Can’t agree with that.
I am, for some reason, really interested in knowing whether or not this is a typo.
It’s not a typo. I do NOT agree that bad publicity is good.
I agree. It may work to an extent in other forms of media, but not gaming. Take that snookie chick for example. She get’s plenty of publicity. But what good things is she known for? People see her as a joke. It only works out for her because she gets payed for it. If SG is seen as a joke then it wont be bought and Mike, Alex, Reverge, and their crew wont get paid.
Hey guys, on Gamersgate they have a new date “October 2012”
You know that the July2012 date was a placeholder, but now think Reverge has a set month they deem likely and post it to Gamersgate but don’t notify us?
At this point I’m not sure anymore whether someone can honestly be so dumb, or it’s just bad trolling…
so this still isn’t out huh
The devs aren’t doing themselves any favors with the lack of communication. I fear this is going to be another textbook example of how to do a PC port wrong (from a timing/marketing perspective.)
PC gamers have a chip on their shoulder when it comes to getting second class treatment. Getting a game even a week after the console players is met with grumbling, much less five months. The promise of PS3/PC crossplatform play brought the game into the limelight for a bit and got people excited, but that news was four months ago. Release hype has long subsided, so you can’t use any of the momentum of the console release to promote the game. You will have to raise awareness from scratch again which is not ideal.
PC gamers are also (justifiably) leery of how serious devs take their porting efforts and post-release support. How you treat your PC gamers before release informs their perceptions. If you can’t even be bothered to give a tiny status update now and then, the message is “we don’t really value your interest in our product, you are an after thought.” By not communicating the message being conveyed is that the PC port of Skullgirls isn’t important to them- and if it isn’t important to them, why should it be important to us? As someone who was very eager for Skullgirls to hit PC to give me another fighting game flavor besides Street Fighter, it is not a good sign that I am starting to lose interest/patience with the whole thing.
You do know difference between developer and publisher, do you?
Well, they only have, like, one dude doing the PC port. We were told that some of the stuff that he had done with the online capabilities wasn’t finished until immediately before release. With this whole Patch fiasco, which we have been waiting for, like, 3 of the 5 months the game’s been out, it’s obvious that they aren’t just catering to console’s needs. Perhaps there is no status update because there is nothing to report? They are still trying to push this patch through, and like I said, their group is tiny. We are all going to have to wait a long time for lobbies because the guy whose going to be working on the PC port is the same guy working on that, too.
Not saying you don’t have a right to be frustrated. We all are, honestly; got a game with two less characters than we initially thought, a crippling blow to an already small cast like this (have a feeling if the initial roster was 10, first DLC would have been male), with a messed up combo system, allowing truly ridiculous combos, and all of that on top of nearly two years of delay’s, according to the ETA’s given to us earlier on. But this is a small group working on a big game; please, have patience.
Don’t put your whole life on hold for this, but allow them to make progress. The game will still be as great as it would have been if you got the release with consoles, regardless of when you get it (have a feeling you won’t have to wait for that patch, so you’ll be getting the polished edition). I’d like to play you, to play everyone on PC, so please don’t forsake SG’s before it’s even capable of being put in your hands.
Im wondering, if it’s a hassle to get this patch to go through, will it take just as long to release new characters since it is “patching” the game when you release more characters?
As far as I understand patch probation itself isn’t that lengthy. In this particular case it took so much time because of some sort of argument between certain parties. Which may or may not be publishers and other concerned groups. Although it’s just like my own guesses =]
I have a feeling that DLC, once finished, would probably be distributed much faster than the patch.
The patch results in pretty much no monetary gain for the companies whatsoever. It’s just something nice for the fans. The DLC would immediately result in money flowing in, so the companies would push it forward fast.
I agree with everything in here, especially the “messed up” combo system. It was messed up in a hilarious and awesome way that for made some truly ridiculous stuff outside of Ms.Fortune(screw NOM loops).
Also the idea from the, publisher? to get preorders in the stores too soon was a bad idea, this month the game will reach 3 months in preorder status, people who is not reading this forum will be nuts and asking “whats going on?”.
I hope after the patch is released they give us at least the system requeriments for the game…
Steam still does not have it and gamersgate is notorious for letting people preorder games way in advance, their return policy lets them do it, so any conscious buyer should be aware that skullgirls developers/publishers may have nothing to do with it, seems to me like baseless ranting.
Stop fucking talking and email Reverge / Autumn Labs because you are really pissing me off.
You are stating the obvious but in a way that it’s so god damn condescending and demeaning that it’s amazingly annoying.
Who are you talking to? It’s not me, is it?
Dude, Reverge are an indie game developer. This is their first game. They don’t have a huge capital or a whole team working on the PC port. It’s one dude working overtime to get it done as soon as possible. This ain’t Activision/Capcom/EA. Show some respect.
Them being a indie developer doesn’t excuse the lack of communication. They don’t have to anything big just a post on there website or even a couple tweets would be ok.When was the last time they even mentioned the pc version?