Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

Taki, yoshi, kilik. Bonus would be yun and zas. Please namco? :slight_smile:

Mitsurugi’s young looking as all of hell.

Is this a revamp of the story from Soul Blade?

Rumor has it it’s a reboot.

hope this makes it for evo 2018.


damn what a sunday

fuk arms


I don’t think this is launching in time to make it for Evo.

Well, its official it is going to look as shit as Tekken 7… I find it funny that Soul Calibur IV makes it look like shit by comparison. Also what the fuck is up with the Lost Swords presentation?

I sincerely hope the gameplay is a refinement of the classics otherwise this is going to suck on all fronts.

man wat

it looks so awesome. How Sophitia evaded the first blows and then parried the next attacks- by the way, those animations were hell of nice. I also see they weren’t shy with Sophitia’s cleavage or her breast size. Good, I was worried the age of PC would infect them.

Also, when Sophitia gets launched in the air, they show events from past SC games, events of the future for Sophitia? So it’s a reboot of sorts, it seems.

Looks so good. Never thought I’d see this happen.

Judging from the limited gameplay of the trailer, it looks like a prequel? Also, The fighting looks like it has some bullshit in it with the way the swords clashed but theres no telling. it IS a trailer after all. Im just hoping theres no dumb stuff like supers, Stiff movement, or destroyed armor and shit. Just “pure” (its still a fantasy setting with monsters and limited magic in it.) weapon fighting.

If you look at the FB banner, the Soulcalibur sword from SC2 is smashing Soul Edge. There’s meaning there.

Mitsurugi’s outfit is a remake of his SCI default, and Sophitia’s is very close as well. reboot?

Also, placing bets on the first DLC guest character being Billy Kane.

Billy Kane is too cool in the 80’s sense and too 2D for Soul Calibur. He would be almost at home in a decent Guilty Gear.

I have a weird “crossing timelines/time travel” feeling especially with the scenes of SC5 getting a bunch of emphasis in addition to little clips from basically all the games hidden in there.

Like how Mortal Kombat 9 was all about sending a message back and changing the future.

That’s fine by me. Decent way to make changes to the story. And kill off sophie’s children. :smiley:

Well MK9 was a great game (and story), so that would be a fine idea. Does that mean Zasalamel will be the Raiden of the series?

gets starry eyed


I am glad this franchise is getting a new lease on life, but it’s going to come out next year? WTF? Console Tekken 7 literally just came out this year. Didn’t they make the same mistake with SC5? Should be 2019 man. I want them to work on it for at least 2 years and make sure everything’s good before releasing it. Not a half done game that disappoints fans.

The graphics right now doesn’t even look that updated.

Yeah, this really bothers me. Even the special effects look like they were pulled straight out of Lost Swords. Too much like 2D fighters.

I miss the old days when 3D fighters all come down to the basics.

I do hope it’s based on DC Rebirth, Marvel Secret Wars 2015 & Generations too when it comes to time paradox. Old Schools clash with New Schools.

For guests: I think Nioh ver. of William will do in turn of Bamco allowing Sophitia in WO3U, for 3rd Party represent. For 2nd Party represent, if Heihachi made another guest appearance again, it may likely be set after his true death in Tekken 7, & Heihachi himself stranded in the past permanently (presumably goes to the path of redemption while without any recollection of his present day).