SNK vs Capcom SVC Chaos Comic in stores this week

I just got volume 1 today. It’s kinda hard when you know nothing at all about the non-SF characters, but both the art and fight scenes are great IMO. Plus I’m actually liking the SNK characters. Anyways, anyone know when volume 2 is supposed to come out?

I don’t know when volume 2 comes out, but comicsone books are usually bi-monthly. So, since the first issue came out in February, I’m guessing April? I can’t get into comicsone’s website now for some reason.

Site won’t work for me either.

Can anyone help me out? I had my comic book owner guy look in all of his ordering mags for the last couple monthes for this but he couldn’t find it. Was it available to order a long time ago and didn’t get released til now or what? I’d like to pick up a copy if I could, even though I’m not really into SNK.

The book came out in comic book stores in February. Ruppsworld has it.

When is the secound one coming out?

Did the first SVC Chaos do bad or something?

Everytime I try to order it, the bookstores act like it got cancelled

I doubt they would cancel it after one book. It’s probably late or something.

According to it won’t be available in April of 2005, but they will resolicit. So it’s running late.

Can anyone get on this site ?

for some reason I can’t get on there site


That sucks. I wonder if they’ve even finished volume 2 yet.


Well as long as the udon comic does well it’s not a total loss.

The story in the udon comic is alot better anyway.

Yay !!!

You can preorder The next SVC Chaos manga here,

Geez, that’s a bit of a gap between volumes…glad it’s coming though.

(Heh heh heh…Lori)


Yeah I thought it got canceled for sure. I wonder if there website is working?

no still isn’t.

Well I like how powerful the characters are because that’s how I always imagine ryu/kyo and the gang to be.

Warning ! The sun is Street Fighter’s enemy !!

I left mine in the car and the sun melted the glue.

No more SVC Chaos. Now the pages are every where. Good thing it wasn’t the SF TPB. :sad:

Damn…that’s more than three months aay still. Ah well. At least it’s even coming at all.

Does anyone know how many of these will hit? How many issues does it carry? If it only has the first issue of the HK comic for $13.95 I’m gonna be upset!

After reading the first one , I really don’t care for the SVC chaos comic anymore. Mr. Karate beating up Akuma ? ! Please !

I can’t stand Mr Karate . In my opinion if you are more Capcom fan then Snk , stay away from this crap and save your money.

Still I hope they bring over any of the other SF manhua’s or even the Capcom vs Snk version would be nice.

I don’t know shit about non-SF characters, but Mr. Karate didn’t necessarily “beat up” Akuma. They were both so evenly matched they killed each other.