Skullgirls OTT! -Random select is top tier

You didn’t have Painwheel so I thought you were someone else.
You were a stranger for a second there.

Oh man, it’s so nice to have this back.

EVO was amazing today, I had all 6 streams going as pop outs and placed them all across my desktop to fill up my monitor. (So I had 6 boxes that ttok up the whole screen) I watched EVO for 16 hours straight, stopping only to eat dinner and take out my dog. I can’t wait to get started on it again tomorrow.

Also, I made a Twitter! @Urichinan

I just went 40-2 with a dude in player matches, it made me feel quite good about myself. But it was super late and he was mostly solo-Peacock, so my wins weren’t earned.

I’ve taken a huge liking to Filia as of late, but I hate her normals A LOT.

Haha, that bolded made me chuckle. She really is by far the most limited solo character in the game and though I’ll humor the majority of solo-peacock’s I’ll play by hitting up solo mirrors with them, the moment I stick an assist on the team the tides turn ridiculously quickly.

Echoing the Filia love as well. I’ve been trying to pick her up for post-patch shenanigans and she’s an absolute blast to play.

How sure are you that Peter being in that pic wasn’t according to keikaku.

Stop that. Your team is very anti-Peacock, so you probably have a bias, but don’t go around thinking it’s a free win.

I’ve been trying to keep track of my sets, from the past few days, ignoring stuff under 5:
21-1, 10-0, 5-0, 2-3, 12-0, 8-6, 25-0, 19-25.
My solo Peacock seems to be doing alright.

But… It practically is a free win… Egret Charge and Hornet Bomber H kill her. And Painwheel’s mixup and resets destroy her up close. Add that Painwheel’s flight gets her close to Peacock very quickly behind Hornet Bomber and the fact that all three characters do huge damage together and Peacock is dead.

The only matches he won were when he used Hornet Bomber as an assist, and when I was playing Ms. Fortune/Filia/Cerebella. So yeah, that was free.

I’d love to fight you though (So long as you’re on PSN and we connect well) because I’ve only ever encountered one good Peacock, so I don’t have any match-up experience against someone who is truly good with the character.

Also, I’m not saying this guy was bad, I’m just saying Peacock isn’t great alone.

Playing Fillia is really a lot of fun but …well I have to say I think the coming changes will help her a lot. But yeah bad ground normals definitely.

To anyone that actually plays this on 360.


Haven’t really had a good match, let alone played this game in weeks.

I love you guys.

Kuja the best.

This is generally true, with the exception of Egret Charge. Especially as an assist. That thing gets beat by a well-timed jab, among other things. Also Hornet Bomber can be dealt with, if you’re prepared. That 19-25 set was with a SRKer who uses Painwheel/Double. He usually destroys me, but I was up 19-15, before he won a string of close matches(denied that 20th win…). This is a bit too on-topic, though. I just get a bit annoyed when folks go on about how “she’s helpless by herself” or how “she does terrible damage”, when I know it’s not the case.

I’m on PSN, on the East coast(TheIdiomatic). If it’s more than a yellow 2-3, it’s a no-go.

I’d play you Omni, but I’m on fighting game hiatus until I clear out my RPG backlog.

Which consists of…

Ass Effect (Done)

Blue Dragon (In Progress)
Legend of Legaia
Lost Oddessy
Purse Owner 4 (Persona)
Purse Owner 3
Parasite Eve
Eternal Sonata
Lost Odessy
Last Remnent
Arc Rise Fantasia
Paper Mario 2
Pier Solar
Breath of Death 8
Cthulhu Saves the World
Ys: The Oath of Felghana
Dead Island
Ass Effect 2
SMT: Devil Survivor 2
SMT: Strange Journey
Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light
Zenonia 1
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
Xenoblade Chronicles
Grandia 2
Front Mission SNES
Final Fantasy 12
Final Fantasy 13
Breath of Fire 3
Breath of Fire 4
Breath of Fire 2
Dragon Quest 9 DS
Brave Fencer Musashi
Vagrant Story
Robotrek SNES
and Z.H.P. - Unlosing Ranger vs Darkdeath Evilman

this list is justs as depressing to look at as when i 1st wrote it.

ill see all you guys in a couple months lol

That isn’t a solution. If you are waiting until it crosses the whole screen and jabbing it you are letting them in entirely.

Ando is that you in the UMVC3 chat under the name “Ando_Is_Dabes”? You’re killing me, guy

“Among other things”. I’m just illustrating how fragile it is. You can use other normals, or s.hp and late cancel into lp or mp gun, or toss a George and teleport, or fake teleport+item drop. How about hold an item, s.lp/, cancel into fake teleport+item drop release? Or maybe cancel into lp gun xx Argus, then release the drop to cover the gap, if they blocked.

I shouldn’t have to go through this much effort to defend my character, but the level of play I’ve seen most other Peacocks has been disappointing, so it’s understandable. Even players with good strategies don’t do optimal combos.

Yeah, but most of those options still give up ground. Fake teleport+item drop is a good idea but is still going to let the opponent move in some. Real teleport is risky as heck but you could do it every once in a while I guess.Maybe use s.HP and cancel that into teleport/fake teleport?

Depends on the player’s proximity to the bike. Some people will move ahead of it, so you back teleport right into it. I was suggesting s.hp, for situations where the opponent is already in pseudo lockdown. Keep them in place and deal with the bike, rather than jump and let them in for free. I’m not terribly concerned with teleport, as long as I have a way to make them block or prevent them from getting a clean hit.

I could write more about what she can do at closer ranges, but this should go in GD.

Skullgirls coming on stream in about 10 minutes.


Changed for P4A hype, Aegis grinding soon.

Whoo! Go Lil’ Duck!

Well, the stream stability leaves a little something to be desired. Here’s to the replays!
I noticed it saved the end of that Severin/Trace match (Also noted that Sev is using the Mitsuru Parasoul alt). Is this the patched game version? Or some sort of in-between.