Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

SC1 reboot = best thing evah imho

Think my top 3 favs was Mitsu, Hwang and Rock… and while the Conan wannabe was treated bad, while Hwang treatment was the worst of the series lol

Also many designs were at theyr best back then, and suffered layers and layers of overcomplicated crap during years

Mitsu (aside old one lol) and Sophi were two that had theyr design less ruined throught the series, and still i really like what i see now
Aside Mitsu face that remind me a bit SC4 crap

Not a fan, i prefer much more the sharper look of previous chapters (CG concepts), particular the SC1 one

What hype? At every turn they are boasting about how they are fucking up the gameplay mechanics of Soul Calibur.

Not liking the sound of reversal edge. “Will give a chance against advanced players”. Noobeis are supposed to get bodied freely and eat dirt when going up against a veteran. Is that not how it works? Like…fuck the noobies. Let em’ learn the hard way.

It’d be like me curbstomping some pro at league of legends when I just started the game because I can one shot people across the map with a lock-on button.

I have some concerns now. Really sounds like namco is trying to take shortcuts with cutting out experience from a player as much as possible so everything is a grey area.

Meh, that’s all marketing talk. Need to actually see it in action alongside actual frame data.

Personally, I’m still hoping that it’s there because the game will have wildly safe, SC2-ish, frame data. This way, you keep the freedom of the latter, without having to rely on a glitch (one that goes against “horizontals > step”) like Step G. At the same time, safe frame data should keep Reversal Edge in check by making it so that you can’t just use it willy-nilly on the safer moves.

And ill say that all this BS pretty much confirms SC died with II (at the very least with III since i still see people harp on that broken shit). They had ONE JOB! Bring it back to basics and keep the speed and fluid of motion up while keeping it simple but adding small layers of depth to keep it interesting. THATS IT. Thats all they had to do. Add in story mode that plays like a weapon master mode and maybe add a create a fighter (i dont know, i didnt give a shit about that.) and youre done. But all of this talk basically proves they have learned nothing from IV or V and they really just either dont know what to do with the series or they dont give a fuck.

The reason the series failed was because people hated the added mechanics that took away from the simplicity and refinement of the game. Nobody wants supers or guard crushes or anything having to do with a comeback mechanic. this isnt Marvel or SFIV. Casuals and pros alike just wanted a simple game to play with no bullshit. since thats not gonna happen, have fun burying this game in 2 months when people stop playing and go right back to II HD or whatever they have going on in Dolphin. Good job Namco. Good Job.

Except SCII (the one everyone likes the most) only works because of the bullshit.

People shitting on additional mechanics and meter are missing the real issue of why SC started its downward decline since III. It’s what we could call the “Tekken-ning” of SC, which mostly comes to one thing - changing the way the series frame data worked. With SCIII onwards, we see a trend of them making the frame data more in line with Tekken frame data - lows and launchers were now unsafe. One example people like to bring up is Raph’s 2K which went from -11 on block and +5 on hit to -14 on block and -4 on hit. He lost one of his primary ways of opening people up thanks to this change. And this applies to most lows and mids from III onwards.

and thats because the Soul Calibur team is no more and has since be periodically replaced or collaborated with the Tekken team. Even the lead is a Tekken 7 team vet right? So that means they know EVEN LESS why SC works the way it does then the people originally on it! And whats funny is it would have been so easy to just peruse forums and look at the older games and ACTUALLY PLAY THEM and figure out why such and such ability or mode worked and why people hated the other modes or abilities. instead they live in this fucking bubble or apply game logic FROM A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAME to the one theyre makign now and just assuming it will work. And those changes have constantly killed any hope of a tournament scene building around it for more than maybe a month or two. and itll happen here too. The vets will try it and shrug their shoulders after awhile and the noobs will just find it too complicated and not as much fun as it should be. And no amount of star wars or anime or game or comic guest stars will bring them back.

he is just spaming the same shit in threads to raise his post count number. look at his other comments.

This is why you play the game, but they make the game.

**Critical Edges make a return in Soul Calibur 6. The input to perform these super moves were difficult in Soul Calibur 5 so there will be a single button activation to use them in Soul Calibur 6.

