didnt mean to degrade anyone.
also it is an honour for Skullgirls to be compared to Melty Blood, a much older and more polished game.
I did too, till I read that very informative article. really obscure outside Japan though
Japan has long been viewed by the West as a console-centric country, ever since Nintendo and the NES. But there is another, mostly forgotten world of Japanese gaming history, in which thousands of games were developed for various Japanese computers over an 18 year period that stretches from the late 1970s to the mid-1990s. For all that Nintendo started, it was the open hardware of NEC and other companies that allowed small groups to form and become giants. In fact, some of Japan’s most recognizable franchises, such as Metal Gear and Ys, actually began as computer games. The early Japanese computing scene was an intense flurry of creativity that launched the careers of many prominent figures in the video game industry, while also establishing some of the most famous video game companies, such as Square, Enix, Falcom, and Koei.
Japanese computer games were also exempt from any of the licensing and content restrictions that all console makers have imposed in various forms. These early games give us a rare glimpse into a world of Japanese creativity unfettered by censorship and outside pressures, which has never since been replicated. The content ranges from rampant drug use and presidential assassination (XZR), to tender explorations of love, sex, and relationships (Dokyusei), to mature and suspenseful horror (Onryo Senki), and even to one of the first rape simulators (177), predating the infamous Rapelay by 20 years. The content is not always tasteful, but the lawless atmosphere resulted in some of the most unique titles in video game history.
Whats the problem with games that have only a pc release? Less problems dealing with stupid patch decisions with microsoft or other dumb things with sony…
Everyone needs to remember the article doesn’t say it’ll be finished 4 months from now, it says it’ll hopefully be finished 4 months after the deal is finalized.
Light attacks remove 30. Medium attacks remove 20. Heavy attacks remove 10. Specials and blockbusters remove nothing. Multihit moves remove the number they would times the number of hits (2 hit medium removes 40, etc.).
Now imagine that the only way to reset the amount back to 500 is for the person getting hit to do a ground tech or not get hit within 30 frames.
Now, imagine if after all 500 points run out, the opponent immediately starts spinning out to the top of the screen, higher than the opponent can reach with a super jump, and recovers in mid air with all of their air options available.
You then have undizzy. It’s the reason infinites were not actually possible in MvC2. Had that not been there, well, God help them.
Oh so that’s what that was, I did not know that. I was confused because when you said Undizzy, I thought it was a way for characters to get out of being dizzy (And as far as I know, SG’s doesn’t have a dizzy system) lol
Is it me or is nobody on SRK or EVENTHUBS posting this news on their sites? Is the news that unworthy? I hope they get the word out, I`m sure a lot of people that prefer PC would love to hear the news.