I don’t even care if the hip bump is a snap-back lol. I just want it in there.
Although a hip bump snap-back would be godly too.
Man, Squigly is such a classy bitch 8-).
For some reason I’m not very interested in it. Probably because I’m already so happy with Skullgirls and a new GG is on the way. I’ll certainly try it though.
me, I got sold since I’m a fan of the Rpg series and the game looks like a solid fighter
The characters,story,and music are what sold it for me
I would play it… but I have yet to play ANY persona game, and I am worried it will ruin the game if I play this fighter first… as fun as it looks.
Never got the chance to try it out at EVO, kinda intimidated by the fact there was always a line and always good people. Did try KOF and might just start to get addicted to that.
Me, most likely. Depending on when Europe’s copies get released so I can get that shit imported.
I demand someone make art of Squigly Snapping back someone with her hips.
I’m going to play it. I know people will play it offline here for a bit, but I fear it is dead on arrival in Australia with the region lock stupidity.
I’ll probably try Persona. I didn’t get a chance to play it at EVO, but Dacidbro’s hype for the game convinced me I gotta give it a shot. Gonna play Kanji >B^]
I believe in Arc System they haven’t steered me wrong they steered me in many directions but never in the wrong one.
Guilty Gear…so many directions…
Yeah, a huge factor is gonna be the GG Re-release (With a balance update!). XX was near and dear to me, and as cool as persona looks it’s not the same. I always thought 3SO should’ve updated with a balance patch but I represent a filthy, uneducated minority.
As a complete aside, SF4:AE is on the Steam flash sale for 10 bucks for the next 6 hours, if that’s your thing.
I’ll be playing Elisabeth, Yukiko, or Labrys (or Shadow).
One of those four (probably Labrys lol).
Lol ill be playing GG too, i try every fighting game atleast once before i make a decision whether to trade it in or take it seriously. I’ll probably get marvel origins too it’s fun as hell.
Yea my friend has a hacked xbox but i’d rather just wait and buy the game so i don’t get like a “headstart” and just pwn people who are just learning.
Never tried the RPG’s either i didn’t plan to LOL
I’m not touching P4U. I have no real interest in the game.
I absolutely can not wait for GG though. Hopefully the new loketest is announced so the Japanese can stop being silly and finally try to fucking do 5H>Undertow>5H>Undertow>etc with Slayer.
Yay, I’m not alone.
I’ll give Persona 4 a shot. The chick with the fur looks badass.
I found this article and found it be really amazing. It’s about the business side of the video game industry, increasing budgets and what it means for the future. Lots of info, things look really grim for the next console gen.
I’m not touching P4A until it drops to around $20. Or we get the Revised Devil Edition or whatever, and that drops in price.
Not paying $60 for that, the RPGs aren’t even that good - completely overhyped. They’re solid, but that’s about it, and the plot is more weaksauce than most of the Shin Megami Tensei RPGs. DDS1 and DDS2 was much better and a had a far more satisfying battle system.
Same here D: . I have no experience with those kind of games so I was hoping at some point I could just get on when the line died down. That… that never happened lol. I just like the guy with the folding chair. I know nothing about the Persona series either. The thing that I’m confused on is… is there only one normal attack button? I remember reading up on it and it sounds like you just use one button to chain attacks. Other buttons for your like summon attacks or whatever. If that’s the case that… that sounds really weak D: .
Gonna play Chie when P4U comes out, then branch out to whoever looks cool. Mitsuru won me over ASAP with her time-out pose.
(reposted from P4U thread)
She’s top tier and she knows it. Good lord.
yooooo that’s one bad bitch