I posted this in the Snake Eyes wins thread before I saw this thread, but to break it down in a more detailed manner, since it probably belongs here anyway…
Sirlin stated that Ryu was supposed to be the middle ground in which all other characters buffs/nerfs are based on to make the game more “balanced”. Problem is that isn’t how it turned out at all, as Gief’s new buffs, including easy motions (and YES, easy motions are a buff… you didn’t play Gief in ST and now you do, it’s because of those easy motions plain and simple!) absolutely make things an uphill battle for shoto, which goes completely against what Sirlin stated his original intentions were in making HDR.
People compare a lot of one off things here to how they were in ST, and make statements like “well people could do that in ST too”… Sure, any ONE of those things in and of itself aren’t exactly a big deal, but when you add EVERYTHING up, it’s a huge difference. Wanna play a footsie game with Geif while you’re playing shoto? Nope, sorry, can’t do it… New lariat completely prevents that since it either hits you on start, or its invincible up until almost the end of the move, so you get SPD’d (with it’s new easy motion buff) before your move animation even ends? Use a quicker poke? Nope, sorry, short doesn’t hit from that distance, you’ll just eat lariat. Let’s not even get into trying to figure out which lariat the player is actually using, since they look exactly the same, which makes it impossible to figure out which are punishable and which aren’t. And don’t give me the “it sounds different” argument… find me a tournament where you can here anything going on. Wanna bait green hand then punish? Nope, sorry, don’t ever block that green hand or you’ll eat SPD since the recovery time on green hand is so short now. Wanna punish run in grab? Nope, sorry, your poke doesn’t come out fast enough to punish it unless Geif is running from over 1/2 way across the screen. But why should Geif even run in anyway? He can just hop over any of your pokes and instantly SPD you since the recovery time on the new hop is nearly non existant. There’s no reason for Gief to ever jump at this point, since your footsie game is already non existent anymore, so you really pose absolutely no threat at all to any Gief player when you’re playing shoto. Can someone who never ever played Gief before do all this stuff instantly? No, probably not… but give them a couple hours and they’ll be pretty damn competent.
In Sirlin’s Evo 2010 blog, he states something to the effect of “I didn’t know what went wrong when playing Snake Eyes”, and then goes on to say that there were “too many things to think about avoiding at any one time”. Well hey, no crap, when you buff every single move a character has to the point that they became over compensated for, of course you’ll never be able to figure it out since there’s way too many things to even attempt to take into consideration.
Anyway, my 2 cents. I see I’m in the minority in this thread, as I didn’t see a single person state they think Gief’s buffs were anything other than reasonable, but the initial poster asked what people thought made Gief too buff in HDR, so there you go.