I’m having trouble with the follow up launcher after a wire grapple with Spencer. After I combo, I OTG with a tiger knee wire grapple, and the opponent wall bounces. Then I press S in air and S again for a launch, but about half the time the opponent blocks the relaunch. Any tips on the timing on how to combo after an OTG Wire?
Also when you jump into attack, what attack do you usually do to start it off? S?
You want them to be in hitstun long enough so you can land then launch before they recover so naturally you’d need to hit j.S as low to the ground as you can
When I jump in I usually use H. It appears harder to predict whether it’ll crossup or not
I have a question regarding the wall-bounce assist. How invincible is it comparatively to Tron’s fire or Double Lariat? I realize it only hits once, but is it a viable “GET OFF ME!” assist?
Yeah, I wanna second this man’s question. Sorry if I don’t think “watch Combofiend” is a very good answer.
Basically, what should Spencer’s metagame be. What should you be trying to do with him. His game is clearly meant to revolve around the wire grab and zipline attacks, but the wire grab isn’t advantageous when blocked and dangerous when whiffed (it’s also something the opponent is expecting the whole time), and I’ve been punished fairly frequently for offense attempts using the zipline.
Spencer’s gameplan is usually getting in and using some assist to set the pace in battle. Make them block an assist, zipline in, fish for overheads, lows or crossups. If they manage to block overheads you’re in good position to throw or command grab. Be hard to block or create unblockables if your team allows it. Combofiend has a really good Spencer as an anchor, but even he follows this plan if he’s got assists: call She-Hulk assist, zipline and attack to get an unblockable, combo’s. He also tries to find openings in an opponent’s offense and Arm it, like in J Wong VS combofiend @ FR XIV, twice J. Wong tried to open him up with Tron’s Drill and he got Arm in his face twice.
If that don’t work for you, get the strategy guide lol
Thanks for the reply. I will try to attack as late as possible.
Another question: I read and saw online that you can combo the overhead (f+H) into the bionic lancer (the special, not the hyper, qcf+S) However I seem to be unable to do this link. Any advice on timing? Is it as fast as possible? Any visual cues on when I should input the qcf+S? Thanks!
No, it’s actually really slow. You don’t input the qcf-S until the animation for the overhead is done. It feels SOOOO slow in the middle of a match, I mess it up all the time because I want to do it faster.
I have to say that learning the Armor Piercer link after :f::h: is a great way to open up jab spammers. 9/10 I usually get somebody with a :l:,,:h:,:f::h:,:qcf::s: because they see the delay in the :f::h:, get hit overhead or just let up on block to punish, and get nailed by AP. I usually candence it off, 123…4…5, 4 being :f::h:, and 5 being when :qcf::s: should land.
At first I thought Spencer made a good use being the last character (anchor?), since he basically punch through everything using meter, and thankfully has braindead easy combos for good damage and good cost (1 meter).
But then I reliezed I dont need to use meter for good damage, thanks to many set ups for repetitive H hookgrapples, especially with Doom. Sometimes doing the hard combos for meterless damage is not a bad thing, and can make Spencer a good candidate for Phoenix / Dormammu / Arthur / Other meter eaters, in my case its Chris.
Spencer’s a walking level 3. 500+K off one of the easier BnBs in the game that leads into the DHC glitch for potential of one-touch kill (if you glitch into somebody like Wesker)? Yes please!
Hey people, I need some help about one of his combos.
I saw that video from the japanese guy, where he goes for the corner BnB, links j.S into Armor Piercer, cancels into Bionic Arm. Then, he follows up with another Armor Piercer into Bionic Manouvers. How does he do that? I cant connect the Armor Piercer on the falling enemy.
The first Lancer has to hit high and Meaty. Theres plenty of videos around showing how to do it.
quick combo for it.
in the corner: B,C,S -Jump- BBCS -land- Jump straight up, at the peak of the jump, do an OTG H air wire grab, -wallbounce- air S (similar timing as the relaunch combo) - Land- Armor piercer(QCF+S), Bionic Lancer, Armor piercer, Bionic lancer.
After the 1st armor piercer, wait a split second, if you do it too fast, spencer will just whiff under them. You basically want them to fall onto it.after getting that, its just about timing the Armor piercer right,
@MGS: Against dive-kicks, you want to be above the enemy in air, or at least on the same height, and do a straight into them zipline. The hit will poke them and force then either into blockstun or will at least stop the kick. If landed with a great positioning and timing, it might still turn into a crossup with the j.S.