Hope most people made it back alright.
SC2 results are as follows (please feel free to PM me if anything needs to be fixed)
1st: Doug “Longshot” Wilkinson - Raleigh, NC
2nd: Jonathan “xSAMURAIx” Matsura - Raleigh, NC
3rd: Daniel “Smeesh” Tilgner - Chapel Hill, NC
4th: Blake “Beast of Fire” Mansour - Durham, NC
5th Place:
James “Throwback” Freshwater - Atlanta, GA
Justin Sands - Newport News, VA
7th Place:
Chris “Crow” Villarreal - Houston, TX
Jinmaster - Bad News, VA
9th PLace:
Michael Stinemire - Durham, NC
Wayne Cosby - Durham, NC
Joshua “jio” Otis - Memphis, TN
Chet Lakhani - Greensboro, NC
Charles Smith - Cary, NC
Dexter “Spitfie” Jones - Atlanta, GA
Dale “Cursed One” Duke - Raleigh, NC
Chris Evans - Norfolk, VA
17th Place:
Naomi Baker - Chesapeake, VA
Arvelle “Venturi” Whitaker - Norfolk, VA
Sergio Garza - Houston, TX
Adam Messina - Memphis, TN
J. B. Nicholson - Bad News, VA
Ricarlo “King Lo” Woods - Winston-Salem, NC
Lawrence Price - Richmond, VA
Mike McCarly - Durham, NC
25th Place:
David “Champ D” Rhodes - Greensboro, NC
Props to JB and Beast of Fire for bringing PS2’s and SC2’s for us to use. Not sure but I also think SC2 had the only female tournament player there.
Sorry to all the TTT players who came out just for Tag and it didn’t happen. The tournament just got started to late with only room for one TV for each of the console games as well. Not to mention that I think only 6 or 7 people signed up to play Tag.