Yeah, I’m in the same boat about that air S. Any tips from the spencer pros?
This. I am having a lot of trouble hitting midscreen spencer combo after tk M OTG grapple.
Just thought of something about Spenc and Mags.
Can Spencer raw tag in after a hyper grav loop and combo? Something like this
I remember seeing it happen somewhere before but just don’t remember where exactly.
What are some things to look out for when fighting against Spencer? I can’t fight this character at all.
I feel like he soundly beats all of my characters.
dont know which thread to put this in, dont know if people already knew about this:
but versus dante, u can AA command grab his teleport mixups if timed properly. i was playing sets with a friend of mine, and i would block his stinger while he called strider assist/teleport and i would command grab him out of it…same thing when he did stinger/strider into teleport airdash M …grabbed him out of that too…there were some cases where strider would still hit me, but i would still be able to recover with a down grapple
again, not sure if its known or not, but its definitely something that helps in that matchup, especially since spencer can kill the whole cast off of a command grab (with a little meter)
Hey guys what are some vulnerable points of spencer? I know it sounds like a really scrubby question but I just can’t figure it out. I run Zero/Dante/Sentinel and Doom/Strider/Sentinel and I was really surprised to read in another thread that a lot of spencer player’s consider Zero one of his worst match ups seeing as how he always owns me. So that brings me to my next question, what are some of the things that you experienced spencer players find most annoying/hard to get around in the zero matchup, because I just never want to do anything so I don’t eat a lancer to the face or lose a buster charge due him hitting me with DAT ZIPLINE.
Finally is there a consistent way around air horizontal zip forward backed up with pretty much any horizontal assist (hawkeye, task, magnus, doom, etc) without having to go to superjump height? I know he is very vulnerable to air throws if you don’t block the zip but the spacing seems to be against me most of the time and when it’s not he was option selecting his air throw anyways, leaving me teching and then blocking the assist and ending up in a worst situation than before.
I find it ridiculous that even though I believe I am not a bad player by any means, I tend to lose this match up a lot whether it be a srub online or (of course) a godlike spencer.
Any help is much appreciated,
please almighty spencer masters, help rid me of the salt!
Couple questions :
Does it catch teleport > dash fierce?
It beats teleport > hammer?
If so, this is awesome.
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Typically, after Spencer “bounces” off the TK OTG M grapple, do the df zip at the peak of his height. At the end of the zip, you hit S and then he’ll land.
What are some of Spencer’s safe ground normals? I’ve lost my bible to find out.
Crouching :l: and :h: are 0 on block. Standing :l: and :h: are -1 on block. Crouching is -5 and standing
is -6. :s: is -7.
A question of my own:
What are Spencer’s best options when being TAC’d into? Is there any way to combo it into an UVG?
In the corner, at least:
Up-tac: If sufficiently high, tac > :d:zip land dash forward :qcf::h:. If not, you can spike and then do high air :qcf: :h:, :h: :f:zip: :df:zip :qcf::h:, but that doesn’t work if you already used your wallbounce and if you haven’t the :d:zip one is still better because it lets you just do two :uvgs:.
Side-tac: If sufficiently low, tac > slight delay, :h: (crosses over) :df:zip :h:,land :qcf::h:
Down-tac: tac > delay, :h: :df:zip :h: land :qcf::h:.
Something similar to the down-tac setup is at 1:38, I used to do this. Up-tac is at 2:47.
Side-tac is at 0:24.
You can technically get stuff in midscreen, it’s just really character specific and for side/up also height-specific, with a lot of zips. I don’t think it’s worth going for. Corner stuff is all easy.
Very, very helpful. Thank you.
I am pretty sure I just figured out how to get a uvg from up tac at any height. But I’m not at my setup. I know you can do :d:zip :qcf::l:, and… I think maybe :d:zip land :uf:zip :df:zip :qcf::h: might work. Someone test.
Just tested it and you can’t do it. They fall out during :uf:zip :df:zip however I did find instead that you can do :d: zip, jump j.:f: Zip :df: Zip UVG off an up TAC but is somewhat height specific but if it is off a launch and is near enough to super jump height, it should always hit.
Although now that I think about it, if you could do :uf:zip :df:zip, you would actually be able to do the XF infinite.
no, because you can’t quickly do :uf:zip from :df: zip since it lands you. Anyway, I have a different idea then. We’ll see about it when I get back to my setup this weekend.
:l: :l:
:h: :h:
:s: :s:
:atk: :atk:
:qcf: :qcf:
:dp: :dp:
:rdp: :rdp:
:qcb: :qcb:
:hcb: :hcb:
:hcf: :hcf:
:360: :360:
:f: :f:
:df: :df:
:d: :d:
:db: :db:
:ub: :ub:
:u: :u:
:uf: :uf:
:df: :df:
Don’t worry about the icons, found out how to do them.
:df: Zip does combo into :uf: Zip (height dependent) so if :uf:Zip could combo into :df: Zip, then it may be an infinite but I did try multiple times on trying to get it to combo but it won’t so coulda shoulda woulda, it doesn’t make a difference.
And I look forward to seeing this new idea :tup:
I am trying to integrate the tk h grapple, criss cross zipline uvg corner ender into my game. Does it work on all characters? Is there a trick to landing it consistently? I can land it occassionally, but my execution is horrid. I’m not even sure if I’m using the standard criss cross ender. Thanks!
Hey I remember reading somewhere that Spencer’s st. S resets hit stun on a grounded opponent. I’ve tested it out and doesn’t seem to be working for me. Confirm anyone?
I’ve heard that for certain characters, Spencer included, the first time they launch a grounded opponent who has not been hit by an assist in the current combo, the hitstun timer resets. There’s usually little elapsed time affected so it’s hard to explicitly confirm or deny it, but I’ve felt like there are times when replacing :h: with :d::h: causes combos that are already very tight to not work, perhaps due to knocking them into the air slightly earlier.