Sooo what's up with Super Turbo?

Get that out of here. Guess who I play on point in mvc2… Colossus! So seriously, just stop.

Good for you then for not taking the high-tier route. From my experience one only gets better from playing lower-tiers anyway, because they require so much more effort/creativity/planning/strategy to win with.

Rather than God-tier characters just re-doing the same stale routine endlessly.


on topic: just hold that discussion until HD is released. by now everyone should now that there is no arcade perfect version…

Yeah, no. Derailing thread ftl. An actual good discussion goes on and you just manage to go down Gay Street and Anal Ave.


BTW, your fighting game knowledge is SOOOOOOOOOO far off, it’s ridiculous. You act like everyone plays Marvel Top 4 in the same fashion. EVERYONE plays differently.

true grave is permabanned user super warrior btw so you can just ban him now

Why are people talking about mvc2 in a super turbo thread. Thats like some talking in a thread about someones sister dying, and all there talking about is how to get the best sex.

Zero chance of that. Just play the remix mode and don’t even pretend that it’s old school ST.

Unless the remix mode is shit. Then play original mode, which will not actually be like the original, and pretend that it is the remixed mode.

A-men. Look forward to it as a new game, and use it to finally unify and solidify the Super Turbo scene.

Wrong-O scythey! The very first off-topic comments about MVC2 were made by goodm0urning, which then results in replys by not only myself but others too. If anyone could be accused of thread derailment, its goodm0urning.

So unless you are pretending to be stupid, get your facts straight you damned idiot. Also by your obvious persistence in trying to start an argument war with me here, you are the one at the moment attempting to derail this thread.

Since i know your incapable of shutting up, for the topic’s sake, i guess i’ll have to be the one to stop replying. Beginning now.

Once again your incessant complaining continues, not unlike that time last week when you were crying to me about you being alone on a friday night. Tsk… :looney:

Personally, I don’t give 2 shits if it’s not arcade perfect. I just said that so that the ST players who turn their noses up at everything (because there are some who do, I’m not saying all of them do because most don’t) could have something to play that they wouldn’t complain about.

To whoever’s doing it, please stop editing my posts without a good reason to.

A correction: yes, I made the first comment about MvC2. However, it was not off-topic. I was using MvC2 to illustrate a point I was making about Super Turbo/AE.

The first person to make a post about MvC2 that didn’t pertain in any way to ST, if I remember right, was Shoultzula. However, you provided plenty of fuel for the fire yourself. Thanks for pointing the finger at me, though.

Don’t worry, that’s the only finger pointing he’s capable since his cock can’t read women on his radar.

It’s always awesome to watch SuperWarrior cry about tiers. The most awesome theory fighters on the net are the ones that don’t show up to tournies.

I pick ST Honda “whachagonnadonow?”

Thanks for help furthering my point.


I’m sorry I just refer to SF2 in general as ST. So if I say ST just know that most of the time I’m just talking about SF2 in general.

Massive Lulz

Psycho Crusher you all day.

Duly noted. Doesn’t make much sense, but duly noted.

oochio rape

Yeah, I know I’m confusing.

wait… wait…

true grave is super warrior?

i was wondering where that guy went.

HF Zangief > CE Bison

ST Dee Jay > Everyone