besides '-guile, '-sagat and '-zangief (which, in my opinion, should be less bitched about), what else’s wrong with AE? I’ve the japanese version and seems tournament playable to me. Okay… it’s NOT ST, but let’s face it, you won’t get ST in a big tournament. Once we agree on this… why not try AE not as ST, but as AE itself?
There’s a big, big, BIG difference between having your input be 1 frame off and XBL lag. For starters, on live there’s input lag AND net lag. And what’s really bad about net lag is that it’s constantly changing while you play. You can’t really learn to adapt to that. But that’s not what we’re talking about here.
For arguments sake, let’s say that CCC2 has 1 frame of lag. That means your inputs are ALWAYS one frame off. This means that all of your combos will work 100%. Once you press the button for your first move, the timing for all of the other inputs will be the same as it always has. There’s only two things that change:
Reversal Moves - To perfectly time a reversal, you’d need to press the button one frame earlier. It is certainly possible to adapt to this and if you use the piano input method, it shouldn’t matter that much to begin with.
Reacting to Stuff - Yup, you’ve lost a frame. And that sucks. And in extremely tight circumstances it might bite you. And yes, that’d suck.
FWIW, I wasn’t at all meaning to imply that I think CCC2 is perfect or that I like the fact that the stage speeds are screwed up or that there may be button lag. I started playing SF in the arcade when it came out, and got out of the scene for a while when everything was goin’ all console. I’d be exstatic if we actually played on real arcade machines! But unfortunately, that’s not the case.
All I was trying to get at is that everyone knew for almost a year that we were gonna use CCC2. If they practiced up on an arcade machine, on an emu, on the DC, or whatever and were surprised to find that the timing felt off, then the bad is on them. They should’ve practiced on the version they knew would be played.
At any rate, I think all of this is moot, since I expect that next year we’ll be playing ST:HDR. And if we’ve learned anything from the problems with CCC2 this year, AE last year, and so on, then the people who really want to compete in ST will pick up a 360, get ST:HDR, and practice on that :tup:
HD Remix won’t replace ST for the same reason that the ST players can’t decide on a tournament worthy version.
Actually if ST:HD gets adopted, Playstation 3 will prob be the system, just cos of cheap (i.e. not $90 apiece) convertors. As much as I dislike the system, it will be better suited for tourney games that are multi-platform.
You’re a scrub?[/woof]
I think it’s intereting how the ST players are extremely picky about their game but there’s not quite as much complaining about the PS2 port of 3S. Granted…there isn’t any real input lag and most stuff works…but there are still things that aren’t 100 percent and PS2 3S plays a bit faster than the arcade port. Which you think would cause trouble with hit confirming for Japanese players and certain unblockables still dont work at all or dont work 100 percent like they do in the arcade. The game simply mimics the way the unblockables worked in the arcade. Which I’m sure causes them to not work 100 percent exactly the way they would in the arcade.
Yet…it just seems that in general the PS2 port is accepted enough to play in tournament. I guess it’s just because a lot of the crowd that plays 3S today started getting serious with the PS2 version of the game. I guess the Japanese just get adjusted to it or dont mind the speed increase.
I"m open to giving this option a fair chance. I mean, for all we know- it might be better then arcade ST. If it sells well, might convince Capcom to make a sequal to it, with more frames, and a non-sucky Adon… I can only wish
if i can hit confirm on ps2 (3s) then japan shouldnt have any trouble either
ive never had trouble with the unblockables either
deviljin, the differences between arcade and ps2 3s vs any version of console ST and arcade is like night and day.
theres nothing significantly wrong with console ps2 really other than slight speed increase(which every console port seems to have) and the unthrowable akuma overhead. as for urien, i seen people do his shit well on ps2 and arcade. all the same retarded setups. seems to be just fine to me. but then again, im not a urien player.
ST, any console has pretty drastic problems that are unique to each version. 3s really doesnt.
jugoso: uh we used AE at evo 2k6. it was a massive ce bison/ce guile fest. horrible competitive game, but its fun casual
Ppl even couldnt adapt or accept previous SF3 8Urien unblockables removed)and SFA3 crouch cancels removed)upgrades, then I find it harder to accept ST HD as the standard of ST.
BTW and Off topic: Now that Dreamcast is emulated, anyone cares to put a pic of a comparative of ST in DC vs ARC to see what is all that of sprite differences or hit boxes differences? I would do it but my pc sucks… :sad:
The thing is, you could argue that things like unblockables and crouch cancels were surreptitiously removed from the home ports, rather than a more explicit attempt to make widespread changes and show that they were for the better. It’s not clear what the intentions of the home ports were in some cases (to rebalance things? to preserve arcade perfect emulation? some combination of the two?), especially since it’s not necessarily true that people asked for the change or removal of said features. Because of this, people would be pleasantly (or rather, unpleasantly) surprised when the mechanics changed.
But since it’s clear from the very start that a remix mode will address issues that players have griped about in ST in an explicit manner, players will know it is a different beast altogether intended to rebalance the characters and mechanics of the game and may be more accepting of it as a new standard. You can look at it as an upgrade not unlike the change from CE to HF; most people wouldn’t argue that HF is some unofficial bastard child of CE that is a poor derivative of the original.
i noticed lag in CCC2 when i was playing in casuals at evo2k7 east
never really noticed it before then
i turned to my friend and was whispering about imput lag i could have sworn i was experiencing, but i thought maybe i was just being a bitch since no one else seemed to notice
shit kept happening though
i thought it couldnt be my stick
my scrubby ass knew something wwas up
lag is a bitch
especially in ST
when stuff like that happens cant you just find the right person to repair it or even repair it yourself if youre brave enough. Ive had my dc since 99 and it works as good as the day I got it :lovin:
Thing is though, did it really alter EVO at all? Or any other tournament? Seems most players placed where expected. What I’m getting at is, is it really effecting the player’s gameplay or is it just an annoyance?
Didn’t Tokido use Vega on the Gief’s stage (fastest in the game) repeatedly? Not saying he wouldn’t have won, but I put money on it that that sure as hell wasn’t working against him.
DC version is the way to go.
Until STHD comes out, I’m for using the ST characters in AE.
Also, I’m for having AE as a game with the WW and CE characters banned. I’ve never understood why everyone insists on allowing all the versions in that game.
But that would be changing the default options! And as we all know, changing default options to make something more competitively playable means it doesn’t even count as a fighting game.
God, that was unnecessarily petty. You have my sincerest apologies.
That, and I think both of those ideas are good, so I’ll agree with you.
smash argument +1??
I wouldn’t worry too much about ST HD, I mean CCC2 wasn’t even a port it was straight emulation on the weakest console of this generation.
even if it was straight emulation again on 360 and ps3 I’m sure both consoles could handle it easily.
also I quite like the idea of AE with WW and CE banned, But only because I love hyper fighting characters