"Sometimes i wonder..is it worth fighting at all?" MvC3 Spencer Q&A's Thread

Oh interesting, it’s the hitstun timer. I was just playing around with crumple/raw tag combos and was seeing if the grounded launch would reset it. That would be pretty broken if hitstun was completely reset.

But it isn’t really broken to be honest (for Spencer). His combos uses up ground bounce and wall bounce while UVG and zips aren’t affected by hsd so it doesn’t really change much plus his damage output is really good anyway. It just means that as long as you have a launch while they are on ground, you can do the same combo regardless of starter.

Hi everybody
Does someone know the notations to the combos that Jwong was pulling out in CEO 2012 with that spencer/vergil team? id really like to incorporate that to my game… it looks so flashy T_T

It would help if you could provide us with a link containing said combo’s.

Edit: I just watched a couple of videos of Justin playing Spencer and I think you’re talking about the zip loop. The variation Justin uses is the one below:

(…), cr.H, uf.Zipline, j.M, (land), j.M, j.H, df.Zipline, j.S, (land), j.M, j.H, df.Zipline, j.S, (land), j.M, j.H, df.Zipline, j.S, call Vergil, (land), Wire Grapple H~L, (Vergil assist pushes opponent into the air), Wire Grapple H~L, QCF+AA

does anyone know whats possible for spencer to do off of akuma’s assist? I just started picking him up and I know he could probably get some great damage off of it midscreen but I’m still figuring it out.

either Air MHS UVG Dash Bomber, MH UVG, Otg UVG, or jump loop to corner UVG OTG UVG. Long story short, fatty damage.

To follow up, I finally tested this. It does catch both of these, but it’s risky. Against Dash crossup attack you have to reverse the input, and against hammer you have to do it asap or the invincibility will kick in.

Sent from my Galactus.

Anyone find any uvg setups with plasma beam assist yet? I’d love to use it in place of Missles in some matchups, but i miss dat damage! If not, I’ll look for some tonight, I have a few ideas…

Sent from my Galactus.

Edit: oops. Forgot about the team/Assist thread.

Hey guys

One problem I have fighting AGAINST spencers is when they call in a horizontal assist and then zipline above my head for an overhead. I really seem to struggle to stop spencers from doing this as they constantly apply pressure on me, pushing me into a corner and then eventually landing an attack into a combo. What do I do against this?

Are there any legit Spencer tutorials out there…?

What are some good mixups on incoming characters with Spencer?

I’ve been trying to work this out from watching videos (Knives, PR Rog, etc…) but I can’t seem to get it:

How does Spencer hit-confirm off Akuma’s tatsu assist when it hits mid-screen? It looks like he needs to zip in, but then what? A dash into an attack? A jump? I’m pretty bad at all games, so training mode’s not really helping me out. The best I’m getting is zip+assist, dash forward, launch, but then it seems pretty hard to actually connect with all hits of the air combo.

Any advice?


I am having a difficult time connecting the combo after the M wire grapple otg from across the screen. It is like the first combo in this video. I randomly get it when I try to do it. I don’t know the timing at all. I see people press S or H to connect it. What button should I press?

Hey, someone was just asking me about that on YouTube! Here’s what I said to them~

THANKS MAN!!! I have been wondering about the timing.

Hello all,

New here, but one question bugged me enough to actually make an account to ask a question.

I’m running spenc/frank/Vergil and in effort to succeed I look how how to get frank to lil 4ish from a spencer bnb

The one I saw involved a gx loop or corner variation, but the part were frank snapshot OTG’s and spencer heavy wire grapple smacks the opponent he is made to stand on his feet, instead of the floor for a second snapshot, any help?


Ideally you want to run Spencer, Vergil, Frank. When Frank is on point, before does the snapshot, you call Spencer’s grapple assist - which is his M grapple with H followup (pulls to ground standing).

Hmm, well can you tell me how spencer/Vergil/frank is better then frank/Vergil? I thought having Vergil as anchor would be amazing ( I’ve yet to successfully block a full lvl 3 x factor Vergil ) also I became quiet accustomed to using the round trip glitch online (online warrior) so i can do a butt load of chip. Unless you recommend spencs/Vergil for duel point with frank assist? I think frank (lvl 4-5) and Vergil actually excel quiet a bit by themselves.

But if I wrong then I’m wrong, I will switch if it’s better the other way

youre using the wrong spencer assist
if u want the grapple to knock them down, u need to use the horizontal grapple, not the slant grapple assist

Ahhh makes a lot more sense, now it’s easy as hell lol. I though my timing was off or something. Thanks!

Also, any answer to why spenc/vergil/frank is better then /frank/Vergil?