This was no accident that Snake Eyez won. He is also almost as good with Ryu and Ken as he is with Zangief. In fact he is the best Ryu vs Ryu player on Xbox Live from what I have seen and yes he did Ryu vs Ryu against DGV and won the set.
It doesnāt matter that he didnt face pure E Honda mains because he would have beat them anyway. Also since he has ryu mastered he could just pick ryu against honda. It was cool though that he won evo with only zangief.
Donāt bash him for using a pad because he can use a stick equally well. His stick broke a while back and never replaced it and just got a pad. He used pad ever since effectively. In fact for him to use that pad he was using to that level should be nothing but props.
Zangief is still low tier he just took his Zangief to the level of Pony or Jodim now through practice. The difference is why someone like Blanka canāt win or has a much harder time is Zangief has his average to favorable matches vs some of the top tier and can be dangerous.
Some characters that still have an advantage or slight advantage over Zangief and they are E Honda, Cammy, Guile, Chun-Li, Fei Long, Vega, Blanka, Dhalsim, Dee Jay Sagat, and T Hawk.
M Bison may be even but who knows with his new reversal. Zangief may have slight favor over Ryu and Ken. Zangief is clearly favorable over Balrog with Zangiefs new changes and Balrogās changes.
Look at the list of bad match ups. Zangief is low tier and some of those match ups are really bad for Zangief. He is just a dangerous low tier character. You have to look at the skill of the player here and not the character.
To sum this up Snake Eyez is the man now and showed the most skill at Evo and beat a whos who list at Evo. He beat Damdai, John Choi, Tokido, Afro Legends, DGV, and others that I may be forgetting or do not know about.
Congratulations Snake Eyez you won the most hype tournament of the night. All the other tournaments seemed boring in comparison.