is full of tier whore scrubs

et me explian this to without blowing your feeble mind…

OK. Did you get that? Let me type this again but slower.

-------------------------AGAINST MARTH.

You stay away from him with the teleport and f-smash,d-b,grab,d-smash,or f-tilt him when he comes in.Mewtwo is a "far away mindgame/baiter character.

Why do you want mewtwo to suck so bad even though he doesn’t…coughbiased against pokemon and unrealistic characters and slow characters in general that require timing and patience cough

Shiek and Fox are waaaaaaaaaaaay overrated. But no ones going to defend Bowser or Mewtwo or Geedubya because most of the Smash community are conformist sheep that can’t think for themselfs and repeat anything the tourney fighters say instead of testing themselves and having an independant opinion apart for what the SSBM trendy scrubs tells them to.

Have you ever played Dan Hibiki? You know the guy in the pink judo outfit with the ponytail and taunts a lot in the Streetfighter series.Capcom didn’t even try to make this character at least good .Capcom wanted to make fun of Ryo from SNK’s Art of Fighting Series that copied ken and ryu 's “look” and attacks.Dan is the worst fighter character ever made in history.He sucked. Low priority, extremely short ranged slow fireball,Slow in general,Awful recovery. he even had a move that took half of him life when he tried to attack you with this super grab!

Now Hal labs or Nintendo is not Capcom to “willingly” make characters suck. Mewtwo is not a Dan and neither is Bowser.Capcom wanted Dan to suck for players to embarrass thier opponent
Sad he had the most character of all the fighters.

Mewtwo is not a Dan.No one plays him seriously enough see his full potiential but shiek or Fox has hundreds of posters researching them no wonder they do better in tourneys…THEY HAVE MORE TECHS,STRATS, AND RESEARCH PUT INTO THEM!!!

Trendy Scrub:anyone will low mobility and quickness sucks.
Joe Knows-what- He’s-talking-about:But all that is subjective to the style of play you choose that particularly optimizes the strengths vs. weaknesses of a character.
Trendy Scrub:(insert stock insult/cop out statement) I Know how to play every charcter perfectly and properly because I know everything there is to know including all the techs in ssbm because I listen to pros that automatically know everything about SSBM so I am automatically right by default.
Joe Knows-what- He’s-talking-about:what? Thats completely biased for your style of play and its politically prejudiced for opposing theories of play and styles that redefine a character’s metagame.Tiers are biased for a popular style of play and the most polished metagame even though some characters are played a lot more than others.
Trendy Scrub: What the pros say are right by default.(insert patronizing remark/cop out/insulting elitist rhetoric)
Joe Knows-what- He’s-talking-about:Why can’t you think for yourself and stop trusting complete strangers to tell you who is good and who is not.
Trendy Scrub:But they are PROS and they know the game better than me.
Joe Knows-what- He’s-talking-about:Both of you play the same game.They are human just like us. Its not like they used work for Hal labs in creating the characters for SSBM then quit and became killer smashers knowing “secret mystery knowledge” about SSBM.
They are like us they can make mistakes and be misguided. They are NOT the official word on what is and is not HAL and Nintendo is.
1)They haven’t coded a single string or compiler or compression algorhythme in the game engine much less know all there is to know about SSBM(he11 nintendo doesn’t even know that!)
2)Popular styles do not dictate who is the best. Game engine overall stats do.
3) You cannot play all charcters the same way in thier best optimized style.
4)If you play a slow character against a quick character you will be at a disadvantage playing his style of play.Playing a “long range keep way game” character against a quick short ranged character they are in a disadvantage completely subjective to the style of play.
5)stop being a conformist drone to what ever pop opinion tells you what truth is. Form an independant opinion based on hard unbiased, serious, in depth research into a character’s optimized play style.Then talk. Pros can lie,overlook,over glorify, and be wrong like and other human being. Saying that they can’t makes you a complete @sskiss ballmaid.
6)Cory yes I am holier than thou thank you for asking If thats what you call having a functioning brain.

Shiek is broken.
One grab = 70% of your health :lame:

…Why was this posted here again?

ssbm needs a defense engine

What the hell? You signed up just to post an attack on posters on another forum, dedicated to a game that 99% of people here don’t even care about? :rolleyes:

Meh, its still relevant to the fighting game discussion

Watch it at Evo!!! :xeye: :tdown: :confused:


Yeah, its not like theres a thread for that game here or vids of it up for DL. :rolleyes:

that place is full of tier whores…

SRK is full of tier whores too. I fail to see your point.

It’s not that the fact that most people here don’t care about it bothers me. It is a fighting game, so of course people should be entitled to make threads about it. But the OP seems to be less about the game itself and more about trashing members of another forum, which is why I bothered saying that most people don’t care.

ssbm is fun

in other news, i just spent like an hour trying to beat a damn zappa mission on ggxx against faust.

There’s a Karnov’s revenge thread here. What’s your point?


ssbm doesn’t have any broken characters. cheap ones yes but broke? marth=cheap phaggot.

what was the point of this again?

Look in the Character specific threads for say… CVS2, and I guarantee more threads for Cammy then King.

Way more strats and tactics!

Sometimes (always), the differences in characters creates an imbalance to where one character is superior to another.
Sagat > Kyosuke
Marth > You

(Full blown parody) is full of nutthuggers!
Omg they just talk about GNP and Submissions!
You can win with decision and runaway but youre all too busy joking these guys with flashy KOs and slick submissions!

Tip Smash owns 90% of the cast, sorry it just works that way?:shake:

Never took this game THAT serious >.> its fun to throw poke balls:) is full of tier whores too.

atleast someone here has somesense, i tried telling most of these fools here at shoryuken to freaking forget about tiers but they wont listen, people here tier everything it pisses me off sometimes, so i just gave up trying. :sad: