lol ps2 and xbox are far more than capable of emulating technology back from 1993. it has nothing to do with the power of the console. its how well the emulation engine was built. 360 and ps3 st can still fail on the exact same faults as ccc2 just as easily if the project isnt taken care of, regardless of the console
When I first played CCC2 @ Min’s room at Evo World for some reason it didn’t “feel” right but I kept on getting the lame stages, so that could be it. I just remember when I wanted to dp with O.Ken at times it seemed like it wouldn’t come out when I wanted it to come out, or I was just too tired to notice. But we’ll just have to see when ST:HD comes out to determine really.
Where there any big notable problems with the XBLA HF?
Get David Sirlin in here!!!
It’s definitely not arcade HF. Game feels different, and the speed is off
probally nothing was done about it because the pros knew the whole time and thought they finally found a way to beat the japanese only to have it back fire when they used vega !
I think the idea is if the same emulation engine is used on a more powerful console it will yield better results. In a way that is accurate, but if the engine itself is too flawed no matter the power it will never be perfect.
if you check over on his blog hes currently taking the approach of denying theres any lag at all and denigrating anyone who claims its a problem as not being as good as they think they are
Again, Ill stick to AE, for Xbox/PS2 : / then adapt accordingly, and hopefully maintain somewhat the same timing, Dreamcast is nice, and I had DC’s since 98, and all 3 still run, 1 JPN 98, 2 USAs 99’s
What fail to realise is that the 3s crowd only have 3 ports to choose from and the ps2 version is the clear winner.
With ST, theres a total of 10 ports, PC, 3DO, Saturn, PSX, DC, PS2 HSF2, XBox HSF2, PS2 CCC2, and soon to be 360 STHDr and PS3 STHDr. 11 ports if you count GBA, and i bet i missed 1 or 2 aswell. But all of them make for lousy replacements for arcade ST.
And you can’t really say anything like “anything other than PS2/PS3 or DC doesn’t count”, cause if say the Saturn Version was arcade perfect then you can bet your life thats the one people would want.
I’m all for ST:HDr taking over, i wish people would get this whole “i hope its arcade perfect” out of their heads. Its gonna be a new game, original mode(not matter how close it may seem) and rebalanced mode. Just deal with it and play it, cause unless its got some seriously weird shit that makes it not tourney worthy, then it will definitely be at Evo next year. Alot of time and effort is going into it and Capcom will want to promote it.
Furthermore people got on with it back in the day, when CE came out people didn’t beg for it to be exactly like WW, when HF they didn’t want it like CE, even SSF2, and ST and HSF2. ST:HDr is the next game in the series. People had no problem moving on back in the day so why now. I’m really looking forward to the new ST:HDr and honestly i hope it is different. It be great finding new tactics, discussing new tier lists and most of all playing the new players it will no doubt bring with it.
Now what happens if ST:HDr is unplayable, it could be unplayable for tons of reasons, like input lag, brokeness, looks so weird you can’t play it, woteva. It doesn’t matter what, if its unplayable its unplayable.
My suggestion of the best alternative for ST would be using HSF2 Capkore version. O.Sagat and Vega are both fixed. As long as only ST and O.ST (not ssf2) are allowed the only problem there is, is that the ST characters can’t tech O.ST characters throws, and to me this problem is minor compared to what the other ports do to the game.
If some of you really want to be controversial though, ask for HSF2 (original, not capkore) cause that is arcade perfect port of hsf2 arcade, so you can avoid the whole problem of arcade perfection altogether. And lets face it, while CE Bison is annoying hes not the defining character of the game. How many CE Bisons actually placed in top 8 at Evo2006? I bet its no more than all the Sagat and Vegas that normally populate top spots in ST at past Evos.
And thats that!
That’s why we might want to try what I suggested to you at Vegas…AE w/mode stipulations. Either, HF or SSF2 only. You know you can’t want to use your SSF2 Djay
But if people really insist on having ST, then just use the Kapcore version of AE with mode stipulations.
assuming ST:HD isn’t chosen
If your going down that road Vintage, just have AE, but with WW, CE and HF only. Actually makes for an interesting game, since no one can cry about weakness of SSF2 and ST characters, and all characters have a viable competitive version aswell.
Ryu: CE/HF
Ken: CE/HF
Honda: HF
Chun: HF/WW (WW can be deadly in certian matchups, cause of no hitboxes on limbs)
Blanka: HF/WW (hes got some bullshit, like unblockables + no hit boxes on couple moves)
Gief: HF
Guile: CE/WW
Dhalsim: WW/CE
Balrog: HF
Vega: CE (gets HF rolls in AE )
Sagat: CE ( retains his unblockables i think, i know i def got hit by one in the arcade alittle while back)
Bison: CE
Looking at that list its pretty clear to see that most characters have a very good fighting chance, and dare i say balanced?
I can understand only playing with SSF2 and ST, but what’s the point in only using WW, CE and HF? It’s not like any of the SSF2/ST characters are broken or anything.
Its just CPS1 then, and people who wanna bitch about how AE is not ST need not apply.
Well, I can understand the logic of treating SSF2/SSF2T and WW/CE/HF as two separate games, since, in a sense, they are. But in the end, I agree with you: if you’re going to do version of the game featuring WW/CE/HF, you might as well just make all of AE available. There’s no practical reason not to.
This would, of course, be treated separately from AE-as-SSF2T during competitive play… but that doesn’t really need to be explained to anybody except for the kids in the cheap seats.
So its ok to play HSF2 with just SSF2 and ST characters but not just WW, CE and HF, lol, ok…
I’m honestly against using AE in tourneys. Just think about the match-ups. In ST you have to learn 16 different match-ups for all the characters, and another 16 match-ups for all the old versions of the characters. So in ST alone you have to learn 32 possible match-ups. But in AE you’ll also have to learn the match-ups against the WW, CE, and HF characters. I won’t even bother counting up how many match-ups that could possibly be.
Haha, r3Ko is on a roll…best posts by far. An all CPS-1 tourney would be awesome. Heck, WW-SSF2 is just as fine. Can anyone outside of Watson or a few others (aka those that actually played the game) really state that SSF2 mode on AE is broken?
It just seems that no one is receptive to the possibility of playing the other, and in many cases, better versions of SF2.
And a great many of them would be completely irrelevant once you factor in that the game would be heavily skewed towards the earlier versions of the characters anyway. Hence the reason why it wouldn’t make much of a difference if SSF2/SSF2T are included with WW/CE/HF or not. And if it doesn’t make a difference, then why not?
Hell, why don’t people complain about the insane number of possible match-ups in MvC2?
SSF2 is no more broken than any other SF2 really. Nevertheless though SSF2 just feels so unfinished when compared to ST, probably cause it is. However it does make a nice change once in a while.
They do make a difference, not so much SSF2, but ST characters definitely do.
Balrog, Dhalsim, Vega, Honda, Chun are all best in ST mode in HSF2
Ryu, Gief, Blanka are all arguably best, and definitely competitive in their ST modes in HSF2
The only characters in ST that were in CPS1 that are definitely not their best in ST mode are Ken, Guile, Sagat and Bison, but they are all still competitive. Thinking about all ST characters are competitive enough not to be ruled out, its one of the great beauties of the game.
ST characters are very viable in HSF2, just look at all HSF2 tournament results, ST characters always make top spots. Infact you only ever see a handful of CPS1 characters even make top spots and we all know what characters they are.
So in limiting HSF2 to say only CPS1 or CPS1+ssf2 i think we would see alot more character variation, which is what the game originally intended, not ST+ a couple of CE characters.