Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

Hero king forged both sword and all that…what does he do “summon a chair and launch motherfucking bubbles !” also dont forget the “shit coming’s out my back !”. You wanted the fire/ice stuff from soul edge and soul calibur from a dude who wield both ? ha ! fat chance.

Algol is cool on lore paper and should stay this way. “Hero king, made sword with weird demon and weird zen angel inside”.

a strong Algol player was fun to play against. I would say keep Algol (according to high level gameplay) but according to the lore you wouldn’t see him until sciv or a long long time before cervantes found the swords

is there foot dive? otherwise not playing :coffee:

Just pick Nightmare and 3B your way to victory

I dunno. I’d say the story took its damage in IV. That’s where all those nuggets were laid in the first place. V just took what they’d built on and took it to the natural conclusion. (Art book shows they had a lot more in mind with that story prior to the tsunami and corporate pressures.)

I mean, IV’s idea of a satisfying ending was “And character X wandered off and was never heard from again”

“Hot” Mitsurugi @5:35 :pensive:

Such vile objectification of the male body.


from the leaker Vergeben:

I wonder when they’re gonna start revealing new characters and builds.

Also I didn’t notice before, but after seeing clips in the above with Sophie’s hair down, I’m pretty damn impressed with the hair in this game.

Add leixia to the crap lol

i guess after the db game comes out the pr stuff for soul rolls on.

This shit better not be real. Where the fuck is Talim? You only had one job Namco!

its 15 years in the past…how the fuck old is leixia…fuk


nPat was like, the one good sequential character though

I hope these mechanics are not finalized. Otherwise Soul Calibur VI’s gameplay will be whack as fuck.

Yeah if that’s all true then it’s pretty iffy

That rock-paper-cissor-paper2-rock2-cissor2-paper3-rock3 mecanic seem strange.

Yes, reverse edge is weird and apparently takes too long. I also think they fucked up with guard impact being an answer to everything from lows to throws. I sincerely hope they ditch that nonsense. I am also concerned about the removal of A+K, since that could mean that movesets are once again put on the chopping block.