here is some knowledge on the chun matchup:
against instant air legs use, cr.hp if you read it, use if you see the move late
if chun likes to to catch your rush punch then throw dash low to evade that kick,
beware though, she can use backHP to catch any rush punch if she reads it.
balrogs super BEATS chuns super in any way.
a well spaced sweep from chun balrog cant punish with any normal, use instead lp or ex straight, or super
air to air balrogs lp mp hp are very good air to ground use lk, mk, hk
(this is nothing new, its good against all the cast)
I play lame. With proper spacing bison will either stomp or scissor kick. You can anti-air his stomp, and space out the kicks. Don’t mash on wakeup cause he has safe moves for days. On knockdowns you can bully him since bison doesn’t really have a reversal or 3f atk. When under his pressure you just have to wait for an opening like his flames. Don’t forget you can v-reversal out and that ex upper has armor.
What do you guys think about the Rashid mu? Everytime I play one it feels like they can pretty much do whatever. May just need more experience against them, but this matchup has been giving me the most trouble.
I feel Rog is strongest on defense when the game starts. The less the opponent forces you to go in the better. I have a few simple tips that might help in the nash fight. At least I hope this helps.
-Sometimes nashes like to toss a boom and do the air sythe for free pressure in after you block the projectile. Balrog can V- skill out of the pressure situation.
-Nash’s Back hand fierce is punishable on block. You can punish him with a LP dash punch
-Lesser nashes will do an unsafe block string starting with crouch HP into stand HP. you can interrupt this string with stand LK
-If the Nash likes to use air scythe willy nilly to get in, Balrog’s standing MP is a 5 frame anti air that clean beats all versions of that move.
-The ground scythe attack is punishable by crouch MP if you’re close enough on block.
-Nash is terrible when he’s knocked down. He has no 3 frame moves or invincible reversals. You can meaty him to death off of every knockdown Balrog has.
Basically what to do to be on the offensive against her. She’s pretty free on wakeup next to her ex lunge punch. But what is the sweet spot where balrog dominates the battlefield?
One training room square, maybe one and a half. You can stuff fireballs with st.hp, or sweep and you easily outpoke her. Makes the distancing perfect for anti-air to beat everything she tries and her only option is to walk in, dash up and try something or maybe try a v-skill gimmick. Her buttons at range suck, she has and f.hp basically. If you get caught on your ass she starts to do work, you don’t want to be close range against her. It’s a keepaway match-up until she’s cornered.
Did some testing vs Akuma air fireball this morning and here is what I found out so far.
If you have a good read on the spacing you can dash under and cr. hp him upon landing. This is really good if he decides to use this close to you.
If he throws them further back, vskill overhead is the way to go. Time the overhead as Akuma is landing. This works because timed right, Akuma will still be in recovery from landing, thus getting a full combo for punishment.
Also, lk screw is a really good option too. It will either trade highly in your favor or simply duck under the fireball and hit Akuma. EX screw is also a great option because it blows through the fireball and hits Akuma outright.
Having some real issues with Gief at the moment. I can just about survive the neutral game but getting bodied when I get knocked down or when he has VT or meter. Any good idea on how to approach this?
You can’t let gief open you up, so being on point in the neutral is the way to go. Getting knocked down is just a part of Rog’s weaknesses since he has no true reliable reversal to relieve pressure on wakeup.
St.hp to keep him at bay, I find this range to be in Rog’s favour. St.hp is a beefy punish tool on unsafe pokes and advances
occasional rush and low
capitalize on knockdowns, even grabbing on his wakeup as a mixup works
As for his vtrigger you can vreversal as you’re getting pulled in to reset the field.
It’s easier said than done but just don’t let giefs get in because once you’re on the ground it’s rough
Anything on the Ken match up? I haven’t been able to do much accept for cr. mk nothing trades he hits first a lot. I was fighting a PS4 wifi user I believe he had 5 bars solid but occasionally he would freeze once or twice per match.
I found this with a simple search guess that is my study point for V since not many are active. (changed to Smugg / momochi match more recent)
Looks like there are some options especially when fighting locally.
Hey does anyone have any tips for the Mika matchup? I especially need help with her charged HK shenanigans and her annoying air belly flop–the former just seems unstoppable and the latter is very tough to consistently anti air.
I don’t know Balrog’s overall matchup strength but that cheap bitch definitely has Ryu beat at every turn so I can’t tell if it’s just Ryu who needs buffs, Balrog who needs nerfs, or both. Covers both air vts and has 5f startup so it might hit him if he’s greedy and goes for a slow move on neutral vt, i dont have any mu exp in the boxer nash mu tho so take it with a grain of salt