Snake Eyez Takes It!


Wow, first time I’ve ever seen a low-tier character take it. Though he had many things in his favor, especially the Ryu-heavy opponents (a good match for 'Gief). I think 'Gief is probably the only low-tier character who can do this due to his raw power. Congrats to Snake Eyez (anyone notice he was always smiling… Just like Dee-Jay :O).

That was great, not only did he win with gief he did it on pad. Good job snake eyes.

Hell yeah, Its good to see a Gief player takes EVO. Great Gief btw. DGV put up a good fight tho.

Snake eyes! Snake eyes!

makes me happy to be a gief player. a great set of matches by both players.

Seth was right the Star Wars theme would have been perfect right there if you knew everyone’s journey to get where they were at.

HDR was so hype I don’t see it dieing after all. I don’t want to go back on my word when I said I quit a few months ago but that may be enough where I want to come back so who knows.

Afro I am surprised didnt use Dee Jay! I used gief vs his balrog before and I could win some and when I faced his dee jay with gief I had absolutely no chance. I have no clue about that and this is why I said in HDR gief vs balrog is 7-3 for gief.

Snake Eyez definitely leveled even more than before even though he was amazing before.

Snake Eyez you finally earned the title, “Zangief is my Uncle!”

Crazy how the Xbox Live players were in the top 3. Is the competition still good on Xbox Live or is it a ghost town? Is everyone on GGPO now?

Holy shit that was epic. Mad congratulations to Snake Eyez and the rest of the top 8. Truly amazing to watch.

Congratulations Snake Eyes! Well played, indeed! Beating Choi, Afrolegends, Tokkido and DGV, what a performance!

That last HDR set was more exciting than most of the SSFIV I’ve watched already.

Great play from all in the top 8 though. Snake vs. DGV finals had me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

Awesome finals.

Amazing that a Gief could slay so many dragons. Very inspiring stuff.

congrats to Snake eyes.

gotta love the low tier goodness. :woot:

Hmm… I think it was about 1 1/2 years ago now that I said in the general HDR thread that Geif’s changes were way overdone and was told I was insane for saying so and nobody wanted to hear it… maybe now everyone will realize that Geif is NOT low tier in this game! This is NOT ST, and Geif is NOT low tier, plain and simple, so people need to drop that garbage already.

Congrats to Snake Eyes either way! He’s got this game on lock, there’s no doubt about that… but seriously, everyone needs to stop with the Geif being low tier garbage, plain and simple.

Hell yea snake eyez!! Congrats!

I really wasn’t so excited about Evo, because of the usual rehash of the same characters, players, etc. every year, but when a player using a bottom tier fighter like Zangief to win it all, is beyond amazing. IMO this is the most triumphant Evo victory ever, because gief won it all, GIEF, not the same old rinse and repeat characters we expect and see every year. Truly amazing, and this victory gives hope to the bottom/low tier crew, as the red cyclone has proven it can happen. And the best part is that he won with a pad, not those annoying and uncomfortable arcade sticks!! (lol)

Congrats Snake Eyez, you definitely deserved the title. I knew you would make top 8, it was only a matter of beating some of the best sf2 players and you delivered big time. I’m glad you shut those people up who said you couldn’t play the same offline as online (and there was quite a few who I got in arguments with lol.) Good job sir, and good job to all the top 8 players who made HDR fun to watch for everyone. HDR has to be a lock for EVO 2011 after those great matches.

glad i didn’t jinx him… that was absolute sweetness. congrats snake eyez.

The entire top 8 was like highlight reel after highlight reel, it was awesome.

Snake eyes winning in an epic finals was just icing on the cake

Good Job Snake Eyez that was awesome. Gief is probably in the highest or higher part of the low tier characters. What is really good about gief is that he is so solid against High tier characters that a lot of people use (Ryu and Rog). Other low tier characters don’t get cut that break, but even then Snake Eyez really showed some great decision making during his matches good shit

Thursday night I told everyone snake eyez would take it or at least make it to grand finals vs dgv (A not B lol)!

Good stuff.

Wish I could have been there.