(sorry but there’s already a tier thread, no need for another)
“remember, dont factor in player skill…this is just by character design”
That doesn’t really make sense since a lot of how strong any particular thing is is going to be dependent on player skill and ability. In computer vs computer play, for example, Blanka, 'sim and dictator would be joke characters because everything they can do is vulnerable and T Hawk would probably be the top character.
yeah, kinda wanted a discussion about analysis of charcters based solely on their charcter design and not how they are used by a skilled player, but I can see how it would turn into a tier type thread, so yeah close the thread
I think this was an easier answer in Hyper Fighting (Ryu), but I seriously have no idea in ST/HDR. No one seems downright invincible (when played to the fullest potential) except for Akuma.
“Potential in the right hands” is different from “character design” IMO. Character design is how you would describe a character to a person playing SF2 for the first time. Example: Dhalsim has a fireball, is a non charge character, has stretchy limbs, has a floaty jump which can be cancelled by Drills, blah, blah, etc, etc.
Says the balrog user.
Like this?
newbie:So what’s balrog’s design like?
me:umm…he kills you very fast and he’s black.
I’ve never considered Rog invincible, even in ST. When I see people play Akuma even in HDR at a really high level I just scratch my head as to how the hell the rest of the cast could fight evenly with him.
Generally the answer is ryu, he’s designed to be good at just about every angle. Yes he has counterpicks, but ryu can make the most out of any range.
This really has nothing to do with tiers.
If you consider the CPU, then DJ is the best by design, nothing like walk up MO’s and dread kick pressure in the corner.
I’d say Ken. Ken can keep people out with fireballs. Then when they get close…
SHORYUKEN!!!111!!1 :lol:
ok, so if you consider the facts on paper:
reach of attacks
damge taken
damage given out
jumping height
jumping arc
jumping speed
No of knock down moves
zoning ability
piority of normal / special moves
damage of combos
foot speed
charge moves - pros/cons
command moves - pros/cons
speed of projectile
throw reach
if you consider all these and related factors, who is the best character in hd remix by design, excluding akuma of course
Well it depends some jump arcs aren’t great like chun vs boxer vs gief vs ryu.
Seriously when it comes down to it ryu maybe boxer. Although if you wana be technical the boss characters, were designed to be the best. They are taller have longer limbs, good hitboxes.
Unfortunately, I would have to agree with Coth X. By design… DJ has way too many advantages normal moves and special moves. Defensively hes hard to hit. Offensively… he’s got too many options. He’s quick and his low jump kick and crossover is second to none.
Ryu designed better than Ken… only because of Super. If played correctly, he can average 2 supers per round and uses it with high priority + little risk.
If game had no super or you actually have to hit a person to charge super (instead of whiffing spinkicks all day long) then Ken is better than Ryu. Ken’s ground game too strong if paired up with consistent juice kicks. If you can’t juice kick on call… don’t even bother playing Ken. Use Ryu.
Ken should’ve retained his knee grab hit damage and distance. And his juice kick should always hit on top of the head like it did in ST. In Hd, you actually have to “control” his juice kick as he two different ones. If executed to early, juice kick will whiff (using roundhouse). If executed a frame later, juice kick will hit on top. Very hard to control as doing a juice kick on call is hard enough. And what I mean by being able to do it on call is to be able to do it walking forward, backwards, neutral, ducking, and jumping straight up.
After having played Ken and Ryu extensively, Ryu requires less effort to win. Ken has a lot of tricks up his sleeve, but you gotta bust ass to execute perfectly with perfect timing.
My vote goes to DJ and Ryu… and Maybe Balrog… by design.
the game in my opinion is still very balanced. The BS comes from the supers. No character should be able to throw a super nearly risk free… Like Ryu and Boxer. Its hard to gauge a skill of a player with things like that in the game. If a character throws a super and phucks up… there should be an opening to punish. Otherwise, its just spam + luck. Me and DGV had a discussion long ago that the game doesn’t really need supers. If “needed” to incorporate it for marketing purposes, then they should be carefully monitored for excessive advantage.
If Ken had Ryu’s super and Ryu had Ken’s super… this match would be 7-3 in favor of Ken.
Most are punishable except for sim’s, ryu’s, boxer’s, dictator’s, fei long’s, dj’s, chun’s, guile’s (depends), cammy (depends).
I wrote that out and realized that’s like half the cast! Then a portion have grab supers.
Every super has a downside. Ryu is hella open if he biffs his super and you aren’t forced to block. Rog has a glitch in his super that opens up the second or third hit (whether blocked or not) to a reversal randomly. I for one love supers, they give the end game a refreshing change of pace. It also gives characters that are normally disadvantaged in a matchup a leg up (like Honda’s super against fireball characters).
Only to a certain degree though, honda gets punished bad by reversal moves if the first hit of his super is blocked.
True, but sometimes just having super in that situation causes your opponent to be more conservative, allowing you to a slightly easier time to get in.
For me this is most true when ryu or balrog has a super charged up. Nothing else quite ruins ur day like getting a mouthful of balrogs super punches when one has been to liberal with the sonic booms
guiles super is very punishiable, its probably one of the worst supers in the game however a good guile player will be charging a normal flash kick while the super is taking place, to execute if the super flash kick whiffs…that has saved my skin many times.