Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

Don’t like Sophie’s VA. She sounds fine overall but I’m missing her distinctive battlecry during certain moves. Y’all know the one.

Reversal Edges seem really dumb still but the game looks fun (look at how much space you get off of them though). If I could play, first thing I would do is figure out how to fuck up people trying to reversal edge.

Finally saw a successful guard impact!

So counting the blank spots on that character select screen that make it 20 characters in total. Also 11 stages.

Lol dude really need his SC1/2/3 mini-stache, what a boring face… Mitsu was waaay cooler than that douche

Why they insist on boring SC4 models as base damnit lol

Some random thoughts

-movesets looks fucking awesomenesssssss
-game looks stunning
-alt colors feel random/ugly af, i think they’re just using Color Edit (like SC4/SCV)
-they have really overdone with special effects, i wish they could cut 50% of all that fireworks shit
-will not lie, slow mo moments are epic cool
-english voices gave me ear cancer
-If they manage to do 20 chars with that quality is going to be a dream SC
-Only 20 slots my poor Hwang bro is getting cut again, they ever sacrifice him first, pieces of shit :frowning:
-i’m officially hyped

Yeah Mitsuragi looks like a custom character now. Hope they fix that

All the sparks and hit effects remind me of Blitzkampf Ausf asche

Am I the only one that likes Sophitia’s VA?

Yeah the slow motion thing looks cool… in motion. The graphics and swiftness of the attacks look so good. Man, I remember when Virtua Fighter 1 came out and I thought those graphics were the shit lol.

I like it, I think she sounds pretty good and in character. Definitely good to see her sounding pumped up and energetic unlike in SC4 where she sounded worried and in anguish for her children.

Stupid Sophie caring about the lives of her kids. Silly woman.

holy informal fallacy, batman.

damn. the slow-mo effect feels like a momentum killer.

Thing is not even SE/SC1 Mitsu look like that

Dude has ever been serious business, i don’t know this new douchebag with soft face

You will get used to it.

I find him looks okay to me.

just frame

according to guys on 8wayrun who speak French:“naked legs” will take more damages from the opponent. When low armor is broken. Can anyone confirm?

Yeah they said it impact “health” when they hit a part where armor is gone, damage is increased.

Mitsurugi looks fine, shut up

The more I see gameplay of this game, the more I like it.

Now I’m starting to be disappointed. Armor break damage like in IV. GI as strong as in V but without any cost except against Reversal Edge that seems to slow down the match. But how Lethal Hit works? It doesn’t seem to be a regular counter hit or a Run Counter considering Mitsurugi took one by going straight into Sophitia’s stab attack.

As for english voices, I think they’re bad since IV. I just hope the japanese is fine.

20 characters really makes the chances of Cassandra being playable seems low. Will they just have “post Calibur 1 pack” or something?