Southtown Arcade - SF, CA - THE EXILES 2013.06.15, 12PM @ goforaloop Gallery

Hahah massage parlors! In all seriousness I’ll be there tomorrow

The USF Don
"We’ll meet again, someday soon"

Happy endings included?

Uhh…sure. Nick better be ready to eat a fuckton of DPs.

GGs to errybody at the AE crack session last night. I wanna try and make it a weekly thing maybe on Thursdays, so Starbase peeps can come thru if they want.

PS. you’re all free to my Rose

Had a fun time last night. Feel like my Hawk is finally re-gaining its form. I just need to find my patience again.

I also should use Hakan more. Because someone needs to.

GGs everyone. Alex is super free to not knowing orb set-ups.

Yo. My setups are just so god-like, they don’t actually need to hit.

third strike today anyone?

Hey guys i just moved to SF , what time to people normally play there? I work from 9-6pm so i can make it there after that or during lunch for a little while. STA is like 10 min walk from my office.

What do you play? Seems like there are usually always a few KoF or Marvel players around each night. For AE we just started doing a $5 free play on Wednesdays and then Saturdays are probably your best bet. STA doesn’t open until around 3pm, so no go for lunches.

RAMnation will be invading STA tomorrow in full force!

we gotta grind hard for evo guys so lets get to work!


AE Freeplay crack sesh going down this Thursday.
Starts at 6, costs $5.00.

Only 361 more days to train for next EVO

Wasn’t it Wednesday last time? Regardless, I’m there.

Yeah. I want to try and make it Thursdays now so it doesn’t coincide with Starbase sessions.

Makes sense. Not that it matters to me at all anyways. I still don’t have a PC or console so I’ll take what I can get.

Is there going to be a new season soon? Will AE no longer be on that cab in the back corner?

I don’t think AE is going anywhere. The new season will probably start up in a month or so, give people a chance to recharge after a crazy ride through EVO.

I’m far too free at AE yet. Sad thing is, I see and feel glimpses of playing excellent, but then my mindset somehow shifts and I get blown up. I feel like my composure is the biggest hurdle in my way right now…I need my Xbox. ;_;

Sent from my Chun-Li phone via Tapatalk.

GGs to everyone who went for AE last night.

The USF Don
"We’ll meet again, someday soon"

AE tomorrow? I mean, I still have no Xbox, so I’m showing up after work regardless of $5 freeplay with the hopes people are playing SF4. >_>

Sent from my Chun-Li phone via Tapatalk.