Yeah, you have to very careful at events with your stuff sadly
How hard is it to time Marie out in Ridiculous? I remember doing it in Normal with Peacock and lowering her health to the threshold of stage 1 before holding down-back, teleporting, and jumping over things.
Ive been here all the time. I just havent posted cause I dropped SG lol. But Im disappointed about what happened and wanted to let you guys know.
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That’s horrible, reminds me of my first major where one of the prizes I’ve won for taking second got stolen before I even received it.
It is pretty cool, did they ever finish subbing the rest of that show?
Yes…GD is back (barely heard about it)
loved the 7th and 8th place envelope artwork having Annie of the Stars influence ^-^. I would actually go two character ratio(rest of the cast did not fit my personal preference from an aesthetics perspective) to join Filia if she ever comes.
Randomly found this thread myself.
Whoever took that TE can eat a dick. >_>
Whoo! Go Mike Z! Grats on the Cannon Award!
Congrats Mike on winning an award.
What did Mike Z win as an award for? Was not near a stream/twitter alot of today
edit: nvm found out
As the off topic thread, I just want to point out that Infiltration blew my mind.
Also the Marvel finals were crazy dramatic (And I’d say more consistently entertaining than some surprisingly one sided AE matches)
That being said, I resolve to solve all corner disagreements with overhead xx Raging Demon.
Finally, I have a place to post again!
Congrats to Mike for winning the Cannon Award.
Infli-"天"tration wins SSF4 A天 2012 @ 天VO 2012
Msubs got like…the first season…which I need to finish. Only about 8 episodes left. Eiji is a smart motherfucker.
IIRC they have 25 episodes down and there are about 40. Just checked. 24 of the 40, with 25 being a recap they aren’t doing right away. There are apparently 3 OVAs that turn the 28 episodes into 2 episodes, with the 3rd OVA being the ending. That’s intense. Gonna have to watch that after the full thing is translated.
I even have a figure of Layzner he’s so cool.
We need to play some. Now that EVOs done and there won’t be constant streaming it’ll be all smooth and shit.
Question: The patch isn’t gonna have multiplayer lobbies is it? (I think I remember it being mentioned that it wasn’t gonna be in).
I’m getting a replacement 360 soon and I was thinking of getting SGs on there, but it might not be worth it if I still have to invite my friends one at a time. I already have it on PSN, but it’s been dead on there AFAIK and only a couple of people I know personally have it on 360.
Lobbies unfortunately has been confirmed it won’t be included in the upcoming patch(Which is something Skullgirls really needs if they want a healthy Online playerbase). However,their will be several additions/tweeks to online mode though if that means anything
Yeah, I’m up for any game, SG, Cyberbots, BBCSEX, Jojo etc.
I recently got Vanguard Princess online to work to play with Kimura, connection was good.
We’re both online and we haven’t played SG in a while, we can at least try that for a bit.
I play VP with you!
Sure, opened a room and sent invite.
Was trying not to play till the patched dropped, but oh well.