. That’s the burden of being Spiderman, and since the marriage happened, it’s been one thing after another removing the burden and responsibility from Spiderman.

I’m personally really excited about the new stuff, but then I’ve been very vocal in the past about not liking the marriage because as a life-long Spiderman reader up to that point, it just felt forced and wrong. **

Source -


it makes more sense to break up lois and clark than mj and peter. lois and clark only got married because the tv version did…which in all honesty, is amazing that a tv show caused them to do it. i mean…superman’s been around for that fucking long and it took a fucking tv show to make them do it?

i’d like to really see wut kinda stories would be without lois. I mean peter will always be emo fucking peter…wit mj or without her…the marriage adds a bit of a dynamic but as a character he didnt change that much. it made things more interesting cuz he didnt just have to worry about aunt may but mj as well.

with something stupid as that no wonder sales of marvel is dwindling. After a while a person will grow tired of seeing that same old story of him “stuggling” to make ends meet while mooching off of his aunt and harry osborn. Again peter mind as well used that “magic” to bring back uncle ben. Shit if magic doesnt need to be explained then it wouldnt be a problem to bring back uncle ben. Why would i want to see read that for another 20 years? are you fucking serious? I read BND and it isnt too bad but making excuses “claiming that it was a bad idea to marry peter parker” and discrediting all the work and writing that was done by these guys?

Matter of fact i can guarantee things will be back to normal because all i know that the new villian is holding something looks like gasp a spell.

I haven’t been able to go to the store yet. However, I’m sure the new Youngblood is awesome. It’s by Joe Casey, a man who does no wrong. He worked his magic on the Wildcats and now he’s going to spitshine Youngblood.

Second of all, the Church of Bru supports the genius insights of the Bru.

Next, I’m waiting for the Bru to team up with Chaykin so I can see Painy’s head explode.

How Larsen would fix Spider-Man -


Thanks for linking the Larsen and Brubaker comments Sano. Really says a lot about what’s really going on in the offices. Larsen’s got even more respect from me while Brubaker seems like he has Joe’s hand up his ass spitting the same shit.

So that’s the only two complainers I’ve ever heard on the marriage, him and Joe. Where’s all these creative teams that hated the marriage so much? Why we never heard peep one out of anyone else then or now, supporting Joe’s rants?

As far as BND goes, it’s exactly what I expected so Joe can kiss my ass. It’s going to be reset anyway, explained to be Peter just getting a test drive in a world without MJ but he snaps out of it and realizes the truth blah fucking blah next stupid crossover event. Then we’ll have Joe acting like it was planned this way from the get go or being pissy that no one wants what he does and bitching at Newsrama about fanboys ruining his grand vision or some shit.

I just have one question I’d like answered. Why is a divorce even necessary anyway? I’d like someone to explain how the marriage was such a problem, without the bullshit “We have to actually write harder and not scrape by the bare fucking bottom line anymore!” excuse we’ve already heard.

Spider-Man only got married to MJ because they announced they were getting married in the newspaper strip.

The comic version had 3 issues to go from a single Spidey, to a married Spidey.
It reads pretty badly, even back then.

Good to know Bru’s getting what he wants, but I disagree with his “the end justifies the means” take on it. If you want to bring back a more true-to-his-roots Spider-Man, then which is the best way to do it: magic or divorce? Which one sounds more like the “regular guy,” “burden of responsibility” type scenario?

Close, but that’s not how it happened. Clark and Lois were going to get married in the comics and the show had nothing to do with it. DC needed an event book to boost sales, so they figured that the wedding of arguably the most famous on-and-off couple in all of comics would do the trick.

What the show did do was cause the marriage to get delayed by a year. The producers of the show wanted to do their own marriage storyline, and they wanted the comics marriage to tie into it. So they put the comics marriage on the back burner for a year to give the show time to catch up, and they had to come up with another big event to fill the giant hole that was suddenly created in their plans.

The book that filled that hole is Zeph’s favorite Superman book ever written.

I can’t believe Bru doesn’t care how they went about getting to BND. Are you freaking kidding me? They pissed all over the very core of what Peter Parker is about. No way he’d make a deal with THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS even to save Aunt May. I highly doubt May would have wanted Pete and MJ’s happiness traded for her life. May is a very selfless person. Peter’s decision to “save” May, however was completely selfish. He didn’t want to live with the guilt that it would be his fault that May died. Peter has dealt with guilt before. The loss of Uncle Ben, Captain Stacy, Gwen Stacy, deaths he all blamed on himself. They didn’t “break him in two.” The way Peter was written, and the way OMD ended proves that Joe Q did not give a rat’s butt ox how he split them up as long as it was done so he could get the version of Peter back that only he was demanding.

Let me say that I love aunt May. She helped raise Peter. I loved how JMS wrote her on his run in ASM. Having her find out Peter was Spider-Man was one of the best stories I’ve read in all Spidey books. Now she doesn’t know her nephew goes out in tights, punching out evil doers. And then they shove her into some shelter serving soup? It’s like they don’t know what to do with the poor old lady!

Oh yeah, and can someone please tell me what’s so “new” about ahem “The New Status Quo” regarding Spidey?

Et tu, Bru? :sad:

Sorry to derail, but I just wanted to say that Spider-Man: Reign is one of the worst ones I’ve read so far. Sure, they make Parker stay true to his character (bluntly put, being a “loser”) and the premise sounds like a Spider-Man version of Dark Knight Returns etc. So, everything sounds good on paper. But the execution is botched; they try too hard. The art is stupid. Every page consists of three-four completely horizontal panels, and there’s barely any text. Nothing really develops; the characters make their entrance posthaste and exits godspeed, and the whole thing ends too quickly. Jonah Jameson is way out of character, Sandman goes emo and the rest are jobbers.
I’d say that it’s OMD but with a good premise, though I have to admit that I haven’t read OMD, and probably won’t.

No need to apologize because you didn’t derail at all. This is the Spidey thread after all, home of all comics Spidey. Just because we’re talking about Joe Q’s latest bomb, doesn’t mean we can’t talk about other Spidey stuff. Speaking of OMD, you’re a good man in skipping it.

EDIT: Check this out, guys: http://youtube.com/watch?v=83rKJjU7cwI

Sean McKeever posted this on Newsarama -



What he said when asked about whether or not Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane is coming back (For those of you who don’t know he started the comic but left Marvel to to go DC) -

“As far as I know, Terry (Moore) and Adrian (Alphona) are still working on it. Heck, when you think about it, OMD makes SMLMJ an even more important title to have out there.”

LOL that’s about all I can find for a McKeever opinion…

Source, in his “Dan DiDio hates you!” thread. :rofl:



also, the devil on howard stern


Ah so that’s the Stern interview I heard about, thanks! Funny image lol! I like this one too -



HA HA HA!!! “Moving forward,” indeed. I wonder if DC is laughing as hard as we are now. :rofl:

Pained Auron, much thanks for posting a link with the Howard Stern/ Joe Q phone convo. I just couldn’t get the sucker posted for some reason.

i heard it was the other way around but it was so long ago i couldn’t tell where i heard it.

hmmm I missed the part about JMS’ letter.

That makes me feel even better knowing that he had no hand in the last issue then, because the script was fuckin fantastic. That thing went through 2 re-writes at least.

Did Greg Land design Jackpot’s costume? looks like it. (looks lame)