Southtown Arcade - SF, CA - THE EXILES 2013.06.15, 12PM @ goforaloop Gallery

I went last night to the arcades. I played with Rose in AE. GGs!

Chaos Code is the jam. I have no idea how to play, though. There’s one character who makes this circle with dolls that I have no idea what to do with.

I often see people playing it when I stop by, but I haven’t the foggiest how to play. Seems intimidating.

It seems very projectile based from what I could tell with my 10 minutes playing it, and it only has four buttons. I just didn’t know how to combo well. I will try it again.

sup guys, just moved up from socal. cvs2 is dead there and im still reigning champion lol. i want to come by to southtown to MM anyone in cvs2,3s, or ae. but ESPECIALLY cvs2 just cuz i havent been able to play anyone who wasnt a fraud in a while. i posted in the cvs2 bay area thread n that shit was super wack cuz no one fucking posts. but i hope that someone at STA can reply to me n let me kno wsup???

New season of STA Ranbats were just announced, including CvS2 and AE.

Also, I tend to see people playing CvS 2 and 3rd Strike somewhat regularly. I mostly play around with AE and Tetris when I stop by, but there does seem to be a solid CvS crowd.

thanks bro. so as an ae player where are the best places to get casuals in? im super down for the ranbats but im fiending for games today lol. where do i go??

Check out the Fremondia thread. Some guys there play regularly.

Occasionally, there are $5 freeplay sessions at STA. Otherwise, the guys in the Freedemonia thread seem to be the ones to ask. Especially since I’ve only been in SF for about a month and haven’t hooked up with people much yet.

Didn’t catch the name of the guy I played Chaos Code with but if he lurks this thread GGs. The game is pretty cool and like I told some people I’m gonna talk to some people I know that know a good bit about the game and transcribe some info to pass around. Probably gonna hit up the arcade around 2:45 or so today.

Is Southtown getting Persona 4 Arena?

hey I want to start going to the UMVC3 tourneys, I’m pretty close, also want to get into persona 4 if you guys get it. But what system do you play umvc3 on? i only have a stick for 360 but plan on getting a way to play on ps3 eventually. are there sticks that can be rented or do you have adapters? thanks

All Southtown tournaments (at least for the ranbats) run on PS3, except CvS2, I think. The tournament I went to had plenty of people who brought their own sticks, and I’m sure there’d be somebody willing to let you use theirs. People are generally pretty nice about that sort of thing.

right on, wheres the best place to park?

There’s a garage right across the street from the arcade. The STA website links to the garage’s website here.

I’m so happy STA finally picked up SCV lol. I’ve been waiting since February. I’ll miss the first ranbat but I’ll be able to go to the rest. Looking forward to it!

Is tonight the freeplay AE night?

if ur gonna play ae go to thursday night throwbacks. get ready for the ranbat on sat

another quick question, do you guys have any 360’s with umvc3 to warm up? i have a 360 stick, and i know the tourney is ran on ps3, but it would be nice to get some games in.

there is usually a cab setup for marvel, no 360’s at southtown