Sooo what's up with Super Turbo?

MvC2: Why people don’t complain about the amount of possible match-ups

The god and top tier characters can all completely destroy the mid to bottom tier characters simply by using their main game plan. There isn’t any need to learn the small bits of information for every match-up. Mag can rush that ass down, cable can ahvb off of anything, storm can run away and chip forever, and sent can stomp your ass out. What can any mid to bottom tier character do against that? So learning match-ups aside from characters within the god/top tier for the most part is pointless. Which means you only have to learn how to fight against like 11 characters.

ST: Why people would complain about the amount of possible match-ups

Match-ups mean everything in ST. Some characters may be bottom tier but can still do extremely well against a few select characters, so it’s important to learn your match-ups even against garbage tier characters. There are 64 characters in AE(I actually counted) meaning you’ll have to learn 64 different match-ups for whatever character you play. That right there is just an insane amount of memorization.

For all of those 64 matchups you’re learning, I’m picking CE Bison. What then? Hence, why AE is such a bad game(I know you hate it as well, but I’m just pointing that out).

I agree Corner-Trap, but theres more than 64 characters.

8 WW
12 CE
12 HF
16 SSF2
17 ST characters

Which is a total of 65 characters, but theres more

16 O.ST (Granted most of these are same as their SSF2 versions, but some are different)
16 ST whilst holding Start button (granted some are the same as their ST version, but some change, like storable specials and supers)

Too tired to remember how many of these are actually different, but i’m guessing theres well over 70 different characters in total, you may think this may not change matchups, but even simple thing like Honda being able/not being able to store his oochio can actually change things quite abit.

However for the most part base strategies against each character will work no matter what version they are, you just have tweak them depending on the version. Some matches do change big time between modes for each character however, but most stay relatively the same.

morrigan ron is more broken that magneto rush down wise. Wiff cancels have to got to be the best thing ever created for rush down.

anakaris is extremely under rated and will wreck your shop. Infinite, EXTREME priority, dumb mixups, ground overheads, the list goes on with this guy.

marrow is a mini storm w\o an overhead but paired properly, she can wreck shop no problem. Easy relayer for dumb pressure, easy assists damage for 50%+, her mini hail goes through everything, dead character coming in tricks, tricky guard breaks.

ruby heart ron is pretty broken. Instant xups into big life, unescapeable guard breaks, overhead after her super is done which creates option tree, lock down sequences, unblockable sequences when paired properly, instant super that has invincibility, c.rh+tron = 50% life on assists and qcf+pp can leave you safe, her ghost super allows for pratically all characters to have a safe entry upon DHC. yada yada… oh yea, her ghost actually cover the screen and you can’t see passed there sprites, so they block the action. If you have a character that can take advantage of the dhc immediately and overhead, you can overhead through the ghost and your opponent CANNOT or barely see it coming. Its dirty.

jill ron probably has one of the best option upon hit in mvc2. Trip+tron, if they don’t roll, launch ggpo because thats hella life. If they do roll it, LK zombie, ground series+tron, launch ggpo.

I can keep going, but my point is that outside of top tiers, there are characters that no one gave a shot seriously and those characters have some shit that you wouldn’t really expect from them. All you need for midtiers is tron+ a top tier character and you now have a functioning team that can compete with top tiers as long as your willing to block and play right.

Hold on a sec its all good and well using other games to cite examples, but please leave all technical and game play discussion that isn’t to do with SF2 out of this thread please. Last thing we need is this thread getting tainted by people talking about rubbish games. SF2 is no.1

Which brings me to my point.

Too true, but AE is not ST, and the balance is not nearly so fine-tuned. Not to say that many characters are downright unusable, but there is most definitely a smaller group that has an intrinsically better set of attributes, and they almost invariably tend to be from the first few versions.

Mind you, I am still classifying AE and AE-as-ST as two different games. I should think that the use of CPS-1 characters in a Super Turbo tourney would be banned, but if a separate tourney were held for AE, I would see no reason to exclude SSF2/T characters, simply by virtue that they will probably not overpower their older counterparts.

And MvC2 didn’t ship with our current tier information already in place. It came with a daunting number of match-ups, and took a long period of gameplay before everything was sorted out. I don’t see why the same initial obstacle, in and of itself, should turn people away from AE, in which the character types are not nearly as varied.

Please go back and read my previous recent posts. I made it quite clear that ST characters can and do play a prominent role in HSF2.

This conflicts with my point how…?

:rofl: i think at this point you should just stop talking to him

I love ST, and would consider it my main game. But ive always been the type of player who can quickly and easily adapt to changes. Its probably from switching games so damn often! None of the ST versions ive competed in have ever bothered me. (ccc2, dc, arcade, emulator)

Seeing us all settle on one version will be nice though. HDremix is our last hope for that, i think.

Cause you make it sound like SSF2 and ST characters are just an afterthought in HSF2, when thats just not the case.

how come when i posted that it had input lag back when it was released and other things were different from the arcade i got flamed and called an idiot


i don’t really understand what’s so good about CE Bison

his wake up torpedo is blockable

he can’t do anything about being tick thrown

knock him down once and its over

What about the SF collection for ps1 is that any good?

That and too many players out there can’t resist the urge to be cheap-asses, and only touch the high level characters. So you’ve only got Godtier Vs Godtier, Top Vs Top, and a mix of the two as the possible match-ups most of the time.

“So ya wanna be an MVC2 player kid?”

“Yes sir i sure do!”

“Then whats your first character?”


“WTF? He’s not in this game!”

“Ummm Ryu?”

“Look ya little bastard, theres cable, magneto, sent, and storm. Take your damn pick already.”

And what is wrong with trying to win?

Regardless, Zass made this thread a while a go before evo.

Sabr3 pick urien and vs any shoto

cr fp, mk tackle x 2, mp headbutt

on ps2 that shit is mad inconsistent to hit, on arcade i can do it all day

He can lock you down, though. And the hitbox on Psycho Crusher is just ridiculous and he can tick throw off that. That, and if you even let go of block you’re gonna eat c.strong, s.forward, scissors into dizzy. It’s free damage and it’s an excellent block string.

Yeah, you can knock him down, but it’s not as easy.

You don’t even go to tournies. Stop crying.

First off the impressive character selection, which is SUPPOSED to be a big feature of MVC2 is GONE. If all one cares about is sheer win count, by any means necesary regardless of the sleaze tactics they must resort too, then you only have 4 characters to choose from and nothing more.

Secondly, it gets stagnant as all hell seeing only the same damn 4 characters get used for the billionth time in mirror-like fashion. I realize Godtier users would like to think the stuff they do is still somehow “fresh” and “interesting”, but that cookie-cutter shit is older than your grandma by now. Its NOT cool to watch anymore.

Also i used to only play top tiers and it got pretty boring to the point where i was nearly burnt out on MVC2. Taking a chance to learn and play the other lower-tiers is what revitalized my interest in the game and in my opinion, the FUTURE of MVC2 is in low-tiers. Its only a matter of time before the rest of the fighting community is sick of this constant high-tier play as well, and look to lower-tiers for a different gaming experience and NEW layer of gameplay. Plus MVC2’s great char selection would FINALLY be utilized as it would meant to all this time!!

It says Super Turbo, not MvC2. Take the crying elsewhere.

MVC2 still got brought up regardless, and so i was commenting on that. Deal with it :wgrin:

Also please quit your complaining w/occasional fishing for attention, it amuses no one of reasonable intellect.