True… what does Marvel do when DCs have dried up and gone the way of the dinosaur? The PS2 fighters can at least feign death because of backwards compatibility on PS3/PS4/PS5/etc… (even though there are logistical problems with that too, it’s better than not having access to the game at all).
I’m a hardcore marvel player and I can tell you DC’s don’t last long. Our local crew has busted up 3 dc’s in 2 years just from playing marvel. Most of the time, the power supply goes bad. Then the constant unplugging of the ports can cause the ports to blow out. You also have the blue screen crap when 2 sticks of different voltages get togehter. Apparently, the DC doesn’t like fluctating voltages coming out of its ports.
I’m trying to get into ST and everytime I pick it up, theres something wrong with each version. When it got switched over to CCC2 this year, I quit trying to play the damn game. Lets just cross our fingers and hope that ST HD becomes the new standard.
If ST HD isn’t a perfect arcade port, the ST og’s have to sit down and choose one final copy that will be the tournament standard from then on. If you can’t have it arcade perfect, there no use crying over spilled milk. Capcom will eventually stop re-releasing this damn game. Pick a copy, and let the young bloods like me master the game.
port fuse blow outs can be fixed i dont know about the power supply issue
eventually like fossil fuels this is gonna become a problem
this might be the deathknell for arcade perfect ST or ST as a whole (i honestly feel sthd has too much work cut out for it)
In regards to AE with ST only, the only issues I heard that were a problem with it were you can’t tech grabs against O. characters, and O. Sagat being a little different, but that might have been caused by people just picking super Sagat without holding start(or was it select?). Just ban O. characters too and we’re good~
Vega also had improper inputs with his walldives.
There is always emulation…
They’ve(the EVO staff) already stated that it is one of the worst options. Granted button mapping is universal, but setting up this stuff is just too annoying. That’s like trying to get 16 superguns for pools. Trying to cut the work in half, not increase it.
I love these guys, but first they said ST in CCC2 is arcade perfect buy it,then they cover it up until HD is coming out and said buy HD that is gona probably be arcade perfect.
Glitches fixed from original release
This Capkore release is not just a re-release of the original HSFII, but there are some significant tweaks that fixed some of the old bugs (most notably SuperX Balrog’s wall jump command which was almost impossible to pull off in the original release). If you want to play HSFII the way it was meant to be played, this might be worth picking up.
Yeah, that I knew about, but I doubt anyone has the energy to care about it anymore. Everyone will still find something to complain about in the long run. =/
Also, Super sagat in AE is not the same as o. sagat.
i think ccc2 should still be used for it being the closest version to arcade ST. unless peeps want to jump to ST HD which could/could not be a good port of ST.
I’m still fine with CCC2.
maybe we should get top players opinions yea?
no CCC2
please no
Use DC for now, the character sizes aren’t off at all
anything but CCC2
ST HD will not be arcade perfect. I dont think developers have said that. It will not be changed, but I doubt they can guarantee an arcade perfect game with so many changes. And who cares about arcade perfect? Half of the Evo attendings were kids when ST was being barely played at arcades.
And every game is great and perfect until you lose at it.
dc version is the least annoying. ccc2 is the worst version.
stHD will be next. do i think it will translate well to HD and all the snazzy new graphics and still be arcade perfect? my guess is no. but now here comes a rebalance mode with STHD. if original doesnt come out right, we can give up and just go to rebalance mode and treat it as a new game. theres nothing to base this “new version” off of, since, gasp, its a new version. the problem is tho, we are at the point where all capcom games are dinosaurs now. been playing the same games for years and years, will anyone accept an update this late?
for instance, would anyone accept a new sf3 revision? since we’ve been playing 3s for like 8 years, unchanged? we’ve been so used to the same thing in a certain game, that i dunno if most people can accept the change now and accept a 4th version, much less, a 6th version for sf2(7th if you count hyper as an upgrade). its no longer a 6 month or 12 month upgrade like it was in the 90’s. we are talking 8-10 years now for the next revision. its a tough one
im personally all for the rebalance mode to take over. make things a little more fresh. and eliminating the worries of the game not translating well to console, since its a new version. only problem we would have to worry about(other than tiers) is the massive speed issues and each stage and glitches
3 DCs in 2 years? What the hell are you doing to them? I’m on my second in 7 years. And the first had no case for > 6 months. Kitchen fans ftw.
Here’s my take on it:
CCC2 at EVO: I can’t tell if it has a frame or two of lag or not. None of the console games have ever “felt” the same to me as playing on the arcade. I attribute most of that to sitting down and playing with a controller on my lap though. But I can easily see how the console version could be a frame(maybe 2) off. Regardless, people had almost a year to practice up with CCC2 and change their timing if need be. I don’t really see the point in bitching so much about it. The speed problems however, are pretty lame.
Between now and EVO 2K8: I think each small group of people can just pick whatever they like(Arcade, EMU, CCC2, DC). My guess is that in smaller communities, it’ll be easier to pick a format that everyone will like. And, in the long run, I don’t think it’ll matter which version you use because…
EVO 2K8: Unless it’s spectacularly horrible, my guess is that we’ll be usin’ ST:HDR. Bet it! The only question will be weather to use the, i’m sure imperfect, “Arcade” mode or to use the remix mode. I might change my opinion if it sucks, but at this point, I’d say let’s go with remix mode. It’ll make it new for everyone, and since it’s new, nobody will have any room to bitch about minor things. Just learn the “new” game and play :wgrin:
Everyone interested in this thread should prob read at least the last couple pages of the Evo2K7 ST results thread. A lot of qu’s and suggestions in here are solved there already, like CapKore HSFII, etc.
Saying the lag is fine in CCC2 is like saying we should hold majors over XBL. Lag definitely there, and no, it’s not something people should have to adapt to for tourney purposes.
Wilson was saying don’t expect arcade perfection out of ST:HD’s original mode – hope he’s wrong, but seems like every console ST gets messed up some.
Man I pray daily for a 3s revision …