Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

eventhubs or more to say the staff are no journalists and you shouldnt expect them to actually do any form of research, because they dont do so. SRK news are overall better even tho the majority of time a bit late.


Reviews for fighting games are pretty pointless anyway. Netherrealm games for example usually score really high because they have high production values and lots of singleplayer content even though a lot of them are unbalanced messes that drop out of the competitive circuit before they’re even out for a year.

SCV I can imagine got bad scores for lacking any noteworthy single player content, not because it was a bad fighting game (it was not).


As someone who plays NRS I can tell you this is completely false. Injustice 2 is still going strong. I don’t expect for the game to die until we get MK11.

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360 people at EVO isn’t what I’d call ‘still going strong’ but maybe that’s just a matter of perspective.

Hey, sorry if this has been asked a million times already but has the full roster now been revealed? Is there still a chance of a few more unrevealed characters to show up in the game that are not dlc?

Hold the fuck up! Soul Calibur V was, is, and will always be a shit fighting game.

Injustice 2 on the other hand is the highest production quality and most rationally designed fighting game to come out in the past 2 generations. Despite hating clashes in Injustice 2 because I like moving around and fighting more than seeing the same animation and hearing the same dialogue play out for the 100th time, they do not fuck up the neutral in the same way as reversal edge does in Soul Calibur VI. Clashes can only be activated at most twice after the first bar of health is gone and only by the defender once a hit connects. I also do not much care for supers in Injustice 2, but they are at least telegraphed enough to be reactable after activation unlike in Soul Calibur VI. That is barely even scrapping the surface of all the fuck ups in VI’s battle design.

P.S. No more characters in the base roster, this is all you get:

Note: unlockable offline Inferno not shown.


Tnx for clarifying that, I hope we get setsuka and hilde as dlc, with one more guest character, 2b hopefully.

SCV is a so-so SoulCalibur game, but that aside it’s still a great fighting game by every reasonable metric. I say this as somebody who knows how weird SCV is, except I’m not hysterical.

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There was a Soul Calibur V. I thought there was only Soul Edge, Soul Calibur, Soul Calibur 2, and Soul Calibur 4



the first thing I gotta do after work is going to my local shop asap
I will skip the basketball training and MTG draft tomorrow lol

I’ve never heard that joke before, thanks.

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Soul Calibur V
Balance: 3/5 (Viola RO/infinite, Alpha Duchebag Stun BE Chain/Super, etc.)
Design: 2/5 (frame advantage irrelevant outside fastest strings, supers that cripple neutral game, launch/stun/knockdown and combo favored over pokes and spacing)
Movement: 2/5 (limited slow 3D movement and strong homing)
Movesets: 2/5 (at most 1 attack for every situation, few mixups, no room for improvisation)
Roster: 3/5 (3 mimics, lame knock off clones, CaS locked character)
Aesthetics: 4/5 (pleasant overall but forgettable and bland for the most part with excessive particle effects)
Audio: 2/5 (voice acting flat and nonsensical with thematic music that is easily forgettable)

Overall: 18/35 => 51% => Epic Failure


But a generally fine fighting game. I know the clickbait hysteria thing is the official internet language but call me oldschool, I maintain perspective.


Just a few more hours and I will be at my Best Buy demanding my game!

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I really need to travel back to the past and tell my six year younger self that I should definitely not buy SCV because those 500 hours I had fun with it have apparently been an illusion.

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A game being bad and a game being enjoyable are not mutually exclusive. However, by every reasonable metric Soul Calibur V is a lousy fighting game.

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Indeed, SCV was a great game competitively.

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I dont get it why no rematch option in casual mode ? I mean its the first thing i would add wtf they where thinking ? Loadin loading loading urhhhh Another thing i dont like when its laggy the audio gets real choppy i guess it has to docwith the type of netcode they use ? N ways we need a rematch option asap

Yeah, Mario Kart DS, Catherine, and Soul Calibur V are all top tier competitive games…