Do have a great second to DHC into after punishing with AAAAAARRRRRMMMM!!
I’m personally running Spencer/Sent/Wesker. If I see the opp bring in an assist I just throw out ARM! and then DHC into HSF into a massive combo, or into a block, depending on what the opp’s point character is up to.
Yeah, the opp can use a counter-Hyper when they see you suddenly ARM!, but then you just bring out your counter to that counter. It’s worth it to destroy an assist in basically one move.
I’m trying to learn ways of connecting FALCON PUNCH after otg grapples but i can’t seem to get the timing right after an air chain. If it’s in the corner, i’ve though of down grappling them, then medium attacking them in the air, then diagonal grappling them and then FALCON PUNCHing them, but they can block the diagonal grapple. I guess we have to actually land, then jump and grapple them otg, but they always get up before i can land it. Any suggestions?
If you’re in the corner, Bionic Lancer is not the correct move to combo with; Armor Piercer to Maneuvers is much better. Midscreen, you can either do your air string as quickly as possible and then grapple on the way down, or delay it a lot so that you have time to land and TK it.
Ok so if I armor pierce them in the corner, i can catch them with maneuvers off the wall bounce?! I never thought to try that cause i thought you couldn’t land manuvers if they were in the air. What i meant by “the corner” was that if i air chained them, and grounded them and they were in the corner, i’d wait till i was about to land on to of them, then down grapple them up. Some times i’m left with enough time to FALCON PUNCH (bionic arrrrrrrrrmmmmmm) them, other times, i have to hit them in the air, then diagonal grapple them, but they can block that as they recover. I actually found a video where combofiend was doing EXACTLY what I’m trying to master. I don’t know how he diagonal grapples so fast. It’s like he barely leaves the ground. Kind of like cammy’s tk cannon strike in ssf4.
EDIT: I doubt i have to say this, but i’m a total newbie at the game. I just got it so sorry if my ignorance offends anyone here.
In order to do the OTG grapple so close to the ground, you have to “TK” it (Tiger Knee). This technique involves buffering the motion for the grapple into a jump, then hitting the appropriate button the instant you leave the ground. The input should be :qcf::uf:/:h:, depending on which you need.
Learn what Spencer can punish from advancing guard with Bionic Lancer. There are so many things people just do while Spencer is blocking that he can just push block and Bionic Lancer for the punish. Spend a solid about of time in training mode trying out different block strings on Spencer to see what he can demolish
Wait a sec now. I don’t understand how pushblocking gives you punish opportunities. Doesn’t pushblock add blockstun so you actually get to move later? Maybe pushing a tatsu off you and Lancing that would work, but what do you mean by punishing from advancing guard?
Oh man, I just doublechecked the Hyper Guide and I’ve understood the whole pushblocking thing incorrectly. It doesn’t actually reduce blockstun either, you just bypass it with Advancing Guard Delay if you time the last block correctly which is sometimes less than blockstun so you get to punish. Thanks for that info.
As for what to do and not do with Spencer… I can only second the opinion that he needs assists to stay safe. Iron Man’s beam is my favorite as it allows safe zip mixups and prolonged combos among other profits. Pretty much everything noteworthy has been said already.
Aside from combos it’s use is limited. However there are some ways you can use it outside of combos.
Against Chris players, part of Chris’ strategy revolves around using his landmines to keep him safe. If you see an opening, you can easily wiregrapple him. You can simply zipline to rush him down too if you have an assist to back you up.
Sentinel has a huge hitbox and his mouthlasers only go straight. You can jump towards him and use the medium wire grapple to catch him if he’s spamming.
In most cases, if someone is playing keep away you can avoid the fire and try a jumping M grapple hook. The hook loses to a lot of projectiles, so you generally want to sneak one in past all the fire.
There are a lot of times where I try to follow up a wall bounce with Bionic Lacer, but I land too late and whiff the Lancer. The same move in different situations cause the characters to land at different distances and times. I haven’t been able to figure out when the various wall bounce moves allow for Lancer followup, and when it doesn’t. Are there any general rules of thumb for figuring out how to know when I can followup with Lancer and when I can’t?
I had this problem when I first started using Spencer. Basically, to me, the worst times to go for the Bionic Lancer after a wall bounce is when your opponent is cornered. Also, Air Wire Grapples that are low to the ground give you a better chance of connecting with the Lancer. Doing it at the peak of your jump just causes you and the other fighter to fall at the same speed & time.
The best way to gauge your chance is this though: If your opponent’s knee is at or above your head when you hit the ground, Do the Lancer.
The normal combo is armor piercer (qcf+s) after it, which is a tight link. You can link a jab off of it, but I believe you have to hit with the last active frames, so not really worth it, IMO.
My biggest problem with Spencer is that I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to DO. It’s not that I’m looking for a flowchart, but I’m having a hard time not being too predictable with him. My current team is Wesker, Spencer, and Sentinel, and while I do very well with them I can’t get a feel for what Spencer’s niche is. Ziplining with drone assist is obvious, but if Spencer’s my last one left or I don’t want to call out Sentinel anymore then I’m kinda mulling around hoping to hit a cr. L into air combo.
If Spencer is your last character, just watch Combofiend from yesterday to figure out what to do with him. He had like 10 comebacks with BioCom as his anchor. Three of them against Marn alone.