Souki: Ultimate All Stars

Oh yea, another posted commented on how Touch of Death usually meant 100% combo, and I agree! I’ll upload some 100% variations using the technique later tonight to showcase the ruthless potential of Issen -> BRQ! Anything using the Issen -> BRQ will just be “Touch of Doom” like Jeffery’s TKoD (Toe Kick of Doom) in VF!

Can you post the notations on the loop combos trag, I wanna try it but I do better knowing the basic commands before attempting it

There’s actually another window in there where the bomb does the crazy bounce and hits the opponent in the air too.

So far I can make the bomb hit 50% of the time, and the other half I get hit by it. It’s fun as heck though XD.

Would BBQ stay on Soki after the bomb? Because with BBQ this could be a pretty high-damaging combo.

Zero, sure. I can do that. I might just start another thread and explain some of the foundations of Soki combos (at least as much as I understand).

Thread started.

well if you do it right, you won’t get hit by the bomb, so of course bbq would still stay.

I will update the first post with all these loop variations and Trag’s videos when I get home. They helped a lot. Thanks for creating the videos. Ill also provide a link to his thread. No point in copying/pasting the notations really, it’d be kinda redundant.

I didn’t play CGoH, but it seems pretty crazy to me how people instantly thought Souki was terrible when his combos from that game didn’t work anymore, lol. Along those same lines, I see in the changes list that P absorb during oni mode is useless as a cancel, which I disagree with. It certainly is the safest thing to cancel into for blocked unsafe normals, extends the trag loop to 10 reps and also opens up some new mixup. What I mean by that is:

Jump in B or C > absorb > another air normal as you fall or land and go low. This can be done fairly close to the ground, too, and I would think that any decent way of breaking defense when you’re in oni mode would be useful.

Is there any frame data for TvC? It would be interesting to see how many frames P absorb is and compare it against the recovery of normal moves. It obviously extends the Oni loop a great deal, and I’m pretty sure that Oni mode could be pretty deadly when used at the right time. It’s definitely not as potent as before, but it’s still better than no cancels at all!

I was gonna ask the same thing! I was gonna make a thread on that sometime asking if there was any for at least CGoH but I googled and got nothing so far. If I had programmable pads I would be happy to contribute to that but unfortunately I don’t :frowning:

Soki can back grab into 22C from anywhere on screen and the hit won’t scale! If you back grab in the air, then 6C towards the opponent and immediately empty cancel into 22C. Soki already has amazing grab range, so this is just icing on the cake.

Also, if you hit your opponent’s assist and issen then the point character that’s blocking is hit by the unblockable issen! bbq the issen for more combo opps!

Oh wow I didn’t think that issen was unblockable. That’s really interesting actually.

which Issen is the unblockable one? Or is it unblockable in just this specific instance?

Amazing find ll. I never noticed that either. And lol @ above post, what are you talking about, he only has one Issen. Its a finisher for a successful 6C. His issen is called “Chain” (laaaame) in the english version so you might be confusing it with another move.

Which makes no sense…it’s not a literal chain and it’s not a chain combo either, so…?

Multiple Issen combos are the best.

I thought of a good strategy with Soki. At the end of your 6C, immediately use Deflect 214C+ Chain M+H (or ABC). I use ABC for Chain, it’s so much more consistent than pressing M+H at the same time. It’s good because if your opponent advance guards your sword pokes and 6C, you can expect them to attack immediately after they advanced guard your 6C. Use Deflect while calling in your assist, just in case they don’t attack Soki’s Deflect stance, for extra safety.

By the way I prefer calling it Chain rather than Issen. Cause it’s english and it’s time to step away from CGOH terms. :stuck_out_tongue:

My question is in response to the above post.

I’m not confusing Issen with anything (I’ve been playing the game since CGOH), but if I’m not mistaken, he can Issen off of more than just 6C, he can also do it off of 41236+A/B/C

so I’m asking which one is unblockable and in which instance

Wow, fuck your avatar. How many people have you given seizures? Holy christ.

LOL yeah true you’re right…my bad dude. Well I think the 6C, 214A/B/C, and the 236 special Issens are all the same so I’m assuming all of those work. They all put the opponend behind Souki. The launching one after 236 is obviously different but who knows… All I know is, if I hit an assist with any move that goes into Issen you better believe I’ll be spamming it lol.

Wow, the TvC boards kinda died out a while back. Well, let’s try anyways.

I’m trying to figure out a Souki combo that was used against me online a while back. It went something like this…

5A (as often as possible) 5B 5C 6C 623A 5A (as often as possible) 5B 5C 6C Issen(BC) Baroque 5A (as often as possible) 5B 5C 6C Oni Tactics (no charge) -> Sword of Purification.

This does a metric ton of damage, and sets up for DHC options (in my case, I usually go into Zero’s transformation super and land a full combo with him, or DHC Rykoha -> Another swords of purification if I have the meter). Here’s my problem: I can’t figure out how to get the darn Sword of Purification to come out! I’ve gotten this combo to work once or twice, but never in training mode. It always gives me a DHC again. Somehow, it’s possible to cut the super flash on Oni Tactics short… I can’t figure it out though. Any advice?