Skullgirls OTT! -Random select is top tier

Crofts and Grinta had some very nice Filias! Good to see since it always seemed like not many people play her

That will probably be one of the pay for DLC colors.

102 players at Evo!

Pretty good.

Hello everyone.

I haven’t been practicing this game at allll. I regret that now. I’ll try and play it more if I can, though I remember that I kept getting pressured by Valentine players and never knowing what to do. I still play Filia.

[S]#[/S]Skullgirls [S]#[/S]Evo2k Ranking, 1st to 8th: Duckator, Rylander, JMCrofts, Trumpet, Severin, Grinta, Negus Eyoel, Trace.

Whoo! Go Lil’ Duck!

I had a good feeling he’d be finishing pretty high. I played against him for a few hours at UFGT8 and the kid really knows his characters. His Filia is top notch. Nothing wasted with her, and superb positioning and movement.

So is this the new General Discussion thread, or what?

When I get a sec I come back to post, and don’t know where to any more. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s all the envelope art…

And here are all the winners…

And here is this…

Congrats to Ducktator.

Thanks to the streamers for Skullgirls, P4A, BB, GG, MLP, and Gundam.

Man, don’t even ask… been a rough couple of months. -_-

(of course, if you’d do that thing… you know, that thing… we wouldn’t be having this problem :p)

And LMAO @ Parasoul getting caught cosplaying as Annie…

Yeah it’s the new GD! We missed you!

Layzner is just the coolest goddamn robot ever.

Oh hey, a new kinda-sorta GD! Let’s try to be relatively not stupid. I just saw this thread today, so here are some extremely late replies to a couple of posts I see:

A lot of the ask blogs have slowed down. Mine (peacock) went on hiatus for a month, mostly because of IRL issues, but it’s still alive. Think of it as being on a VG cats update schedule.

And… I have a fairly reliable strategy for beating Marie on Ridiculous… with Peacock. It involves lots of cheesing it, and a lot of luck, because Peacock is good at cheesing it and Marie is a cheating bastard haha. It’s a completely different approach than a normal fight…

[details=Spoiler]First form: jump, qcf.hp, jump, qcf.hp, lather rinse repeat. Hold back and pushblock as if your life depended on it. When you see those huge battering rams coming at you, stop what you’re doing and jump over it, because that thing hurts. When you’ve got decent meter built up and the screen is relatively clear of skulls it’s safe to hit her with an Argus Agony.

When she goes into her second form, immediately Argus before she gets a chance to start attacking. Marie hates it when you switch sides on her, which plays perfectly into Peacock’s teleport. It’s best to time your teleport right after she attacks; put a George bomb on the screen, block, teleport and hope for the best. Marie has some ridiculous moves in her second form so you have to be careful… If you get lucky you can pull off an Argus but I don’t count on it.

3rd form is where all hell breaks loose. Marie throws everything but the kitchen sink at you relentlessly, and if you mess up you are SOL. I didn’t realize this before, but… for some bizarre reason, you can pushblock Marie back even when she’s got a tiny hitbox and is hovering 3 feet above your head. :U

Ok. So I use that to my advantage. When she first starts going into 3rd form I start charging an item drop, sit back and pushblock her out of my face. If I get an opening, I charge another item drop. If I get lucky, the lv. 3 drop is a Tenrai-Ha, which does a shit ton of damage. That’s where it’s kind of a gamble. When she’[s at low health, I pushblock her to the other side of the screen, teleport behind her and attempt to shotgun her to death.

It’s kind of a noob strategy, but it does work for me.

Now to the other characters… ;-;[/details]

Also those EVO aftermath photos are great. The envelope art is pretty snazzy to boot. Annie related ones are my fav

8th place envelope is top tier :stuck_out_tongue:

If only parasoul could have an actual Annie alt.
And I think the mitsuru color is one of the 3 free patch colors. I feel like i saw it when Mike was showing of the patch on a stream. (which reminds me, do we know if the patch’s been submitted yet?)

Damn straight it is, I live to stream monster.

This sucks.


Who let you out of your cage?

Also that does suck, way to go FGC.

Whoa, cool… not only does the ignore list work, it completely hides the fact they posted, AND any time people quote them… which is kind of funny, because it makes the reply look REALLY out of context. :stuck_out_tongue:

Argh, I’m going to be in a bad mood all day now. I can’t believe how terrible people are sometimes.

yeah that sucks so hard, i got my first te stolen at one of the first wednesday night fights at shgls house… i grabbed a stick i thought was mine, it ended up being ps3, i gave it back to the owner the next week… but my stick was nowhere to be seen… someone had to know that they had procured and extra stick or that hey had one after never having one. i learned my lesson, but yeah the fgc is unfortunately full of some grimy broke motherfuckers that will steal anything that isnt locked down, shit gets stolen from evo all the time… i personally support a LIFETIME ban on anyone who steals shit and gets caught, banned form this site from evo and all evo related events and of course be reported to the cops.

never let any of your shit out of your sight and ALWAYS have it clearly marked with your name unless its custom.

common sense, but it shouldnt be like that, it just is what it is.
