Spider-Man, The Amazing Thread

What I think Marvel is going to do is say that all of those years Peter and MJ were married, they were just living together, not cheating on each other. That way the essence of a lot of stories remain, it’s just the rings and references to husband and wife are gone.

Yeah I think seeing Spidey make out with a slut from Girls Gone Wild was too much, too soon? Maybe that was the point, ripping that bandaid off hella fast. :rofl:

pfff all i know it this saves me 9 bucks a month. That preview did not impress me at all.

Argh. this just drives me mad.

So Civil War happened… and Spidey unmasked himself… only now nobody remembers the face that was under the mask??? And they can’t check out the old television/press footage to figure it out? Quesada needs to rot in hell.

i guess the magic photoshopped the cameras? :rofl:


itsss maggiicc

For real. I saw that first page and I was like “WHAT?!” Way too soon for Peter to me making out with some woman. And again, I find the notion of Peter dating again retarded because Spidey ALWAYS screws up his relationships. And what chick is gonna want to get with Peter when she finds out he’s living with his aunt? The status quo is taking things back to 196-freaking-8?

And MJ is Jackpot. Again, I find the idea of MJ being a super heroine just dumb.
And absolutely no one knows Peter is Spidey. That blows. I thought it was cool how he was really opened up to the rest of the Marvel heroes and many know who he was. Not even Daredevil knows now. Lame.

I was also not impressed. I was excited about BND for 24 hours and that excitement vanished when I read the preview. I know its early and Dan Slott is one of the writers on board, but I’m really getting the vibe that Marvel effed up.

Ah, but the best thing about it is they have 3 issues a month.
So if the story sucks, you’ll know 2 weeks down the line instead of 2 months.

I think Jackpot has possibilities. I mean, MJ has been Red Sonja AND Demogoblin this last year so the idea of her with superpowers isn’t all that far fetched.
Plus, it might mean that OMD will have ramifications down the line, especially if she remembers everything.

Easily the worst thing about her is her backup story is drawn by Greg Land. :shake:

Newsarama’s Troy Brownfield gives a “review” of BND:
CBR reviews the first issue too (with a little less OMD bias): http://www.comicbookresources.com/columns/?column=6

Uh, so who picked up the first issue of BND? Anyone? :shake: I’m going to my comic shop Friday so I’ll read it while I’m in there. I’ll give it some time because this is only the first issue but from the preview, I’m so not feeling this. I think I’m gonna start picking up Marvel Adventures Spider-Man. Even though PAD isn’t on the book anymore I want to check it out.

Everyone needs to buy Spider-Man: Fairy Tales, if you don’t own it. With the exception of the “Eclipse” story, this is $10.99 well spent. :lovin:

I picked it up today.

It was quite good.
McNiven/MO! is fantastic as always.
I actually liked Slott’s writing here more than usual.
Lots of nice elements from classic Spidey in there. A lot of it felt like watching Spider-Man 2, with the way Peter’s luck seems to turn out and JJJ’s antics.

I won’t give away everything but…

[details=Spoiler]The girl he’s seen kissing ends up having a different agenda.
Harry explains a bit of his story and more little hints seem to be dropped about Peter’s split with MJ.
The 2 new female leads are pretty interesting. (one in particular)
Spidey going after the criminal was good, especially the end.
New villain Mr. Negative looks cool at least, not much shown about him yet.[/details]

All in all it’s a great start, I think.
Lots of pieces laid out, the ending makes it definitely worth picking up the next issue.

By me there’s a huge stack of BND issues, only about an inch’s worth sold. That’s really unheard of for Amazing. Nah didn’t get it but who knows how well it will do. Gonna check another store in a bit to compare…

One thing I’ve always liked about Marvel is that they can admit when they do wrong. They admitted that the Clone Saga was a huge mistake and owned up to it. If this retcon of Marvel’s on Spidey blows up in their faces, they’ll probably owned up to it as well and admit they screwed up.

I’ve heard many people are dropping ASM from their comic list. Can’t say I blame them. I think I’m changing my mind on OMD afterall. At first I thought it was a moving story. But it ended with a cheap, horribly done retcon and as Erik Larsen said, Pete and MJ’s marriage, while great and I loved it, was nothing rare or some once in a 1000 years bull crap. Joe Q’s hand was far too reaching in OMD and it shows.

Imagine my surprise when I learned Howard Stern is a Spidey fan. He talked to Joe Q view phone recently about OMD. I tried to post the YouTube vid that had the convo, but for some reason the link just didn’t work correctly.

It selling pretty well in Midtown Comics, not flying off the shelves or anything but people are buying it. On a side note, Youngblood #1 is not moving at all at the main store. Hmmm I wonder why. :rofl:

wow i mad you said that. That was the first comic i purchased when it first came out in 1993. Unfortunately the comic was destroyed in rain when i was on my way to a friends house that day.

Sorry about that lol! It’s a different/new Youngblood series if it makes any difference. :sweat:

Man, I just caught up on this One More Day storyline…WHAT THE FUCK? What the hell was this dude thinking.

“You can’t tell good stories with a married Spider-man!”
“Um…he’s been married for a good 20 years now, I think the writers have found a way around that.”
“Fuck that, they getting split up. Divorce time.”
“I don’t think kids should be reading about divorce.”
“Well, how about a deal with Mesphio?”
“Um…that doesn’t like a good idea…”
“Fuck you, get out of my office.”

How does MAKING A DEAL WITH THE FUCKING DEVIL a more acceptable option than divorce?

lol…its maggiiiccc

Welcome to how we all feel, friend. You just gotta love Joe Q’s reasoning behind splitting Peter and MJ up, especially when he said doing so “would only be worse.” Joe Q doesn’t like Marvel heroes to smoke or have Spidey have sex out of wedlock . But a deal with SATAN, the price of darkness? Oh that’s perfectly fine because the DEVIL is a such a swell guy.

If you think One More Day was bad, wait until you hear about Brand New Day! Peter is living with his aunt May, he unmasked during Civil War but no one seems to remember the face behind the mask. Oh and MJ is now a super hero named Jackpot wearing '70s clothes. Let all that sink in for a moment.

I wonder how hard DC is laughing now. As for how all this crap was done, like maxx said, “Its magic,” which is Joe Q’s explanation for this whole mess. :rofl:

Do you believe in magic?

Yeah OMD was terrible. But I’m wait and see as to how BND will play out.

well i just finished reading the issue. It wasnt to bad at all. a decent read and we will see what will happen.
I like the ultimate fuck you he did to JJJ! though that was good. But regarding the rest again we will see.


Aunt May must be a fucking skeleton by now