Skullgirls OTT! -Random select is top tier

Nop. Madcatz TE isn’t recognized on my chipset. And I have a laptop, so I’m SOL.

Each paragraph is a different topic. The first sentence sums up the topic, so you skip the topic(s) that doesn’t interest you.

Man… I forgot that I need to get a stick. I’ve been fine rocking my 360 controller (the best pad of all time, imo), but I’ve played the rubber off of it. It’s mostly Skullgirls’ fault.

Has anyone legitimately beaten Marie on Ridiculous yet? I saw someone winning with Peacock by keeping her in the first form and then running out the clock, but that doesn’t count in my book. I was fighting her for, like, 3 hours the other day. I can get to the third form with nearly full health with a bit of luck, but that last 10% health or whatever is the most frustrating thing I’ve ever fought against in a video game.

I’m thinking about starting a Let’s Play video series for a bunch of games that I love. Like, Megaman. And Chrono Trigger. And FFIX. Mostly older games and their sequels up until I’ve replayed (for the tenth time) every old game I love, and then start with newer games. Anyone here have any experience with this type of thing? I think it’ll be fun.

I’m thinking about playing that new Jojo’s game, but I never played the original one(s?). I’m ALSO going to be getting that new GG, and am going to start learning how to play KOF (from the newest installment).

Has anyone played that new VF5 game? I heard it was good, but I’m not too good at 3D fighting games. I hate the sheer amount of normals there are, since I need to know all of them.

Nah, just dual mod it and use the 360 side on PC.

Should just avoid making walls of text next time, since just casual chat.

It probably will play nothing like the original, so you should be cool.

Oh yeah, that thing I’ve been hinting about for months?

Yeah, this is it.

Well, it’s half of it. I’m waiting on someone else for the other half.

sg forum finally gets off probation!

and yes random select is truly top tier… played a set against aof and got painwheel/double/someone else 80% of my games



How’s that? Honestly, to me, that was casual talk. I’m long winded.

I didn’t think I’d need past experience, it’s just some people get offended when newer players get excited for new installments or remakes of older games. “You have never played the original, so you have no right to be excited!” You’ve all probably heard something like that before.

i r stewpid on such things.

You should try the original game though, fun game, hard as hell.

If I ever play Jojos I’ll probably learn either Dio, Kakyoin, or Petshop.

So the two hardest and the broken one?

Good to see this!
Now I can finally get something off my chest!

“Filia is the hottest fighting game chick ever!”

Ok Bye!

Why not? I’ll fall back on Petshop while learning the hard ones!

Skullgirls players on blast, good shit Peter.

Dio and Kakyoin are harder than Devo?

I think Kakyoin is the hardest one in the game. Other than that, I don’t know the exact lengths of character difficulty.

Oh right, I forgot about Kakyoin’s webs and the controllable super - not to mention he can control Hierophant Green separately.

But I don’t see how Dio is that hard. Then again I was never good enough at that game to gauge most of the characters’ strengths properly, sans exceptions like Kahn who’s ass and PetShop who’s basically a Marvel 3 character.

GG is awesome. While you won’t need to play the old Jojo’s to play the new one, The old one is a incredible game and you should play it anyway.

Fanatiq picking up Skullgirls after EVO. My body is ready.

Lucky for him is just in time for the patch.