The biggest change made to the battle system is the “Reversal Edge” mechanic which will allow you to block almost every incoming high, mid & low attack with the use of a single button input.**

don’t like the idea of single button presses. critical edges were not hard at all wtf or am i the only one who doesnt know?

If not for him we most likely wouldn’t have SC6.

I don’t like the idea of single button presses either. We’ll see how fluid it feels when we get more information. Either way, SC6 is on the horizon. And its 70%! (How do people even measure this wtf?) Mid March release please! Nice birthday present. :heart:

Reversal Edge isn’t that bad in concept, in match we’ll see how it goes. The point of reversal edge is to introduce and tempt newer players into the core mechanics of SC, a good idea imo; and the producer also talks about how it won’t really be effective at high level play (it’s not there to give newbies an edge over advanced players).

1 button CE’s are retarded though.

1 button supers don’t seem to hurt Tekken.

But newbies dont like those things though. And definitely NOT in SC. Thats the chief problem over there. They ASSUME they understand how to get new players in SC when SC was perfectly fine doing its own thing. Casuals enjoy simplicity (when it works in the design of the game) and an easy understanding of mechanics that cannot be broken by other mechanics. Introducing swingy mechanics that can easily tip the scales in one way or another DOES NOT make the game better, just more stressful to play. Almost like a MOBA/Turret Pusher. Stress is decidedly an UNFUN mechanic in large doses, which is mitigated somewhat by a chief understanding of mechanics and strengths/weaknesses. When those things are there for all to see and not covered up through poor messaging or poor training modes, then its not a big deal anymore. Old SC didnt have a problem there because the mechanics were dirt simple and the messaging of said mechanics was pretty plain and out there. All this is doing is covering up those strengths in design and playability in vaseline and hoping to god someone finds that pretty. SC was already a casual “pick up and play” fighting franchise, why do they feel the need to take that away.

except for that legendary tourney that pasted and the guy fucked himself over by pressing it by mistake lol…i wish i remembered and clipped it

That’s not the game’s fault.

Yeah. Critical Edges are just one more mechanic that don’t add much to the gameplay. I don’t see how reversal edge will add much either.

Casual players all loved Soul Calibur II despite it being pretty punishing. It just works, movement is easy, each button is fairly consistent with what you do with it. On the surface there aren’t really any hidden mechanics that would discourage players maybe outside of guard impacts but the game made it very apparent they were there and GI battles were always fun and exciting. Naturally there are things like step guard and G2 but those aren’t going to affect play at a beginner level anyways.

As much as I’d like them to pull CE, BE, and now RE the designers seem to think the game won’t feel complete without a plethora of meter options. The Soul Charge mechanic seems to be enough already but it’s taking a back seat for now.

shrug SC6 meter management is significantly simpler than SC5’s. Two bars, and two single bar, offensive use options. Soul Charge is one bar and Critical Edge is one bar. No fractions of bars, no Brave Edge calculations, no defensive options. I know that one guy who wants SC2:4K won’t be happy but I feel this is a decent compromise.

I can say the same thing about Soulcalibur II. The designers messed up with their obsession for movement. It took the hitstrings in SC1 that were perfect for generating solid string based pressure via hitstun and weapon weight considerations and rendered then useless. Retreating guard severely kneecapped Maxi’s pressure options for example. Punishment became more dicey with those one frame step maneuvers where they Han Solo vs Greedo’ed their heads outta the way of horizontals. This is breaking a perfectly functioning game before the glitch shenanigans.

After the glitch, you are left with a game that has 90% of the movelist rendered completely useless and the game’s core foundation (Hori’s beat step, verts beat duck, throws break G) was left in complete ruin.

And you likely think I’m insane. Oh well. It’s true.

When I hear casuals talk about SC2, it’s clear they had no idea how far from high level play they actually were. Enthusiastic recollections of GI wars, going through Weapon Master mode… Link.

Very little mention of competitive play. The casual end of the spectrum doesn’t matter at all as long as you give them single player to muck around.

That aside, the best non well poisioning analyisis of SCVI I’ve seen so far is here

Soul Calibur II did overdo it on the movement distance for some characters, but blockstun in Soul Calibur 1 is one of the things that made Lizardman’s ringout shenanigans and keeping opponents out of range with long range weaponry too damn easy. I think Soul Calibur III: Arcade Edition has a good balance in that respect even if I miss some of the fluidity of movement from II.