I heard in this thread from Damdai - a very, very good player - that Zangief is way too powerful in Super Street Fighter 2: HD Remix. I have trouble believing this; even though I’ve seen and played Damdai online and would admit that he knows his stuff, I would mostly chalk it up to just being an out-there opinion from a top player; it’s not without merit, but it’s also not automatically true jut cos he said so.
But then, other good players which I also respect came in and corroborated his statements somewhat. This is somewhat of a surprise to me; I never heard anyone, let alone Damdai, saying “Yo dawg, Zangief is broke as fuck” until just before Evo when he said it on the SRK Podcast.
So, I wanna know. Just why the hell is Zangief soooo~O~O~O~oooo strong now? Don’t list the changes to me, because I already know them. What do you guys know that all of us apparently don’t?
Are normal humans completely incapable of reacting to his new, faster moves? I would say that I can still react to them just fine and almost never get hit by them(which is true), but I’m only one person, so that’s not very good evidence. How do other people feel about this?
Does his simplified motions on the SPD just make him so much stronger? I doubt it’s this, because good players in ST could walk-up SPD any damn way. Thus, if this were the case, one could make the argument that Gief was broken in ST.
Is it the new, easier Running Grab? Is it the fact that you can cancel it off a normal move that much easier now?
Do the new lariats make such a big difference that several matchups are turned completely on their heads?
For that matter, do Zangief’s improved normals secretly allow him to wreck other matches that were even of stacked against him?
Which changes are doing the trick? I’d really like some specifics here, cos the claim is coming up a lot all of a sudden, but I’m not actually hearing much justification.
Keep all whining about Evo and Snake Eyes and Kuni and who could beat who with which character in what game during which time period OUT of this thread. I don’t care about that whiny-ass shit. This thread is for people who can actually explain why he’s really good now, or to refute it (but I’d much rather hear from people who think he’s buff).