Sonic CD on PC has a couple of filters (specifically you should set it to Sharp if you’re playing full screen 1920x1080 which alleviates the blurriness completely), including a nice algorithm that allows it to be played fullscreen in 16:9 aspect ratio without pixel stretching. It’s actually a good port of a classic game to PC, and quite frankly I wish others done in a similar vein were up to par with it.
Additionally, if you want to use D-input devices for games that exclusively support X-input, you can download the free program “Xbox360ce”. You install the executable along with the .ini and the xinput.dll to the game’s root and even allows remapping in case there is a game that does not allow you to remap controller buttons in game (as is the case with many platformers and 3d adventure console ports on PC for example). Hope this is helpful for you.
I KNOW about Xbox360, but I want more effort from the developers to support other devices. Its important for fighting game because there still people who uses PS2 Arcade Sticks with usb adapter. Ok there are some filters but you cant have a option to not have it, tha dissapointed me…wanted to see the pixel art better than a blurry mess but its just my opinion.
And even if the game is bad (imho), jab 2012 for pc had even option for 2 keyboards right? And even supported direct input devices, I want to see that kind of effort…
C++ takes care of most of the problem of making code work on two different platforms, architecture wise.
Porting is hard for entirely different reasons.
See that? Most developers have entirely separate departments for testing how games run on different PC setups. It takes six engineers a couple months to test PC hardware alone, while doing no other work. Skullgirls has one guy doing the PC port, and IIRC he was also doing other things for the game.
This is just one problem, by the way, that article is six pages long.
I wouldn’t mind native support for D-input, but again it’s a non-issue for the PC master race since Xbox360ce is a free program that accurately translates D-input to X-input, and it’s extremely user friendly.
I don’t really have any argument with you wanting an unfiltered Sonic CD option since it’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it, but I can understand why it doesn’t exist. Unfiltered Sonic CD blown up to 1920x1080 looks awful, and nothing like what it did on televisions of the era. The sharp filter looks period-appropriate. The smooth filter is too blurred for my taste, though.
Really I dont know whats the problem with my comments here, I said the same in other forums and some agree with me and some don’t, but all I see here is “Hey Oil R posted something, lets say something against him” and this turned into a parody.
You never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever stop asking about the damn PC port. You will know about it when they tell you about it. Stop asking about it because at this point, you’re just ripe for parody. Just stop asking and wait like we all had to do when SG was in development for one year past its initial deadline. What makes you think the game will be in time to any deadline they tell you? They’re all placeholders, like you stated. So stop asking for placeholders that then other people will bitch about when the ONE GUY working on it can’t meet the “deadline” the community will have then imposed on him.
You do know there’s only one person working on it, but you do not know how much work it takes to port a game. You don’t know how difficult it is, because any example you can come up with involves a TEAM of engineers, whereas how many people did I mention were working on a port? One person puts in only a tenth of the man-hours that a team of 10 people would. Sort of the definition of man-hours right there. Whereas a team of 10 people could find a bug in one day, one person doing everything all those people did would take ten days.
Chibi just plain doesn’t like you. Mostly because, well, re-read points 1 and 2.
This is the internet. People can find the most normal and innocuous things annoying. They also find the most annoying things even more annoying. Sarcasm turns into insults. Compliments turns into sarcasm. Who the hell knows?
Here’s how you solve those problems.
Stop asking for the PC port release date. Forever. It will be released whenever it’s done. You will hear about it when you hear about it.
Stop pretending you know how long it would take the LZG team to port and test a game.
Re-read solutions 1 and 2.
Don’t complain when people blow up on anything you write.
I thought everyone would’ve learned their lesson when waiting for Skullgirls to come out for the first time. Skullgirls has one of the worst track records of releasing things on time (and it’s not the worst because others have probably tied it for 0%).
Honestly what does this even mean? If Skullgirls was a Japanese game would the development team have magically not all been layed off? Would their publisher have not been sued for their work on a previous game? Would money have rained down from the heavens to fund any and all of their possible ventures? Or instead are you blandly comparing the games to the Melty Blood, Touhou, and other doujin franchises and coming to that conclusion while ignoring those games’ distinct lack of presence or continued support for the console platforms?