So it's nearly the end of 2011, and no CvS2 online yet?

I don’t think the learning curve was that bad if you were a KoF player coming into it.

Just looking at the Groove edit screen gives you an idea of what options there are and what you should pick based on which game you were best at.
On that note, I’ve always wanted to see if someone could be a top player using P-Groove. If they re-balanced the game, I’d like to see more parries. (not that I’ll be using them at all )


there were many others too

Do you know of a p-groove player that played yamazaki/blanka/rolento? He was at evo last year and he was just blowing everyone up and I forgot to catch his name.

no idea…hard to tell because cvs2 players dont always ‘main’ just one team/groove. lot of people use various combinations. hell even I played pgroove from time to time lol…:coffee:

Maybe someday will have this on a next gen console, I personally don’t even want them to attempt to make cvs3 capcom will just screw it up.

I see what you mean unfortunately. As much as I love the idea, they’d just noobify it with auto button combos or something similar.

Yup my thoughts exactly…

I would however love to have an online version of CvS2 for this gen. I’d drop SFIV in a heartbeat. As long as they don’t release that EO version.

You see, that’s how you make a game accessible: the hell with gems!
Have a hard time managing your meter or like to use SA’s? Go with C-Groove. Not really that good at closing the distance or fighting someone who is good at spacing, use an SNK groove with a roll. Wake up every morning and piss excellence? P-Groove is right there.

P-Groove, pissing excellence. I love it.

That’s #1geesemaster, dude from Oregon.

man I would a buy a console that only played CvS2 and I would be happy. with online of course…

lot of people would…

here is $200 for cvs2 console with online play. take my money.

I don’t think I’m over-exaggerating when I say I’d pay 500. The naomi setup with CvS2 was over a thousand back then.

It’s funny how easy it was to find CvS2 for PS2 at any gamestore. MvC2 sold out and became rare because it was an earlier game and the license was huge. Honestly I think the average gamer has an affinity for fighters, but you put Marvel characters in there and it’s a super combination that’s sure to sell.
If CvS2 keeps getting hype and fans start to demand it more, I can see it getting a re-release. I don’t know about license though. Is SNK willing to let Capcom do it? Do they get anything. Stuff’s above my pay grade but I can imagine it happening.

Thank you very much. I’d like to play him in something, but if it’s just cvs2 he plays, I’d be wasting both of our time lol.

You know it wouldn’t be bad if they threw us a bone or two for making us wait so long. Call it Super and throw in Geki, Retsu, K’, and Andy.
It’s mostly just because of all the SF1 guys they gave us Eagle, and that Rival Schools jabroni on the cover.

its probably not easy to just throw in some new characters in a complex game like cvs2. from business point of view they’d rather make cvs3.

Id be ok with just a clean port for psn/xbla and an additional remix/patched version without RC and damage tweaks. this is for the people that cant ‘jump the hurdle’. stfu about rc and just play that mode.

That would rock. I don’t know if we’d ever get 2 games, but if it were one I’d take the original of course.

You know what we need? CvS2UM, K’, kula, clark, Angel, Karin, Juri (shes an snk character at heart), Adon, and many more added to the cast, as rebalanced by SNK. CvS1 stages with intros, GGPO, and Groove tweaking.