Yeah but Namco does this too, just look at the number of clones in TTT2 (P-Jack, Forest, Slim Bob, Alex, even Lili’s fucking butler…).
The problem isn’t her being a clone, the problem is that people hyped it up too much, and expected the most ridiculous things. Maybe if Capcom announced her earlier people wouldn’t have complained so much, but even then I doubt it
You are defending capcom, you dislike anyone who doesnt like this character or thinks its lazy. Why cant you understand that. Oh thats right you are a fanboy that has no logic
And no the other Dolls do not look exactly look like Cammy.
I do not dislike anyone who doesn’t like Decapre nor anyone who thinks it’s lazy. If you’d care to read you’d see I said that yeah. Maybe the model is lazy but another doll is not any LESS lazy. But y’know. No logic here.
Stop pretending like ERyu and Oni didnt get any hate. And like I mentioned earlier , they werent in an update where all the characters were copy pastad. So it just wasnt blown out of proportion like this one is.
Thats why I brought up the Ken argument. Ken is about as different from Ryu as Evil Ryu. Same moves but different normals/framedata and playstyle.
But Ken is a ALOT more acceptable than ERyu.
Similarly any of the other dolls would have been slightly more acceptable to decapre. AGAIN this DOES NOT mean she would have been received with open arms and no complaints.
They would have complained , its just that the hate wouldn’t be directed ONLY towards decapre like it is right now.
Why? Really why? Are you fucking serious… Cause they dont LOOK exactly like cammy, they dont have the same face, or the same hair style. When people see a character exactly like other they are going to think they are lazy. Why cant you understand that
Y’know what. Sure. She’s lazy. Just like Ken, Evil Ryu, Oni, Sakura, Dan, Charlie, Half of the cast of Soul Calibur 5, Yoshimitsu being in that AND Tekken, Jack’s 2-whatever the hell, P. Jack, Roger and Alex, Asuka, Forrest Law, all the DLC characters in KoF13, Ryo, Every MK ninja and female. Oh no.
I don’t think people had unreasonable expectations. Super had 10 new characters, AE had kinda 4. Since every other new character in Ultra is a rip from xT it’s not unreasonable to expect at least one character would be all new assets. It’s not a free update after all.
Maybe the complainers are pretty caustic, but they’re not wrong about this being a minimal effort update to make some money. Whether you’re cool with that is a separate question.
I don’t really have a problem with people not buying it to voice their frustration. I think most people are gonna buy it though.
That’s it? The face and hair? Ok… So, what you’re telling me is that Decapre is lazy, but replacing her head and ignoring her body isn’t? How the fuck does that make sense? It’s lazy either way, and either way your crybaby ass is going to bitch about it.
How would people react if Evil Ryu and Oni were just Ryu(Color 10) and Akuma (Color 10 , or whichever is the one that makes him look like Shin Akuma)
A slight visual change even just a head swap does help. Again its just the mind set that Capcom is doing the laziest possible. If Decapre was revealed with different Animations (Like with some Vega normals or something) people wouldn’t have complained so bad.
Again am not saying using a different Doll would have saved the game and people would welcome her with open arms. Just that it is a better option to what we got.
The problem is she looks exactly like Cammy. You act as though it would be so bad, a crime against god, someone might rape your sister or mom, if they used a different doll
This this this… People were already upset with how Copy Pastad USF4 was , Decapre reveal was just the final trigger. The hate is just completely directed towards her right now.
Had USF4 been revealed as Alex,Urien,Mika,Decapre. People wouldn’t give a fuk.
Her Fierce buttons are different including neutral jump fierce which is more like Bison’s jf.fp which gives her a good nj button. Something Cammy lacks. cs.fp is Vega’s. Far st.hp is somewhere between Cammy’s and Vega’s. jf.hp is Vega’s too and can be used for fuzzy guarding. Her specials are all different too. All dolls would have mostly the same buttons as they’re trained in Shadaloo assassination style. They did go out of their way to give her more claw like attacks. Also she does have a mask on her head and presumably a burnt face underneath judging from the concept art.
Yes, she does. We’ve established that. However, it’s not like you’re asking for a character who’s completely different all together like Charlie, Q, Twelve, or Karin… You’re asking for a different doll, all of which look almost identical to Cammy with only slight differences. How do you call something lazy, then suggest something that’s only slightly less lazy? That’s like me sweeping dust under the rug and you suggesting that I should sweep it under the couch instead.
Id rather have a different looking doll that doesnt look exactly like Cammy, cause right now she just looks like evil cammy. At least the other dolls dont look exactly like Cammy. Even having that dark skin doll with purple hair I think is more original then evil cammy.
At this point Id rather have the bear that wrestles with gief cause hes in the lore also
haha decapre is definitely a fanboy character. Dont get me wrong even Emo Ryu and Oni are. Its just that the Shoto fanbase is soo huge that the hate isn’t noticeable xD
You can bet Violent Ken would have received less hate Lmao. Even though its just as lazy.
I wonder if her Mask will drop like Vega , revealing her burned face and all O.o.