So it's nearly the end of 2011, and no CvS2 online yet?

Okay, I know it’s been emulated several times on that dreamcast emulator.

that’s fine, but I heard the netplay ran like crap on there.
how’s the CvS2 emulation on GGPO and such?
is it even a WIP?

when I was still in high school, back in 2007, I heard it would take 5 years to be able to emulate the naomi arcade board. is it near that time yet?

also, I heard you can play PCSX2 games online p2p with other players, is that right? would it be possible to play against other people through there?

what’s the situation… i miss this game so bad.

Because back then Millionare Fighting was a big deal. Now if you’re not Billionare Fighting no one cares.

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You aint the only one that miss that game.I used to run it on a GameCube Emulator called Dolphin but it’s so shitty bcuz there’s no sound and if you want sound the game start to freeze up.TBH I thought that CvS2 would have came out before 3rd Strike OE. Man…wish I had my Gamecube or Dreamcast again.

ill put a petition out for this … we need to bring some attention to this problem and if not to this scene … please hype this thread up in your community if you have local cvs2 players …

Cali is trying to keep it alive and we’ll be at evo again this year … last year we had 30 … this year we hope to have 60

Im hoping for this. I really wanna play this game.

I just had to play the game once at my arcade, and just instantly fell in love. The announcer’s voice, the music, the sprites and animations, being able to pick what groove you want, the footsies, and even the sound when a character blocks a move is awesome xD.

You guys know what version I can play to practice at home? What’s closest to the arcade version? I just want to see things like what things are punishable and such, because I don’t get to go to my arcade much.

dreamcast version is the closest port.

ps2 version is very accurate too and was played in tournaments for years.

Hmm, I’ll try to get a dreamcast then (cheaper). I’ll just have to find a stick.

me and my friend play cvs2 online on the demul emulator. it crashes sometimes but if you can find a server with really low ping its not that bad.wish more people played it though as its my favorite fighter. its just me and him.

still hoping against hope

Come on capcom release this on XBL

If they release it then capcom is GONNA fuck it up. And people are gonna bitch about it. And capcom will laugh. You want another 3s OE with glitches even OFFLINE? no you don’t. Besides nobody would play online all the OG’s would just say “online is ass arcade or bust” and not play it. and The new school people would be like “Well nobodys playing so Why should I learn it”. Youre setting yourself up for dissappointment if you hope for this.

I will take anything…

better than playing fucking sfxtimeout

if an arcade perfect port of this comes out for 360 I can finally pack my PS2 away, everything else I play has been ported already in varying degrees of quality

I guess I’m in the minority, but I thought 3sOE was fine. Not arcade perfect, but good enough. If I had infinite time, I’d definitely be playing it online.

The only way Capcom could really screw up online cvs is a) if they didn’t use ggpo netcode or b) they based it on cvs2 eo. If they gave us ps2/dreamcast cvs2 with ggpo, that is really all I would need. Practicing vs people online >> practicing vs the cpu.

3s online was fine. I really dont know what people complain about.

they can try to make the original arcade version of cvs2 and a patched version(like hd remix had dual mode). fix some damage input/output for characters. take out roll cancel for the people that that cant ‘jump the hurdle’. I really dont mind at all. either way I just wanna play.

3rd strike online was dope

Yea, people gave the game a hard time, I was wondering what was so bad about it. I would love if they released an arcade perfect port of CvS2, wouldn’t want it like the gamecube xbox version though.

because people are lazy. I dont see how kof players have any problem playing cvs2. thing is cvs2 has no room for scrubs. you either know how to play or you dont win. thats probably why people dont like cvs2. but that same group of ‘not good players’ dont win in other games anyway. they dont make top 3 in local tourneys. same old dogs win in other games too(ie justin wong)

People are definitely lazy. I was talking about SF3 OE though, but yea. CVS2 had a VERY high learning curve with all kinds of grooves, options, and strategies. It’s just not noob friendly. People will almost never win against a better person. Unlike SF4 where you can get lucky with a jump, mash, or ultra your way into a lucky win.

People just like quicker rewards for their efforts. I like high end complex games myself though.